Charged Anomaly

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Charged Anomaly.gif
Charged Anomaly
Hearthp.png 18000 HPPontos de Vida
Xpbestiary.png 20000 XPPontos de Experiência (30000 com bônus)
Físico.png 100%Neutro a Físico
Poisoned Icon.gif 100%Neutro a Terra
Burning Icon.gif 100%Neutro a Fogo
Cursed Icon.gif 100%Neutro a Morte
Electrified Icon.gif 100%Neutro a Energia
Dazzled Icon.gif 100%Neutro a Sagrado
Freezing Icon.gif 100%Neutro a Gelo
Heal Icon.png 100%Neutro a Cura
Paralisia Invisibilidade
Pode ser Puxado:
Passa por:
Empurra Objetos:
Habilidades: Corpo a corpo (900-2100), Energy Berserk (500-900)
Comportamento: Não é possível bloquear o respawn dessa criatura. 
0-200 Gold Coin, 0-100 Platinum Coin, Mysterious Remains (sempre), Odd Organ (sempre), 0-4 Gold TokensGold Token.gif.
0-3 Blue Crystal ShardBlue Crystal Shard.gif*, 0-3 Violet Crystal ShardViolet Crystal Shard.gif, 0-5 Great Spirit Potion, Green Crystal ShardGreen Crystal Shard.gif, Nightmare Blade, Small AmethystSmall Amethyst.gif.
Blue GemBlue Gem.gif, Tiara of PowerTiara of Power.gif, Collar of Green Plasma, Collar of Red Plasma, Crystal Mace, Crystallized AngerCrystallized Anger.gif, Curious MatterCurious Matter.gif, Energy Ball, 0-5 Energy BarEnergy Bar.gif, Frozen Lightning, 0-5 Great Mana PotionGreat Mana Potion.gif, Green GemGreen Gem.gif, Instable Proto Matter, Lightning HeadbandLightning Headband.gif, Plasma Pearls, Plasmatic Lightning, Red GemRed Gem.gif, Ring of Blue Plasma, Ring of Green Plasma, Ring of Red Plasma, Shadow Sceptre, 0-10 Small DiamondSmall Diamond.gif, 0-10 Small SapphireSmall Sapphire.gif, 0-10 Small Topaz, Spark Sphere, Spellbook of WardingSpellbook of Warding.gif, Chaos Mace, Void BootsVoid Boots.gif, Yellow GemYellow Gem.gif.

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