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O boss Gaz'Haragoth.

Em Tibia uma criatura denominada "Chefe" ou "Boss" é uma criatura única que possui força superior a todos os outros de sua raça.

Bosses não são encontrados com a mesma frequência das criaturas normais, eles só são achados ocasiões raras e em locais específicos. É preciso ter sorte para encontrar um. Há vários itens que só podem ser obtidos por loot de bosses, seu valor varia conforme a força e a raridade do boss em questão. Alguns desses, inclusive, servem para addons, como a Dragon Claw e o raríssimo Ferumbras' Hat, ou até para outras utilidades.

Os chefes também não são restringidos pelas medidas "anti-luring" normais e eles não vão desaparecer (poof) caso se distanciem de seu ponto de respawn.

As aparições de bosses mais poderosos como Orshabaal, Ferumbras e outros. Atualmente o boss mais poderoso que se tem notícia é o temível Gaz'Haragoth. Para matar essa criatura é necessário um verdadeiro exército de jogadores, sendo necessário uma boa estratégia. Qualquer descuido e essa criatura pode matar uma grande quantidade de jogadores em poucos hits.

Embora já exista uma grande quantidade de bosses que desafiam os jogadores, ainda há criaturas ainda mais poderosas que são citadas em livros do jogo ou em conversas com NPCs. Aparentemente, algumas estão escondidas nas sombras esperando por algo e nunca se revelaram aos olhos humanos, outras estão em uma dimensões paralelas à nossa, esperando serem libertadas para causar a destruição.

Lista de Bosses

Criatura HP Exp Charms Dificuldade Loot
Abyssador Abyssador.gif Hearthp.png 300000 Xpbestiary.png 50000 ‐‐ ‐‐
Abyssador's Lash (sempre).
Crystal Crossbow, Crystalline Sword, Mycological Bow, Crystalline Axe, Mycological Mace, Shiny Blade.
Decorative Ribbon.
Aftershock Aftershock.gif Hearthp.png 105000? Xpbestiary.png 0? ‐‐ ‐‐
Annihilon Annihilon.gif Hearthp.png 40000 Xpbestiary.png 10000 ‐‐ ‐‐
0-300 Gold Coins, Blue Gem, Demon Shield, Small Amethyst, Stealth Rig, Ring of Healing, Fire Axe, Silver Amulet.
Anomaly Anomaly.gif Hearthp.png 290000 Xpbestiary.png 0? ‐‐ ‐‐
Apocalypse Apocalypse.gif Hearthp.png 25000000? Xpbestiary.png 1000000? ‐‐ ‐‐
Acredita-se que itens muito raros.
Azazel Azazel.gif Hearthp.png 5000000? Xpbestiary.png 10000000? ‐‐ ‐‐
0-100 Crystal Coins, 0-20 Demonic Essence, 0-5 Iron Ore, 0-3 Flawless Ice Crystal, 0-15 Minor Crystalline Token, Boots of Haste, 0-3 Titanium Token, 0-3 Gold Token, 0-3 Silver Token.
Great Mana Potion, Necrotic Rod, Crystal Ball, Moonlight Rod, Great Health Potion, Golden Mug, Devil Helmet, Red Tome, Magic Plate Armor, Golden Legs, Demon Shield, Mastermind Shield, Skull Staff, Fire Axe, Magma Coat, Ultimate Health Potion, Great Spirit Potion, Strange Symbol, Magic Light Wand, Platinum Amulet, Ancient Amulet, Death Ring, Mind Stone, 0-100 Infernal Bolt, 0-13 Demon Horn, 0-10 Major Crystalline Token.
Royal Crossbow, Great Shield, Chain Bolter, Ironworker, Teddy Bear, Morgaroth's Heart, Wand of Dimensions, Wand of Everblazing, Glacial Rod, Koshei's Ancient Amulet, Ornate Mace, Elite Draken Mail, Ornate Shield, Spellbook of Vigilance, Obsidian Truncheon, Dark lord's Cape, Demonbone, Calamity, Stomper, Oceanborn Leviathan Armor.
Thunder Hammer, Fireborn Giant Armor, Thorn Spitter, Golden Boots, Wand of Dimensions, Wand of Defiance, Muck Rod, Sun Catcher, Starlight Vial, Moon Mirror.
Muito raro:
Dread Doll, Crystal Key, Decorative Ribbon, Bone Fiddle, Molten Plate, Devileye, Pure Energy, Windborn Colossus Armor, Earthborn titan Armor, Shadow Cowl, Final Judgement.
Apprentice Sheng Apprentice Sheng.gif Hearthp.png 95 Xpbestiary.png 100 ‐‐ ‐‐
0-20 Gold Coins, 0-6 Carrots, 0-2 Dead Snakes, 0-2 Torches, Leather Helmet, Leather Legs, Knife (semi-raro), Minotaur Leather (sempre), Taurus Mace, Heavy Magic Missile Rune.
Arachir the Ancient One Arachir the Ancient One.gif Hearthp.png 1600 Xpbestiary.png 1800 ‐‐ ‐‐
Durante invasões:
0-98 Gold Coins, 0-2 Platinum Coin, Skull, Strong Health Potion, Ring of Healing (raro), Vampire Shield (raro), Bloody Edge (muito raro), Blood Preservation (sempre), Vampire Lord Token (sempre).
Armenius (Criatura) Armenius (Criatura).gif Hearthp.png 1000 Xpbestiary.png 720 ‐‐ ‐‐
0-180 Gold Coins,
0-2 Scarab Coin, 0-3 Small Emerald, 0-4 Small Amethyst.
Magic Light Wand, Plate Armor.
Scarab Pincers, Ancient Amulet, Scarab Amulet, Terra Hood, Strong Health Potion.
Muito raro:
Daramian Waraxe, Scarab Shield.
Ascending Ferumbras Ascending Ferumbras.gif Hearthp.png ? Xpbestiary.png ? ‐‐ ‐‐
0-200 Gold Coins, 0-200 Platinum Coins, 0-3 Silver Tokens.
0-2 Gold Ingot, 0-100 Small Emerald, Giant Shimmering Pearl.
Great Shield, Spellbook of Lost Souls, Golden Armor, Golden Legs, Velvet Mantle, Demon Shield, Divine Plate, Magma Legs, Tempest Shield, Emerald Bangle, Glacier Kilt, Lightning Legs, Phoenix Shield, Spellbook of Dark Mysteries, Terra Legs, Emerald Sword, Havoc Blade, Shadow Sceptre, Magic Plate Armor, Mastermind Shield, Runed Sword, Spellscroll of Prophecies, Chaos Mace.
Demonwing Axe, Greenwood Coat, Haunted Blade, Hellforged Axe, Obsidian Truncheon, Ornamented Axe, Queen's Sceptre, 0-54 Small Amethyst, 0-87 Small Topaz.
Muito raro:
Demonrage Sword, Jade Hammer, Skullcrusher, Soul Orb.
Azerus Azerus.gif Hearthp.png 250000 Xpbestiary.png 6000 ‐‐ ‐‐
Quando morto, se transforma em um portal.
Bane Lord Bane Lord.gif Hearthp.png 3000 Xpbestiary.png 500 ‐‐ ‐‐
Wooden Trash, Bag of Apple Slices (semi-raro), Golden Fir Cone (raro), Slug Drug (raro), Sugar Oat (sempre).
Barbaria Barbaria.gif Hearthp.png 555 Xpbestiary.png 355 ‐‐ ‐‐
0-35 Gold Coins, Chain Armor, Fur Bag, Grey Small Book, Hunting Spear, Torch.
Baron Brute Baron Brute.gif Hearthp.png 20100 Xpbestiary.png 3000 ‐‐ ‐‐
Battlemaster Zunzu Battlemaster Zunzu.gif Hearthp.png 4000 Xpbestiary.png 2500 ‐‐ ‐‐
0-136 Platinum Coins, Zaogun Flag, Zaoan Legs, Zaogun Shoulderplates, Red Lantern.
0-2 Strong Mana Potion, Lizard Scale, 0-2 Great Health Potion.
Zaoan Shoes, Zaoan Armor,
Bazir Bazir.gif Hearthp.png 110000? Xpbestiary.png 30000? ‐‐ ‐‐
Bibby Bloodbath Bibby Bloodbath.gif Hearthp.png 1200 Xpbestiary.png 1500 ‐‐ ‐‐
0-100 Gold Coins, 0-10 Platinum Coins, 0-3 Health Potions, 0-3 Mana Potions, 0-18 Throwing Stars, Dark Armor, Fish, Meat, Orcish Axe, Plate Legs, Stealth Ring, Two Handed Sword.
Magma Amulet.
Crusader Helmet.
Muito raro:
Butcher's Axe, Giant Sword, Orc Trophy.
Big Boss Trolliver Big Boss Trolliver.gif Hearthp.png 150 Xpbestiary.png 105 ‐‐ ‐‐
0-64 Gold Coins, 0-3 Meats, Hand Axe, Leather Boots, Silver Amulet, Spear, Studded Club, Wooden Shield.
Black Knight Black Knight.gif Hearthp.png 1800 Xpbestiary.png 1600 ‐‐ ‐‐
0-135 Gold Coins, 0-3 Spears, 0-2 Brown Bread.
Dark Armor, Battle Hammer, Dark Helmet, Halberd, Plate Armor, Rope, Brass Legs, Steel Helmet, Two Handed Sword.
Knight Axe, Warrior Helmet.
Knight Legs, Ruby Necklace, Knight Armor.
Muito raro:
Dragon Lance, Lightning Legs, Piggy Bank, Boots of Haste.
Balghordan Balghordan.gif Hearthp.png 50000000? Xpbestiary.png 0? ‐‐ ‐‐
Boogey Boogey.gif Hearthp.png 930 Xpbestiary.png 475 ‐‐ ‐‐
Brokul Brokul.gif Hearthp.png 50000 Xpbestiary.png 23000 ‐‐ ‐‐
0-5 Platinum Coins, 0-2 Gold Ingots, Broccoli, Small Diamond, Blue Gem (semi raro), Red Gem (semi raro), Deepling Ceremonial Dagger (raro), Deepling Fork (raro), The True Book of Death (sempre).
Brutus Bloodbeard Brutus Bloodbeard.gif Hearthp.png 1555 Xpbestiary.png 795 ‐‐ ‐‐
0-40 Gold Coin, Knight Armor, Skull, Plate Armor, Brutus Bloodbeard's Hat (sempre).
Bullwark Bullwark.gif Hearthp.png 65000 Xpbestiary.png 22000 ‐‐ ‐‐
0-200 Gold Coins, 0-5 Platinum Coins, 0-5 Great Health Potions, 0-5 Great Mana Potions, 0-5 Great Spirit Potions, 0-5? Hams, 0-5 Meats, 0-1 Minotaur Leather, 0-2 Moohtant Horns, 0-5 Small Diamonds, 0-5 Small Emeralds, 0-5 Small Rubies, 0-5 Small Sapphires, Giant Pacifier, Red Piece of Cloth (raro), Yellow Gem (raro).
Castle Guardian I Castle Guardian I.gif Hearthp.png 150000? Xpbestiary.png 1500000? ‐‐ ‐‐
Castle Guardian II Castle Guardian II.gif Hearthp.png 150000? Xpbestiary.png 1500000? ‐‐ ‐‐
Castle Guardian III Castle Guardian III.gif Hearthp.png 150000? Xpbestiary.png 1500000? ‐‐ ‐‐
Castle Guardian IV Castle Guardian IV.gif Hearthp.png 150000? Xpbestiary.png 1500000? ‐‐ ‐‐
Charged Anomaly Charged Anomaly.gif Hearthp.png 18000 Xpbestiary.png 20000 ‐‐ ‐‐
0-200 Gold Coins, 0-100 Platinum Coins, Mysterious Remains (sempre), Odd Organ (sempre), 0-4 Gold Tokens.
0-3 Blue Crystal Shard, 0-3 Violet Crystal Shard, 0-5 Great Spirit Potion, Green Crystal Shard, Nightmare Blade, Small Amethyst.
Blue Gem, Tiara of Power, Collar of Green Plasma, Collar of Red Plasma, Crystal Mace, Crystallized Anger, Curious Matter, Energy Ball, 0-5 Energy Bar, Frozen Lightning, 0-5 Great Mana Potion, Green Gem, Instable Proto Matter, Lightning Headband, Plasma Pearls, Plasmatic Lightning, Red Gem, Ring of Blue Plasma, Ring of Green Plasma, Ring of Red Plasma, Shadow Sceptre, 0-10 Small Diamond, 0-10 Small Sapphire, 0-10 Small Topaz, Spark Sphere, Spellbook of Warding, Chaos Mace, Void Boots, Yellow Gem.
Charging Outburst Charging Outburst.gif Hearthp.png 12000 Xpbestiary.png 20000 ‐‐ ‐‐
0-200 Gold Coins, 0-100 Platinum Coins, Mysterious Remains (sempre), Odd Organ (sempre), 0-4 Gold Tokens.
0-3 Blue Crystal Shard, 0-3 Violet Crystal Shard, 0-5 Great Spirit Potion, Green Crystal Shard, Nightmare Blade, Small Amethyst.
Blue Gem, Tiara of Power, Collar of Green Plasma, Collar of Red Plasma, Crystal Mace, Crystallized Anger, Curious Matter, Energy Ball, 0-5 Energy Bar, Frozen Lightning, 0-5 Great Mana Potion, Green Gem, Instable Proto Matter, Lightning Headband, Plasma Pearls, Plasmatic Lightning, Red Gem, Ring of Blue Plasma, Ring of Green Plasma, Ring of Red Plasma, Shadow Sceptre, 0-10 Small Diamond, 0-10 Small Sapphire, 0-10 Small Topaz, Spark Sphere, Spellbook of Warding, Chaos Mace, Void Boots, Yellow Gem.
Chizzoron the Distorter Chizzoron the Distorter.gif Hearthp.png 8500 Xpbestiary.png 7500 ‐‐ ‐‐
0-109 Gold Coins, Lizard Scale,
0-2 Gold Ingots, Small Emerald, Time Ring, Green Gem,
Dragon Scale Mail.
Crystal Boots.
Coldheart Coldheart.gif Hearthp.png 7000 Xpbestiary.png 3500 ‐‐ ‐‐
Countess Sorrow Countess Sorrow.gif Hearthp.png 7200 Xpbestiary.png 5150 ‐‐ ‐‐
Countess Sorrow's Frozen Tear (sempre).
Chuck Norris Chuck Norris.gif Hearthp.png 250000 Xpbestiary.png 1000000 ‐‐ ‐‐ Nenhum.
Dazed Leaf Golem Dazed Leaf Golem.gif Hearthp.png 10000 Xpbestiary.png 8000 ‐‐ ‐‐
0-437 Gold Coins.
Deadeye Devious Deadeye Devious.gif Hearthp.png 2000 Xpbestiary.png 500 ‐‐ ‐‐
0-140 Gold Coins, 0-3 Meat, 0-2 Skull, Plate Armor, Knight Armor, Pirate Backpack, Deadeye Devious' Eye Patch (sempre).
Durante invasões:
Silver Raid Token (raro), Very Old Piece of Paper (raro).
Death Priest Shargon Death Priest Shargon.gif Hearthp.png 65000 Xpbestiary.png 9000 ‐‐ ‐‐
0-100 Gold Coins, 0-15 Platinum Coins, 0-5 Great Health Potions, Gold Ingot, Necrotic Rod.
Deathbine Deathbine.gif Hearthp.png 525 Xpbestiary.png 340 ‐‐ ‐‐
1-5 Platinum Coins, 1-5 Carniphila Seeds, 0-4 Small Emeralds, Dark Mushroom, Seeds, Springsprout Rod, Terra Amulet, Terra Boots, Shadow Herb.
Sweet Smelling Bait.
Deathstrike Deathstrike.gif Hearthp.png 200000 Xpbestiary.png 40000 ‐‐ ‐‐
Crystalline Sword, Crystal Crossbow, Mycological Bow, Deathstrike's Snippet.
Crystalline Axe, Mycological Mace, Shiny Blade,
Deep Terror Deep Terror.gif Hearthp.png 500000 Xpbestiary.png 20000 ‐‐ ‐‐
Demodras Demodras.gif Hearthp.png 3750 Xpbestiary.png 6000 ‐‐ ‐‐
0-100 Gold Coins, 0-1 Green Mushrooms, 0-10 Power Bolts, Dragon Ham, Fire Sword, Gemmed Book, Red Dragon Leather, Small Sapphire, Tower Shield, Dragon Claw (sempre).
Royal Helmet.
Dragon Scale Mail.
Dreadbloom The Defiled Ent Dreadbloom The Defiled Ent.gif Hearthp.png 1100000? Xpbestiary.png 650000? ‐‐ ‐‐
0-100 Crystal Coins, 0-5 Demonic Candy Ball.
Jungle Wand, Jungle Rod, Jungle Bow, Jungle Flail, Magic Sulphur, Sacred Tree Amulet, Stone Skin Amulet, 0-7 Broken Shamanic Staff, 0-15 Brimstone Fangs, Piece of Swampling Wood.
0-5 Golden Raid Tokens, 0-4 Titanium Tokens, Living Armor, Winged Boots, Embrace of Nature, Bear Skin, Collar of Green Plasma, Collar of Red Plasma, Flawless Ice Crystal, Ring of Blue Plasma, Poisonous Slime.
Throwing Axe, Ghost Chestplate, Ivory Mask, Terra Helmet, Winterblade, Summerblade, Pure Energy.
Muito raro:
Bag You Desire.
Dharalion Dharalion.gif Hearthp.png 380 Xpbestiary.png 380 ‐‐ ‐‐
0-99 Gold Coins,
Scroll, Blank Rune, Closed Trap, Sandals, Melon, Sling Herb, Life Crystal, 0-3 Bread, 0-10 Worm, Green Tunic, Arrow, Bow, Bowl, Oil Lamp, Crystal Necklace, Yellow Gem.
Diblis the Fair Diblis the Fair.gif Hearthp.png 1600 Xpbestiary.png 1800 ‐‐ ‐‐
10-99 Gold Coins, 0-5 Platinum Coin, Skull, Vampire Lord Token.
Ring of Healing, Strong Health Potion.
Vampire Shield, Spellbook of Lost Souls.
Dirtbeard Dirtbeard.gif Hearthp.png 630 Xpbestiary.png 375 ‐‐ ‐‐
Diseased Bill Diseased Bill.gif Hearthp.png 1300 Xpbestiary.png 800 ‐‐ ‐‐
0-25 Gold Coins,
Great Health Potion, Ultimate Health Potion]], Great Spirit Potion, Plate Legs.
Hibiscus Dress, Springsprout Rod, Belted Cape.
Paladin Armor.
Diseased Dan Diseased Dan.gif Hearthp.png 1300 Xpbestiary.png 800 ‐‐ ‐‐
0-25 Gold Coins,
Great Health Potion, Ultimate Health Potion]], Great Spirit Potion, Plate Legs.
Hibiscus Dress, Springsprout Rod, Belted Cape.
Paladin Armor.
Diseased Fred Diseased Fred.gif Hearthp.png 1300 Xpbestiary.png 800 ‐‐ ‐‐
0-25 Gold Coins,
Great Health Potion, Ultimate Health Potion]], Great Spirit Potion, Plate Legs.
Hibiscus Dress, Springsprout Rod, Belted Cape.
Paladin Armor.
Doctor Perhaps Doctor Perhaps.gif Hearthp.png 475 Xpbestiary.png 325 ‐‐ ‐‐
Aleatoriamente um dos itens: Mighty Helm of Green Sparks, Trousers of the Ancients, Meat Shield, Glutton's Mace.
Doomhowl Doomhowl.gif Hearthp.png 34000 Xpbestiary.png 3750 ‐‐ ‐‐
Dracola Dracola.gif Hearthp.png 15850 Xpbestiary.png 7750 ‐‐ ‐‐
8-210 Gold Coins, 0-4 Platinum Coins, Dracola's Eye.
Dreadwing Dreadwing.gif Hearthp.png 34000 Xpbestiary.png 3750 ‐‐ ‐‐
Earth Overlord Earth Overlord.gif Hearthp.png 4000 Xpbestiary.png 2800 ‐‐ ‐‐
0-168 Gold Coins, 0-3 Platinum Coins, Lump of Earth, Mother Soil.
Coal, Terra Mantle, Shiny Stone.
Elite Energy Seeker Elite Energy Seeker.gif Hearthp.png ? Xpbestiary.png ? ‐‐ ‐‐
Elite Frost Nova Elite Frost Nova.gif Hearthp.png ? Xpbestiary.png ? ‐‐ ‐‐
Elite Heat Master Elite Heat Master.gif Hearthp.png ? Xpbestiary.png ? ‐‐ ‐‐
Elite Master Elite Master.gif Hearthp.png 2000000? Xpbestiary.png 44250 ? ‐‐ Desafiador
Energized Raging Mage Energized Raging Mage.gif Hearthp.png 3500 Xpbestiary.png 0 ‐‐ ‐‐
Energy Overlord Energy Overlord.gif Hearthp.png 4000 Xpbestiary.png 2800 ‐‐ ‐‐
0-100 Gold Coins, 0-3 Platinum Coins.
Eradicator Eradicator.gif Hearthp.png 290000 Xpbestiary.png 0 ‐‐ ‐‐
Esmeralda Esmeralda.gif Hearthp.png 800 Xpbestiary.png 600 ‐‐ ‐‐
0-119 Gold Coins, 0-4 Platinum Coins, 0-3 Halberd, Knight Armor, Stone Herb, Tower Shield, Epee (semi-raro), Terra Mantle (raro), Mutated Rat Tail (sempre), Ring of Healing (sempre).
Evil Mastermind Evil Mastermind.gif Hearthp.png 1095 Xpbestiary.png 675 ‐‐ ‐‐
Fatality Fatality.gif Hearthp.png 24000 Xpbestiary.png 4300 ‐‐ ‐‐
Fernfang Fernfang.gif Hearthp.png 400 Xpbestiary.png 400 ‐‐ ‐‐
0-95 Gold Coins, 0-2 Staffs, Bread, Lamp, Power Ring, Sandals, Scroll, Wooden Whistle (raro).
Feroxa (Mortal) Feroxa (Mortal).gif Hearthp.png 90000? Xpbestiary.png 10000? ‐‐ ‐‐
0-5 Platinum Coins, 0-2 Great Health Potions, Great Mana Potions, Great Spirit Potions, Ultimate Health Potions, Blue Crystal Shards, 0-3 Blue Crystal Splinters, 0-3 Brown Crystal Splinters, Green Crystal Shards, 0-2 Green Crystal Splinters, Moonlight Crystals, 0-3 Small Diamonds, 0-3 Small Emeralds, 0-3 Small Rubies, 0-5 Small Sapphires, 0-3 Small Topazes, 0-5 Violet Crystal Shards, Blue Gem, Red Gem.
Angelic Axe, Badger Boots, Bonebreaker, Dreaded Cleaver, Fur Armor, Relic Sword, Stone Skin Amulet, Underworld Rod, Wand of Voodoo, Wereboar Loincloth, Werewolf Amulet.
Trophy of Feroxa, Werewolf Helmet, Wolf Backpack.
Ferumbras Ferumbras.gif Hearthp.png 35000 Xpbestiary.png 12000 ‐‐ ‐‐
0-184 Gold Coins, 0-3 Small Emeralds, Great Axe, Magic Plate Armor, Platinum Amulet, Talon, Coconut, Mastermind Shield, Ferumbras' Hat.
Fire Overlord Fire Overlord.gif Hearthp.png 4000 Xpbestiary.png 2800 ‐‐ ‐‐
0-75 Gold Coins, 0-3 Platinum Coins, Magma Coat (muito raro), Eternal Flames (sempre), Fiery Heart (sempre).
Fleshslicer Fleshslicer.gif Hearthp.png 95 Xpbestiary.png 0 ‐‐ ‐‐
Foreman Kneebiter Foreman Kneebiter.gif Hearthp.png 445 Xpbestiary.png 570 ‐‐ ‐‐
0-100 Gold Coins, Battle Shield, Iron Ore.
Foreshock Foreshock.gif Hearthp.png 105000 Xpbestiary.png 0 ‐‐ ‐‐
Freegoiz Freegoiz.gif Hearthp.png 80000 Xpbestiary.png 35000 ‐‐ ‐‐
Furyosa Furyosa.gif Hearthp.png 25000 Xpbestiary.png 11500 ‐‐ ‐‐
0-200 Gold Coins, 0-25 Platinum Coins, 5 Jalapeño Peppers (sempre), 0-5 Great Mana Potions, Crystal Ring, Concentrated Demonic Blood, Death Ring, Red Piece of Cloth, Steel Boots, Soul Orb, Demonic Essence, Silver Raid Token (semi-raro), Phoenix Shield (raro), Furious Frock (raro)?.
Fury of the Emperor Fury of the Emperor.gif Hearthp.png 28800 Xpbestiary.png 26600 ‐‐ ‐‐
Gaz'Haragoth Gaz'Haragoth.gif Hearthp.png 1000000 Xpbestiary.png 2000000 ‐‐ ‐‐
0-20 Platinum Coin, 0-6 Crystal Coins, 0-100 Great Mana Potions, 0-100 Great Spirit Potions, 0-100 Ultimate Health Potions.
0-100 Assassin Stars, 0-15 Blue Crystal Splinters, 0-15 Green Crystal Shards, 0-15 Green Crystal Splinters, 0-100 Infernal Bolts, 0-15 Violet Crystal Shard, Blue Gem, Demon Horn, Demonic Essence, Giant Shimmering Pearl, Life Ring, Red Piece of Cloth, Yellow Piece of Cloth.
0-14 Cluster of Solace, 0-3 Dream Matter, 0-3 Unrealized Dream, Crude Umbral Axe, Crude Umbral Blade, Crude Umbral Bow, Crude Umbral Chopper, Crude Umbral Crossbow, Crude Umbral Hammer, Crude Umbral Mace, Crude Umbral Slayer, Crude Umbral Spellbook, Phoenix Charm, Solitude Charm, Spiritual Charm, Twin Sun Charm, Unity Charm.
Boots of Haste, Dream Warden Mask, Eye Pod, Magma Coat, Nightmare Beacon, Umbral Axe, Umbral Blade, Umbral Bow, Umbral Chopper, Umbral Crossbow, Umbral Hammer, Umbral Mace, Umbral Slayer, Umbral Spellbook.
Muito raro:
Demonic Tapestry, Nightmare Horn, Psychedelic Tapestry, Umbral Master Axe, Umbral Master Bow, Umbral Master Chopper, Umbral Master Crossbow, Umbral Master Hammer, Umbral Master Mace, Umbral Master Slayer, Umbral Master Spellbook, Umbral Masterblade.
General Murius General Murius.gif Hearthp.png 550 Xpbestiary.png 300 ‐‐ ‐‐
0-95 Gold Coin, 0-3 Platinum Coin, Brass Armor, Meat, Plate Armor, Brass Legs, Green Tunic, Longsword, Warrior Helmet, Dagger, Sword Ring, 0-10 Worm, Broadsword, Fish, Plate Shield, Scimitar, Throwing Knife.
Ghazbaran Ghazbaran.gif Hearthp.png 2000000 Xpbestiary.png 200000 ‐‐ ‐‐
0-10 Gold Coins, 0-47 Assassin Stars, 0-15 Black Pearls, 0-2 Demon Horns, 0-5 Demonic Essences, 0-1 Gold Ingot, 0-82 Onyx Arrows, 0-1 Orb, 0-11 Small Diamonds, 0-4 Small Emeralds, 0-13 Small Sapphires, 0-5 Talons, 0-5 White Pearls, Berserk Potion, Big Bone, Blue Gem, Blue Tome, Death Ring, Demon Shield, Energy Ring, Gold Ring, Golden Legs, Great Health Potion, Green Gem, Magic Light Wand, Mastermind Shield, Mind Stone, Mythril Axe, Protection Amulet, Ring of Healing, Silver Amulet, Skull Staff, Stealth Ring.
Spellbook of Lost Souls, Spellbook of Mind Control, Spellscroll of Prophecies, Spellbook of Warding, Crystalline Armor, Double Axe, 0-5 Great Spirit Potions, 0-5 Ultimate Health Potions, 0-3 Strong Health Potions.
Teddy Bear, Morgaroth's Heart, Ravenwing, Bonebreaker, Ruthless Axe, Big Bone, Demonbone, Havoc Blade, Glorious Axe, Twin Axe.
Golden Boots, Thunder Hammer, Spellbook of Dark Mysteries, Oceanborn Leviathan Armor.
Muito raro:
Bookworm Doll.
Glooth Fairy Glooth Fairy.gif Hearthp.png 59000 Xpbestiary.png 19000 ‐‐ ‐‐
0-100 Gold Coins, 0-5 Platinum Coins, 0-5 Bowl of Glooth Soup, 0-3 Glooth Injection Tubes, 0-5 Glooth Sandwichs, 0-5 Glooth Spears, 0-5 Great Health Potions, 0-5 Great Mana Potions, 0-5 Great Spirit Potions, 0-5 Small Amethysts, 0-5 Small Diamonds, 0-5 Small Rubies, 0-5 Small Sapphires, 0-5 Small Topazes, Gear Wheel, Glooth Amulet, Glooth Axe, Glooth Blade, Glooth Club, Iron Ore, Glooth Cape (semi-raro), Heat Core (semi-raro), Red Gem (semi-raro), Rubber Cap (semi-raro), Yellow Gem (semi-raro), Feedbag (raro).
Gnomevil Gnomevil.gif Hearthp.png 250000 Xpbestiary.png 45000 ‐‐ ‐‐
Gnomevil's Hat (sempre), Crystal Crossbow, Crystalline Sword, Mycological Bow.
Shiny Blade, Mycological Mace, Crystalline Axe.
Decorative Ribbon.
Golgordan Golgordan.gif Hearthp.png 40000 Xpbestiary.png 10000 ‐‐ ‐‐
0-300 Gold Coins, 0-3 Small Amethysts, Blue Gem, Boots of Haste, Demon Shield, Fire Axe, Silver Amulet, Stealth Ring, Ring of Healing.
Grand Canon Dominus Grand Canon Dominus.gif Hearthp.png 15000 Xpbestiary.png 11000 ‐‐ ‐‐
0-3 Platinum Coins, 0-2 Assassin Stars, 0-2 Small Amethysts, 0-2 Small Emeralds, 0-2 Small Ruby, 0-2 Small Topaz, 1 Small Enchanted Amethyst (Sempre).
Golden Armor, Mastermind Shield, Patch of Fine Cloth, Red Gem, Violet Gem.
Muito raro:
Falcon Plate, Falcon Wand, Falcon Bow.
Grand Chaplain Gaunder Grand Chaplain Gaunder.gif Hearthp.png 15000 Xpbestiary.png 14000 ‐‐ ‐‐
0-12 Onyx Arrows, 0-3 Small Emeralds, Great Spirit Potion.
Damaged Armor Plates, Giant Shimmering Pearl, Patch of Fine Cloth.
Muito raro:
Falcon Longsword, Falcon Shield.
Grand Commander Soeren Grand Commander Soeren.gif Hearthp.png 17000 Xpbestiary.png 10000 ‐‐ ‐‐
0-5 Platinum Coins, 0-3 Onyx Arrows, 0-2 Small Amethysts, 0-2 Small Emeralds, (sempre).
Damaged Armor Plates, Falcon Crest.
Patch of Fine Cloth.
Red Gem, Violet Gem, Green Gem.
Muito raro:
Falcon Bow, Falcon Coif.
Grand Master Oberon Grand Master Oberon.gif Hearthp.png 30000 Xpbestiary.png 20000 ‐‐ ‐‐
The Spatial Warp Almanac (sempre)
Grant of Arms.
Muito raro:
Falcon Battleaxe, Falcon Longsword, Falcon Mace, Falcon Bow, Falcon Circlet, Falcon Coif, Falcon Rod, Falcon Wand, Falcon Greaves, Falcon Plate, Falcon Shield.
Grand Mother Foulscale Grand Mother Foulscale.gif Hearthp.png 1850 Xpbestiary.png 1400 ‐‐ ‐‐
Durante invasões:
0-63 Gold Coins, Crossbow, Double Axe, Dragon Ham, Dragon Hammer, Dragon Shield, Dragonbone Staff , Plate Legs, Steel Helmet, Green Dragon Scale (sempre), Green Dragon Leather (sempre).
Groam Groam.gif Hearthp.png 400 Xpbestiary.png 180 ‐‐ ‐‐
0-80 Gold Coins, 0-4 Hunting Spear, Life Ring,
Heavily Rust Remover.
Grorlam Grorlam.gif Hearthp.png 3000 Xpbestiary.png 2400 ‐‐ ‐‐
Durante invasões:
1-100 Gold Coins, Carlin Sword, Scale Armor, Small Stone, Torch.
Hairman The Huge Hairman The Huge.gif Hearthp.png 600 Xpbestiary.png 335 ‐‐ ‐‐
0-60 Gold Coins, 0-2 Bananas, Club Ring, Ape Fur, Power Ring, Protection Amulet, Plate Armor.
Halloween Pumpkin Halloween Pumpkin.gif Hearthp.png 2000000? Xpbestiary.png 5000000? ‐‐ ‐‐
Haunter Haunter.gif Hearthp.png 34000 Xpbestiary.png 4000 ‐‐ ‐‐
Hellgorak Hellgorak.gif Hearthp.png 40000 Xpbestiary.png 10000 ‐‐ ‐‐
0-300 Gold Coins, 0-25 Small Amethysts, Noble Axe, Silver Amulet, Solar Axe (muito raro), Mastermind Shield (muito raro), Demon Shield, Boots of Haste.
Heoni Heoni.gif Hearthp.png 795 Xpbestiary.png 515 ‐‐ ‐‐
Hide Hide.gif Hearthp.png 500 Xpbestiary.png 240 ‐‐ ‐‐
0-7 Platinum Coins, 0-4 Spider Silks, Knight Legs, Steel Helmet, Terra Hood, Time Ring.
Horadron Horadron.gif Hearthp.png 30000 Xpbestiary.png 18000 ‐‐ ‐‐
0-200 Gold Coins, 0-50 Platinum Coins, 0-25 Small Amethysts, 0-25 Small Diamonds, 0-25 Small Sapphires, 0-25 Small Topazes, Beastslayer Axe, Blue Robe, Crown Armor, Crown Legs, Executioner, Golden Armor, Knight Legs, Lightning Legs, Noble Axe, Spellbook of Lost Souls, Spellbook of Mind Control, Spellbook of Warding, Steel Boots, Vile Axe, Dream Matter (raro), Dream Warden Mask (raro), Cluster of Solace (sempre), Demon Horn (sempre), Demonic Essence (sempre), Unrealized Dream (sempre).
Horestis Horestis.gif Hearthp.png 6000 Xpbestiary.png 3500 ‐‐ ‐‐
0-243 Gold Coins, 0-5 Platinum Coin, 0-5 Scarab Coin, 0-4 Great Health Potion, 0-3 Great Mana Potion, Hieroglyph Banner, Pharaoh Banner, Rusted Legs, Silver Brooch, Mini Mummy (muito raro), Pharaoh Sword (muito raro), Twin Axe (muito raro), Scorpion Sceptre (sempre).
Ice Arch Demon Ice Arch Demon.gif Hearthp.png 200000 Xpbestiary.png 200000 ‐‐ ‐‐
Ice Overlord Ice Overlord.gif Hearthp.png 2800 Xpbestiary.png 1950 ‐‐ ‐‐
0-38 Gold Coins, 0-3 Platinum Coins, Flawless Ice Crystal (sempre).
Illithid The Mindflayer Illithid The Mindflayer.gif Hearthp.png 900000 Xpbestiary.png 500000 ‐‐ ‐‐
0-100 Crystal coins, (sempre).
Winged Boots, Fabulous Legs, Foxtail Amulet, 0-5 Golden Raid Tokens, Cursed Bone, 0-20 Rope Belt, 0-15 Broken Shamanic Staff, Brain Head's Brain, Stone Skin Amulet, Bow of Cataclysm, 0-20 Magic Sulphur, 0-5 Demonic Candy Ball, Energized Limb, 0-4 Titanium Tokens.
Rainbow Necklace, Flawless Ice Crystal, Astral Source, Tagralt Blade, Shoulder Plate.
Pair of Nightmare Boots, Pair of Dreamwalkers, Make-do Boots, Pure Energy, Collar of Green Plasma, Ivory Mask, Ring of Blue Plasma, Collar of Red Plasma.
Muito raro:
Bag You Desire.
Infernatil Infernatil.gif Hearthp.png 270000 Xpbestiary.png 85000 ‐‐ ‐‐
Acredita-se que itens muito raros.
Inky Inky.gif Hearthp.png 750 Xpbestiary.png 250 ‐‐ ‐‐
Jailer Jailer.gif Hearthp.png 65 Xpbestiary.png 45 ‐‐ ‐‐
0-100 Gold Coins.
Jaul Jaul.gif Hearthp.png 200000 Xpbestiary.png 300000 ‐‐ ‐‐
Deepling Axe, Depth Calcei, Depth Galea, Depth Lorica, Ornate Chestplate, Ornate Legs, Ornate Mace, Ornate Shield.
Koshei the Deathless Koshei the Deathless.gif Hearthp.png 2000 Xpbestiary.png 0 ‐‐ ‐‐
0-100 Gold coins.
Platinum Amulet.
Blue Robe, Lightning Boots, Castle Shield, Stealth Ring, Dirty Cape, Spellbook, Gold Ring, Lich Staff.
Latrivan Latrivan.gif Hearthp.png 40000 Xpbestiary.png 10000 ‐‐ ‐‐
60-273 Gold Coins, 0-3 Small Amethysts, Boots of Haste, Demon Shield, Fire Axe, Ring of Healing, Silver Amulet, Stealth Ring, Mastermind Shield.
Lethal Lissy Lethal Lissy.gif Hearthp.png 1450 Xpbestiary.png 500 ‐‐ ‐‐
0-139 Gold Coins, 0-2 Skull, Double Axe, Knight Armor, Plate Armor, Small Diamond, The Lethal Lissy's Shirt (sempre).
Leviathan Leviathan.gif Hearthp.png 6000 Xpbestiary.png 5000 ‐‐ ‐‐
0-160 Gold coins, 0-6 Platinum Coin, 0-3 Small Sapphire.
Lisa Lisa.gif Hearthp.png 65000 Xpbestiary.png 18000 ‐‐ ‐‐
5 Bowl of Glooth Soups, 5 Glooth Sandwichs, 5 Great Health Potions, 5 Great Mana Potions, 5 Great Spirit Potions, 5 Glooth Steaks, 3 Slimy Leaf Tentacles, 5 Small Amethysts, 5 Small Diamonds, 5 Small Rubies, 5 Small Topazes, Glooth Club, Glooth Spear, Glooth Whip, Glooth Amulet (raro), Glooth Axe (raro), Glooth Blade (raro), Glooth Cape (raro), Red Gem (raro), Yellow Gem (raro), Lisa's Doll (muito raro).
Lizard Abomination Lizard Abomination.gif Hearthp.png 63000 Xpbestiary.png 15000? ‐‐ ‐‐
Lord of the Elements Lord of the Elements.gif Hearthp.png 8000 Xpbestiary.png 8000 ‐‐ ‐‐
0-9 Platinum Coins, 0-3 Small Amethysts, 0-4 Small Emeralds, 0-4 Small Rubies, 0-4 Small Sapphires, Gold Ingot, Earthborn Titan Armor (muito raro).
Mad Mage Mad Mage.gif Hearthp.png 2200 Xpbestiary.png 1800 ‐‐ ‐‐
0-140 Gold Coins, 0-5 Assassin Stars, 0-3 Dark Mushrooms, 0-5 Strong Health Potions, 0-5 Strong Mana Potions, Red Piece of Cloth (raro), Mage's Cap (muito raro).
Mad Technomancer Mad Technomancer.gif Hearthp.png 1800 Xpbestiary.png 55 ‐‐ ‐‐
Technomancer Beard (sempre).
Madareth Madareth.gif Hearthp.png 40000 Xpbestiary.png 10000 ‐‐ ‐‐
0-300 Gold Coins, Ring of Healing, 0-3 Small Amethyst, Fire Axe, Demon Shield, Boots of Haste, Mastermind Shield.
Man In The Cave Man In The Cave.gif Hearthp.png 485 Xpbestiary.png 555 ‐‐ ‐‐
Durante invasões:
0-38 Gold Coins, 1-3 Rope (sempre), Brown Piece of Cloth, Fur Cap, Mercenary Sword, Shard.
Massacre Massacre.gif Hearthp.png 30000 Xpbestiary.png 9800 ‐‐ ‐‐
Durante invasões:
Piece of Massacre's Shell (sempre).
Mawhawk Mawhawk.gif Hearthp.png 55000 Xpbestiary.png 15000 ‐‐ ‐‐
Durante invasões:
Gold Coins, 0-5 Blue Crystal Shards, 0-8 Blue Crystal Splinters, 0-9 Brown Crystal Splinters, 0-3 Green Crystal Shards, 0-9 Green Crystal Splinters, 0-5 Violet Crystal Shards, Assassin Dagger, Fire Sword, Fish Fin, Hardened Bone, Haunted Blade, Iron Ore, Nightmare Blade, Red Piece of Cloth, 1-2 Cluster of Solace (sempre), Frazzle Tongue (sempre), 1-2 Unrealized Dream (sempre).
Mazoran Mazoran.gif Hearthp.png 370000 Xpbestiary.png 60000 ‐‐ ‐‐
0-200 Gold Coins, 0-258 Platinum Coins, 0-54 Small Amethysts, 0-98 Small Sapphires, 0-87 Small Topazess, 0-10 Giant Shimmering Pearl, Glacier Kilt, Demonic Essence, Energy Ring, Fire Axe, Gold Ingot, Rift Bow, Rift Crossbow, Silver Token (sempre), Impaler of the Igniter (raro), Tempest Shield (muito raro).
Menace Menace.gif Hearthp.png 24000 Xpbestiary.png 4200 ‐‐ ‐‐
Mephiles Mephiles.gif Hearthp.png 415 Xpbestiary.png 415 ‐‐ ‐‐
Monstor Monstor.gif Hearthp.png 960 Xpbestiary.png 575 ‐‐ ‐‐
Morgaroth Morgaroth.gif Hearthp.png 2000000 Xpbestiary.png 200000 ‐‐ ‐‐
0-10 Crystal Coins, 0-5 Demonic Essences, 0-4 Small Emeralds, 0-11 Small Diamonds, 0-13 White Pearls, 0-13 Small Sapphires, 0-13 Demon Horns, Blue Gem, Crystal Ring, Death Ring, Demonbone, Devil Helmet, Double Axe, Energy Ring, Magic Light Wand, Crystal Ball, Giant Sword, Golden Legs, Golden Mug, Great Health Potion, 0-5 Great Mana Potion, Great Shield, Great Spirit Potion, Green Gem, Magic Plate Armor, Magma Coat, Mind Stone, Orb, Red Tome, Strange Symbol, Stone Skin Amulet, Ultimate Health Potion.
Molten Plate, Platinum Amulet, The Stomper, Thunder Hammer, Chain Bolter, Dark Lord's Cape, Dragon Robe, Fireborn Giant Armor, Morgaroth's Heart, Obsidian Truncheon, Royal Crossbow, Teddy Bear, The Devileye.
Muito raro:
Phoenix Statue.
Morik the Gladiator Morik the Gladiator.gif Hearthp.png 1235 Xpbestiary.png 160 ‐‐ ‐‐
Morik's Helmet (sempre).
Mr. Punish Mr. Punish.gif Hearthp.png 12000 Xpbestiary.png 5500 ‐‐ ‐‐
Durante invasões:
Mr. Punish's Handcuffs (sempre).
Munster Munster.gif Hearthp.png 58 Xpbestiary.png 23 ‐‐ ‐‐
Durante invasões:
0-21 Gold Coins, Jacket, Bone Club, Cheese, Cookie (raro).
Mutated Zalamon Mutated Zalamon.gif Hearthp.png 140000 Xpbestiary.png 30000? ‐‐ ‐‐
Necropharus Necropharus.gif Hearthp.png 750 Xpbestiary.png 700 ‐‐ ‐‐
0-40 Gold Coins, Bowl, Fire Sword, Shadow Herb, 0-10 Worm, Big Bone, Bone Shield, Clerical Mace, Green Mushroom, Moonlight Rod, Mystic Turban, Skull, Skull Staff (semi-raro), Boots of Haste (raro), Horseman Helmet (raro), Soul Stone (sempre).
Nergal Nergal.gif Hearthp.png 400000 Xpbestiary.png 100000 ‐‐ ‐‐
0-15 Crystal Coins.
Magic Plate Armor, Golden Legs, Mastermind Shield, Demonrage Sword.
Depth Scutum, Flawless Ice Crystal.
Shield of Corruption, Voltage Armor, Robe of the Underworld, Royal Draken Mail, Ornate Calcei, Depth Lorica, Ornate Chestplate, Frozen Plate, Molten Plate, Divine Plate, Oceanborn Leviathan Armor, Windborn Colossus Armor, Earthborn Titan Armor, Fireborn Giant Armor.
Obujos Obujos.gif Hearthp.png 100000 Xpbestiary.png 200000 ‐‐ ‐‐
Deepling Axe, Depth Scutum, Ornate Legs.
Odhan Odhan.gif Hearthp.png 100000 Xpbestiary.png 100000 ‐‐ ‐‐
0-100 Platinum Coins, Giant Sword, Golden Legs, Mastermind Shield, Magic Plate Armor.
Omrafir Omrafir.gif Hearthp.png 250000 Xpbestiary.png 50000? ‐‐ ‐‐
Durante invasões:
0-100 Gold Coins, 0-20 Platinum Coins, 0-4 Cluster of Solace, 0-2 Dream Matters, 0-8 Great Mana Potions, 0-5 Blue Crystal Shards, 0-5 Green Crystal Fragments, 0-7 Green Crystal Shards, 0-8 Ultimate Health Potions, 0-3 Unrealized Dreams, 0-5 Violet Crystal Shards, Demonic Essence, Green Gem, Demonic Tapestry, Giant Shimmering Pearl, Lightning Boots, Lightning Robe, Noble Axe, Ring of Healing, Eye Pod (semi-raro), Nightmare Hook (semi-raro), Skull Helmet (semi-raro), Dream Warden Mask, Nightmare Horn, Tibia Doll (muito raro).
Orshabaal Orshabaal.gif Hearthp.png 500000 Xpbestiary.png 750000 ‐‐ ‐‐
0-100 Platinum coins, Giant Sword, Golden Legs, Mastermind Shield, Magic Plate Armor.
Outburst Outburst.gif Hearthp.png 290000 Xpbestiary.png ? ‐‐ ‐‐
Plagirath Plagirath.gif Hearthp.png 250000 Xpbestiary.png 58000 ‐‐ ‐‐
0-200 Gold Coins, 0-200 Platinum Coins, 0-54 Small Amethysts, Demonic Essence, 0-5 Giant Shimmering Pearl, Rift Bow, Rift Crossbow, Spellbook of Warding, Terra Amulet, Muck Rod (raro), Plague Bite (muito raro), Silver Token (sempre).
Preceptor Lazare Preceptor Lazare.gif Hearthp.png 15000 Xpbestiary.png 9200 ‐‐ ‐‐
0-100 Gold Coins, 0-3 Platinum Coins, 0-3 Great Mana Potions, Demonic Essence, Red Gem.
0-10 Assassin Stars, 0-2 Hams, 0-3 Small Amethysts, 0-3 Small Diamonds, 0-4 Small Rubies, 0-5 Small Emeralds.
Golden Armor, Knight Armor, Patch of Fine Cloth, Violet Gem, Titan Axe, Spiked Squelcher.
Mastermind Shield.
Muito raro:
Falcon Greaves, Falcon Rod.
Prince Drazzak Prince Drazzak.gif Hearthp.png 300000 Xpbestiary.png 50000 ‐‐ ‐‐
0-50 Platinum Coins, Phoenix Charm, Unity Charm, Twin Sun Charm, Solitude Charm, Infernal Bolt, 0-6 Crystal Coins, 0-5 Blue Crystal Shards, 0-14 Cluster of Solace, 0-3 Demonic Essences, 0-100 Great Mana Potions, 0-100 Great Spirit Potions, 0-15 Green Crystal Fragments, 0-100 Ultimate Health Potion, 0-3 Unrealized Dreams, 0-5 Violet Crystal Shards, Giant Shimmering Pearl, Boots of Haste.
Demon Horn, Noble Axe, Skull Helmet.
Dream Warden Mask, Dream Warden Claw, Eye Pod,
Muito raro:
Demonic Tapestry, Nightmare Horn, Psychedelic Tapestry,
Professor Maxxen Professor Maxxen.gif Hearthp.png 1000000 Xpbestiary.png 100000 ‐‐ ‐‐
0-1 Gold Coins, 0-4 Platinum Coins, 0-3 Glooth Bags.
Ragiaz Ragiaz.gif Hearthp.png 400000? Xpbestiary.png 60000 ‐‐ ‐‐
0-200 Gold Coins, 0-200 Platinum Coins, 0-54 Small Amethysts, 0-98 Small Sapphires, 0-87 Small Topaz, Demonic Essence, Giant Shimmering Pearl, Red Gem, Yellow Gem, Amber Staff (semi-raro), Skull Staff (semi-raro), Rift Bow (raro), Reaper's Axe (muito raro), Death Gaze (muito raro), Silver Token (sempre)
Raging Mage Raging Mage.gif Hearthp.png 3500 Xpbestiary.png 3250 ‐‐ ‐‐
0-169 Gold Coins, 0-9 Platinum Coins, 0-5 Great Health Potions, 0-5 Great Mana Potions, 0-2 Bullseye Potions, Crystal Ring, Mind Stone, Red Piece of Cloth.
0-3 Dark Mushrooms, Focus Cape, Luminous Orb, Piggy Bank, Stealth Ring.
0-10 Assassin Stars, 0-5 Small Sapphires, Ring of the Sky, Spellbook of Mind Control.
Muito raro:
Elemental Spikes, Royal Tapestry, Skull Helmet, Boots of Haste.
Ravenous Hunger Ravenous Hunger.gif Hearthp.png 100000 Xpbestiary.png 100000 ‐‐ ‐‐
0-100 Gold Coins, 0-30 Platinum Coins, 0-5 Energy Bars, Giant Shimmering Pearl, 0-10 Small Amethysts, 0-10 Small Diamonds, 0-10 Small Emeralds, 0-10 Small Sapphires, 0-10 Small Topazes, 0-10 Great Mana Potions, 0-10 Great Spirit Potions, 0-5 Ultimate Health Potions.
Bed of Nails, Blue Gem, Fig Leaf, Giant Shimmering Pearl, Green Gem, Luminous Orb, Mysterious Remains, Red Gem, Sacred Tree Amulet, Torn Shirt, Wood Cape, Wooden Spellbook, Yellow Gem.
Elven Mail, Terra Mantle.
Razzagorn Razzagorn.gif Hearthp.png 400000 Xpbestiary.png 65000 ‐‐ ‐‐
0-200 Gold Coins, 0-200 Platinum Coins, Giant Shimmering Pearl, 0-88 White Pearl, 0-54 small Amethyst, Berserk Potion, Blue Gem, Bullseye Potion, Demonic Essence, Devil Helmet, Gold Ingot, Green Gem, Mastermind Potion, Red Gem, Terra Rod, Violet Gem, Yellow Gem, Maimer (muito raro), Visage of the End Days (muito raro), Silver Token (sempre).
Realityquake Realityquake.gif Hearthp.png 110000 Xpbestiary.png 20000 ‐‐ ‐‐
0-200 Gold Coins, 0-35 Platinum Coins, 0-10 Great Mana Potions, 0-5 Great Spirit Potions, 0-10 Ultimate Health Potions, 0-5 Energy Bars, 0-3 Blue Crystal Shards, 0-3 Green Crystal Shards, 0-10 Small Amethysts, 0-5 Small Emeralds, 0-5 Small Rubies, 0-10 Small Topazes, 0-3 Violet Crystal Shards, Collar of Blue Plasma, Crystalline Armor, Crystallized Anger, Energy Vein, Giant Shimmering Pearl, Golden Legs, Lightning Robe, Vile Axe, Plasmatic Lightning, Red Gem, Ring of Green Plasma, Ring of Red Plasma, Violet Gem, Wand of Cosmic Energy, 1-7 Gold Token (sempre), Mysterious Remains (sempre), Odd Organ.
Ron The Ripper Ron The Ripper.gif Hearthp.png 1500 Xpbestiary.png 500 ‐‐ ‐‐
0-50 Gold Coins, 0-2 Skull, Dagger, Knight Armor, Plate Armor, Ron the Ripper's Sabre (sempre).
Rottie the Rotworm Rottie the Rotworm.gif Hearthp.png 65 Xpbestiary.png 40 ‐‐ ‐‐
Durante invasões:
0-30 Gold Coins, 0-2 Hams, 0-2 Meats, 0-5 Worms, Copper Shield, Katana, Legion Helmet, Mace, Sword, Lump of Dirt (sempre).
Rotworm Queen Rotworm Queen.gif Hearthp.png 85 Xpbestiary.png 300 ‐‐ ‐‐
Durante invasões:
0-47 Gold Coins, 0-50 Worms, Gland (raro).
Rupture Rupture.gif Hearthp.png 290000 Xpbestiary.png 20000 ‐‐ ‐‐
0-200 Gold Coins, 0-100 Platinum Coins, 0-10 Great Mana Potions, 0-10 Great Spirit Potions, 0-5 Ultimate Health Potions, 0-3 Blue Crystal Shards, Blue Gem, 0-5 Energy Bars, 1-4 Gold Tokens, Green Crystal Shards, Green Gem, Mysterious Remains, Odd Organ, Plasmatic Lightning, Plasma Pearls, Red Gem, 0-10 Small Amethysts, 0-10 Small Emeralds, 0-5 Small Sapphires, 0-10 Small Topazes, 0-3 Violet Crystal Shards, Yellow Gem.
Collar of Green Plasma, Collar of Red Plasma, Ring of Blue Plasma, Ring of Green Plasma, Ring of Red Plasma, Tiara of Power, Void Boots.
Crystal Mace, Instable Proto Matter, Chaos Mace, Spark Sphere, Spellbook of Warding.
Salamander Trainer Salamander Trainer.gif Hearthp.png 220 Xpbestiary.png 64 ‐‐ ‐‐
0-12 Gold Coins, 0-4 Meats ,0-4 Spears, Axe, Bunch of Troll Hair, Bone Club (semi-raro), Short Sword (semi-raro), Rope (muito raro).
Shard of Corruption Shard of Corruption.gif Hearthp.png 600 Xpbestiary.png 5 ‐‐ ‐‐
Shardhead Shardhead.gif Hearthp.png 800 Xpbestiary.png 650 ‐‐ ‐‐
0-87 Gold Coins, 0-2 Ice Cubes, Crystal Sword, Frosty Heart, Shard, Strong Health Potion.
Sharptooth Sharptooth.gif Hearthp.png 2500 Xpbestiary.png 1600 ‐‐ ‐‐
Shulgrax Shulgrax.gif Hearthp.png 220000? Xpbestiary.png 58000 ‐‐ ‐‐
0-200 Gold Coins, 0-200 Platinum Coins, 0-5 Small Emeralds, 0-5 Small Topazes, Bloody Edge, Chaos Mace, Demonbone Amulet, Demonic Essence, Dreaded Cleaver, Pair of Iron Fists, Red Gem, Shadow Sceptre, Yellow Gem, Rift Crossbow (raro), Rift Lance (raro), Rift Shield (raro), Treader of Torment (muito raro) , Maimer (muito raro) , Silver Token (sempre).
Sir Valorcrest Sir Valorcrest.gif Hearthp.png 1600 Xpbestiary.png 1800 ‐‐ ‐‐
Durante invasões:
0-93 Gold Coins, 0-5 Platinum Coins, Skull, Sword Ring, Ring of Healing, Strong Health Potion, Vampire Shield (raro), Chaos Mace (muito raro), Vampire Lord Token (sempre).
Shiroshi Shiroshi.gif Hearthp.png 750000? Xpbestiary.png 750000? ‐‐ ‐‐
Snake God Essence Snake God Essence.gif Hearthp.png 60000 Xpbestiary.png 15000? ‐‐ ‐‐
Snake Thing Snake Thing.gif Hearthp.png 87000 Xpbestiary.png 15000? ‐‐ ‐‐
Spider Queen Spider Queen.gif Hearthp.png 500 Xpbestiary.png 240 ‐‐ ‐‐
Splasher Splasher.gif Hearthp.png 1000 Xpbestiary.png 500 ‐‐ ‐‐
Stonecracker Stonecracker.gif Hearthp.png 6500 Xpbestiary.png 3500 ‐‐ ‐‐
0-100 Gold Coins, 0-2 Assassin Stars, 0-3 Meats, Double Axe, Two Handed Sword.
0-5 Small Amethysts, Behemoth Claw, Perfect Behemoth Fang.
Tanjis Tanjis.gif Hearthp.png 100000 Xpbestiary.png 150000 ‐‐ ‐‐
Depth Ocrea, Ornate Mace, Ornate Shield.
Tarbaz Tarbaz.gif Hearthp.png 180000 Xpbestiary.png 12000 ‐‐ ‐‐
0-200 Gold Coins, 0-35 Platinum Coins, 0-54 Small Amethysts, 0-5 Small Topazes, Giant Shimmering Pearl, Glacier Amulet, Glacier Kilt, Rift Crossbow (raro), Rift Lance (raro), Shroud of Despair (muito raro), Silver Token (sempre).
Terofar Terofar.gif Hearthp.png 50000 Xpbestiary.png 24000 ‐‐ ‐‐
0-200 Gold Coins, 0-50 Platinum Coins, 0-8 Blue Crystal Shards, 0-7 Great Mana Potions, 0-9 Great Spirit Potions, 0-10 Ultimate Health Potion, 0-8 Violet Crystal Shard, Blue Gem, Crown Shield, Demon Horns, Demon Shield, Giant Shimmering Pearl, Gold Ingot, 0-8 Green Crystal Shard, Green Gem, Guardian Shield, Paladin Armor, Cluster of Solace(sempre), Dream Matter (sempre).
Lavos Armor, Dream Warden Mask.
Mastermind Shield, Voltage Armor.
Thawing Dragon Lord Thawing Dragon Lord.gif Hearthp.png 25000 Xpbestiary.png 2100 ‐‐ ‐‐
0-5 Gold Ingots, Ice Cream Cone (Blue-Barian), Ice Cube.
Bar of Gold.
The Abomination The Abomination.gif Hearthp.png 38050 Xpbestiary.png 25000 ‐‐ ‐‐
0-100 Gold Coin.
Demonic Essence, 0-3 Crystal Coins, Soul Orb.
The Axeorcist The Axeorcist.gif Hearthp.png 20000 Xpbestiary.png 4000 ‐‐ ‐‐
The Blightfather The Blightfather.gif Hearthp.png 400 Xpbestiary.png 600 ‐‐ ‐‐
Durante invasões:
0-91 Gold Coins, Lancer Beetle Shell, Lump of Dirt, Poisonous Slime, Small Amethyst.
The Bloodtusk The Bloodtusk.gif Hearthp.png 600 Xpbestiary.png 300 ‐‐ ‐‐
0-100 Gold Coins, 0-5 Platinum Coins, 0-2 Mammoth Tusks, 0-4 Tusks, Furry Club, Mammoth Fur Cape, Tusk Shield.
The Bloodweb The Bloodweb.gif Hearthp.png 1250 Xpbestiary.png 900 ‐‐ ‐‐
Spider Silks, Glacier Kilt, Glacier Mask, Ice Cube, Jewelled Backpack, Knight Armor, Knight Legs, Sai, Sapphire Hammer, Shard, Strong Mana Potion, Time Ring.
The Count The Count.gif Hearthp.png 4600 Xpbestiary.png 1750 ‐‐ ‐‐
0-100 Gold Coins, War Hammer, The Ring of the Count (sempre).
The Destruction The Destruction.gif Hearthp.png 200000? Xpbestiary.png 15000? ‐‐ ‐‐
The Dreadorian The Dreadorian.gif Hearthp.png 39200 Xpbestiary.png 4000 ‐‐ ‐‐
The Evil Eye The Evil Eye.gif Hearthp.png 1200 Xpbestiary.png 500 ‐‐ ‐‐
Durante invasões:
1-135 Gold Coins,Crystal Mace, Djinn Blade, Worm, Clerical Mace, War Hammer, Bonelord Eye.
The Frog Prince The Frog Prince.gif Hearthp.png 55 Xpbestiary.png 1 ‐‐ ‐‐
The Handmaiden The Handmaiden.gif Hearthp.png 14500 Xpbestiary.png 3850 ‐‐ ‐‐
Durante invasões:
The Handmaiden's Protector (sempre).
The Horned Fox The Horned Fox.gif Hearthp.png 265 Xpbestiary.png 200 ‐‐ ‐‐
0-74 Gold Coins, Meat, Throwing Knife, Scimitar, Plate Shield, Fish, Plate Legs, Broadsword, Worm, Wand of Cosmic Energy, Sword Ring, Dagger, Warrior Helmet, Longsword, Green Tunic, Brass Legs, Plate Armor, Nose Ring (sempre).
The Hunger The Hunger.gif Hearthp.png 200000? Xpbestiary.png 20000? ‐‐ ‐‐
The Imperor The Imperor.gif Hearthp.png 15000 Xpbestiary.png 8000 ‐‐ ‐‐
Durante invasões:
1-79 Gold Coins, Torch, Concentrated Demonic Blood, Blank Rune, Death Ring, 0-4 Small Amethyst, Demonic Essence, Brass Armor, Magma Coat, Magma Monocle, Magma Boots, Pitchfork, Stealth Ring, 0-5 Infernal Bolt, Soul Orb, Necrotic Rod, Chain Armor, The Imperor's Trident (sempre).
The Keeper The Keeper.gif Hearthp.png 40000 Xpbestiary.png 3205 ‐‐ ‐‐
The Tail of the Keeper (após usar o corpo).
The Many The Many.gif Hearthp.png 4600 Xpbestiary.png 4000 ‐‐ ‐‐
0-3 Gold Ingot, 0-5 Small Sapphire, 0-5 Strong Mana Potion, Egg of The Many, Knight Armor, Medusa Shield, Royal Helmet, Sacred Tree Amulet, Stone Skin Amulet, Warrior Helmet.
The Noxious Spawn The Noxious Spawn.gif Hearthp.png 9500 Xpbestiary.png 6000 ‐‐ ‐‐
0-100 Platinum Coin, Claw of 'The Noxious Spawn', Crown Armor, Green Mushroom, Life Ring, Mercenary Sword, Noble Axe, Onyx Arrow, 0-29 Power Bolt.
The Old Widow The Old Widow.gif Hearthp.png 3200 Xpbestiary.png 4200 ‐‐ ‐‐
0-99 Gold Coins, 0-10 Platinum Coins, 0-4 Great Health Potions, Spider Silks, Dreaded Cleaver, Energy Ring, Knight Armor, Knight Legs, Platinum Amulet, Spool of Yarn, Stealth Ring, Steel Helmet, Sweet Smelling Bait, Time Ring, Bloody Edge (semi-raro).
The Pale Count The Pale Count.gif Hearthp.png 20000? Xpbestiary.png 18000 ‐‐ ‐‐ Nenhum.
The Plasmother The Plasmother.gif Hearthp.png 16050 Xpbestiary.png 8900 ‐‐ ‐‐
1-175 Gold Coins, 0-13 Platinum Coins, 0-3 Small Sapphires, 0-3 Black Pearl, Demonic Essence, Soul Orb, The Plasmother's Remains (sempre).
The Rage The Rage.gif Hearthp.png 200000? Xpbestiary.png 20000? ‐‐ ‐‐
The Ravager The Ravager.gif Hearthp.png 53500 Xpbestiary.png 14980 ‐‐ ‐‐
0-200 Gold Coins, 0-15? Platinum Coins, 0-5 Black Pearls, 0-5 Great Health Potions, 0-5 Great Mana Potions, 0-5 Scarab Coins, Ancient Amulet, Scarab Shield, Silver Brooch, Daramian Waraxe (raro).
The Snapper The Snapper.gif Hearthp.png 300 Xpbestiary.png 150 ‐‐ ‐‐
1-178 Gold Coins, 0-5 Health Potion, 0-4 Small Emerald, Crocodile Boots, Knight Armor, Life Ring, Plate Armor, Plate Legs.
The Weakened Count The Weakened Count.gif Hearthp.png 740 Xpbestiary.png 450 ‐‐ ‐‐
0-98 Gold Coins, War Hammer, The Ring of the Count (sempre).
Thul Thul.gif Hearthp.png 2950 Xpbestiary.png 2700 ‐‐ ‐‐
0-10 Gold Coins, Shrimp, Relic Sword, Fish Fin (sempre).
Tidemaster Thanaporth Tidemaster Thanaporth.gif Hearthp.png 1000000? Xpbestiary.png 500000? ‐‐ ‐‐
0-100 Crystal Coins.
Ectoplasmic Shield, Resizer, Spirit Guide, Toga Mortis, 0-4 Titanium Tokens, Mortal Mace, Strange Symbol, Necklace of the Deep, Underworld Rod, Stone Skin Amulet, 0-30 Spider Silk, Raw Meat, Mystical Hourglass, Flawless Ice Crystal, Dark Whispers, Magic Sulphur, 0-6 Glistening Bone, Demonic Candy Ball.
Exotic Legs, Makeshift Boots, Soulful Legs, Galea Mortis, Collar of Green Plasma, Death Ring, Ring of Blue Plasma, Collar of Red Plasma, 0-5 Golden Raid Tokens.
Pure Energy, Ivory Mask.
Muito raro:
Bag You Desire.
Tiquandas Revenge Tiquandas Revenge.gif Hearthp.png 2000 Xpbestiary.png 1755 ‐‐ ‐‐
0-110 Gold Coins, 0-5 Dark Mushrooms, Ham, Meat, 0-3 Small Diamond, Worm, Seeds (sempre), Mandrake (sempre).
Tirecz Tirecz.gif Hearthp.png 100000 Xpbestiary.png 6000 ‐‐ ‐‐
Tremor Worm Tremor Worm.gif Hearthp.png 100000 Xpbestiary.png 80000 ‐‐ ‐‐
Tremorak Tremorak.gif Hearthp.png 40000 Xpbestiary.png 1300 ‐‐ ‐‐
Ushuriel Ushuriel.gif Hearthp.png 31500 Xpbestiary.png 10000 ‐‐ ‐‐
0-300 Gold Coins, 0-3 Small Amethyst, Silver Amulet, Stealth Ring, Ring of Healing, Fire Axe, Blue Gem, Demon Shield, Boots of Haste, Mastermind Shield, Golden Legs, Runed Sword, Thaian Sword.
Verminor Verminor.gif Hearthp.png 110000 Xpbestiary.png 30000 ‐‐ ‐‐
0-100 Platinum Coins, Giant Sword, golden Legs, Mastermind Shield, Magic Plate Armor.
Muito raro:
Crystal Key.
Versperoth Versperoth.gif Hearthp.png 100000 Xpbestiary.png 20000 ‐‐ ‐‐ Nenhum.
Warlord Ruzad Warlord Ruzad.gif Hearthp.png 1950 Xpbestiary.png 1700 ‐‐ ‐‐
Durante invasões:
0-59 Gold Coins, Fire Sword, 0-4 Throwing Stars, Two Handed Sword, Crusader Helmet, Fish, Magma Boots, 0-3 Meat, Orcish Axe, Plate Armor, Brass Legs, Protection Amulet, Gold Ring.
White Pale White Pale.gif Hearthp.png 500 Xpbestiary.png 390 ‐‐ ‐‐
Durante invasões:
0-70 Gold Coins, Carrion Worm Fang, Daramian Mace, Lump of Dirt, Meat, Small Diamond, Life Ring (semi-raro), Albino Plate (raro), Horn (Ring) (raro), Silver Raid Token (raro).
World Devourer World Devourer.gif Hearthp.png 200000 Xpbestiary.png 80000 ‐‐ ‐‐
0-200 Gold Coins, 0-100 Platinum Coins, 0-5 Great Mana Potions, 0-5 Great Spirit Potions, 0-5 Ultimate Health Potions, 1-4 Gold Tokens.
0-3 Blue Crystal Shards, 0-5 Energy Bars, Green Crystal Shards, 0-10 Small Amethysts, 0-10 Small Emeralds, 0-10 Small Rubies, 0-3 Violet Crystal Shards, Collar of Blue Plasma, Collar of Red Plasma, Mysterious Remains, Ring of Green Plasma, Ring of Red Plasma.
Blue Gem, Crystallized Anger, Green Gem, Lightning Headband, Odd Organ, Plasmatic Lightning, Violet Gem.
Tiara of Power, Void Boots.
Muito raro:
Crackling Egg.
Xenia Xenia.gif Hearthp.png 200 Xpbestiary.png 255 ‐‐ ‐‐
Durante invasões:
0-45 Gold Coins, Plate Armor, Protection Amulet, 0-3 Small Diamond, 0-10 Worm, Chain Armor, Crystal Necklace, Double Axe, Chain Helmet, 0-4 Red Apple, Machete.
Yaga the Crone Yaga the Crone.gif Hearthp.png 620 Xpbestiary.png 375 ‐‐ ‐‐
Durante invasões:
0-8 Cookie, Cape, Coat, Garlic Necklace, Star Herb, Wolf Tooth Chain, Necrotic Rod (raro), Spellbook of Mind Control (muito raro).
Yakchal Yakchal.gif Hearthp.png 5000 Xpbestiary.png 4400 ‐‐ ‐‐
Durante invasões:
0-88 Gold Coins, Blue Piece of Cloth, Mastermind Potion, Gold Ingot, Crystal Sword, Dragon Necklace, Glacier Kilt, Glacier Robe, Bullseye Potion, Berserk Potion, Skull Staff, Pair of Earmuffs, Queen's Sceptre, Boots of Haste (raro), Crystal Mace (muito raro), Shard (sempre).
Zamulosh Zamulosh.gif Hearthp.png 350000 Xpbestiary.png 55000 ‐‐ ‐‐
0-200 Gold Coins, 0-25 Platinum Coins, Royal Crossbow, Demonbone Amulet, Glacier Kilt, 0-5 Giant Shimmering Pearl, 0-5 Small Sapphires, Blue Gem, Demonic Essence, Ring of Healing, Stealth Ring, Time Ring, Yellow Gem, Book of Lies (muito raro), Maimer (muito raro), Silver Token (sempre).
Zavarash Zavarash.gif Hearthp.png 50000 Xpbestiary.png 21000 ‐‐ ‐‐
0-185 Gold Coins, 0-50 Platinum Coins, 0-8 Blue Crystal Shards, 0-1 Gold Ingots, 0-10 Great Mana Potions, 0-10 Great Spirit Potions, 0-8 Green Crystal Shards, 0-10 Ultimate Health Potions, 0-8 Violet Crystal Shards, Blue Gem, Bonebreaker, Demon Horn, Demon Shield, Diamond Sceptre, Giant Shimmering Pearl, Green Gem, Guardian Shield, Heavy Mace, Paladin Armor, Dream Warden Mask (raro), Cluster of Solace (sempre).
Zevelon Duskbringer Zevelon Duskbringer.gif Hearthp.png 1600 Xpbestiary.png 1800 ‐‐ ‐‐
Durante invasões:
1-99 Gold Coins, 0-5 Platinum Coin, Black Pearl, Ring of Healing, Strong Health Potion, Vampire Shield, Vampire Lord Token (sempre).
Zoralurk Zoralurk.gif Hearthp.png 55000 Xpbestiary.png 30000 ‐‐ ‐‐
01-190 Gold Coins, 0-5 White Pearl, Bright Sword, Worn Leather Boot, Patched Boots, Bright Sword, Giant Sword, Boots of Haste, Warlord Sword.
Zugurosh Zugurosh.gif Hearthp.png 40000 Xpbestiary.png 10000 ‐‐ ‐‐
01-200 Gold Coins, 0-3 Small Amethyst, Silver Amulet, Stealth Ring, Ring of Healing, Fire Axe, Demon Shield, Mastermind shield, Golden Legs, Blue Gem.
Zulazza The Corruptor Zulazza The Corruptor.gif Hearthp.png 28000 Xpbestiary.png 9800 ‐‐ ‐‐
Durante invasões:
0-100 Gold Coins, 0-30 Platinum Coin, 0-2 Giant Shimmering Pearl, 0-4 Gold Ingot, 0-5 Soul Orb, 0-50 Viper Star, Blue Gem, Emerald Bangle, Great Health Potion, Great Mana Potion, Green Gem, Guardian Shield, Mastermind Potion, Paladin Armor, Red Gem, Slightly Rusted Armor, Tower Shield, Ultimate Health Potion, Violet Gem, Yellow Gem, Mastermind Shield (semi-raro), Dragon Scale Boots (raro), Earthborn Titan Armor (raro).
Nightmare of Gaz'Haragoth Nightmare of Gaz'Haragoth.gif Hearthp.png 9400 Xpbestiary.png 5700 ‐‐ ‐‐
Shiversleep Shiversleep.gif Hearthp.png 4600 Xpbestiary.png 1900 ‐‐ ‐‐
Mooh'Tah Master Mooh'Tah Master.gif Hearthp.png -- Xpbestiary.png -- ‐‐ ‐‐
Zomba Zomba.gif Hearthp.png 300 Xpbestiary.png 300 ‐‐ ‐‐
0-29 Gold Coins, 0-1 Platinum Coin, 0-2 Lion's Manes, 0-4 Meats, Life Ring (raro).
Final Zoralurk Final Zoralurk.gif Hearthp.png 1000000 Xpbestiary.png 400000 ‐‐ ‐‐
Bones Bones.gif Hearthp.png 9500 Xpbestiary.png 3750 ‐‐ ‐‐
0-4 Platinum Coins, 0-200 Gold Coins, 0-2 Small Sapphires, 0-3 Surprise Bag (Blue), Surprise Bag (Red), Soul Orb, Skull Helmet, Demonic Essence, Life Crystal, Magic Plate Armor, Death Ring (raro).
Captain Rift Worm Captain Rift Worm.gif Hearthp.png 14000 Xpbestiary.png 4780 ‐‐ ‐‐
Energy Arch Demon Energy Arch Demon.gif Hearthp.png 200000 Xpbestiary.png 200000 ‐‐ ‐‐
Fire Arch Demon Fire Arch Demon.gif Hearthp.png 200000 Xpbestiary.png 200000 ‐‐ ‐‐
Death Arch Demon Death Arch Demon.gif Hearthp.png 200000 Xpbestiary.png 200000 ‐‐ ‐‐
Minishabaal Minishabaal.gif Hearthp.png 3500 Xpbestiary.png 4000 ‐‐ ‐‐
0-20 Gold Coins, Crown Legs, Demon Shield, Demonic Essence, Fire Axe, Guardian Shield, Pitchfork, Small Amethyst, Soul Orb, Demonbone Amulet (raro), Golden Legs (raro), Tempest Shield (muito raro).
Fluffy Fluffy.gif Hearthp.png 4500 Xpbestiary.png 3550 ‐‐ ‐‐
0-120 Gold Coins, 0-8 Hams, 0-4 Surprise Bag (Blue), Bone, Concentrated Demonic Blood, Demonic Essence, Knight Axe, Soul Orb, Spike Sword, Surprise Bag (Red).
Pioxius Carnage Pioxius Carnage.gif Hearthp.png 2000000 Xpbestiary.png 250000 ‐‐ Mediana
Musashi Musashi.gif Hearthp.png 15000000 Xpbestiary.png 1000000 ‐‐ ‐‐
Acredita-se que itens muito raros.
Nihilus' Torment Nihilus' Torment.gif Hearthp.png ? Xpbestiary.png ? ‐‐ ‐‐
Nihilus' Nightmare Nihilus' Nightmare.gif Hearthp.png ? Xpbestiary.png ? ‐‐ ‐‐
Foliathar Foliathar.gif Hearthp.png 2000000 Xpbestiary.png 2000000 ‐‐ ‐‐

Guardian Of Tales.gif Tipos de Criaturas Guardian Of Tales.gif
Anfíbios.png Aquáticos.png Aves.png Bosses.png Constructos.png Criaturas Mágicas.png
Anfíbios Aquáticos Aves Bosses Constructos Criaturas Mágicas
Demônios.png Dragões.png Elementais.png Extra Dimensionais.png Fadas.png Gigantes.png
Demônios Dragões Elementais Extra Dimensionais Fadas Gigantes
Humanos.png Humanóides.png Imortais.png Licantropos.png Mamíferos.png Mortos-Vivos.png
Humanos Humanóides Imortais Licantropos Mamíferos Mortos-Vivos
Plantas (Criatura).png Répteis.png Slimes.png The Ruthless Seven.png Triangle of Terror.png Vermes.png
Plantas Répteis Slimes The Ruthless Seven Triangle of Terror Vermes