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Se você perguntar a qualquer cidadão Tibiano sobre demônios ouvirá a mesma resposta: são criaturas horrendas, impiedosas, maléficas e que buscam somente a destruição de tudo e de todos. Mas, caso você resolva estudar a história mais a fundo, com certeza, perceberá que os demônios possuem uma complexa hierarquia e que sua sociedade atua em conjunto para gerar o caos.

Existem diversos tipos de demônios espalhados pelos continentes de Tibia, apesar de não serem tão poderosos quanto os seus líderes, ainda são fortes o suficiente para derrotar milhares de aventureiros todos os dias. Os Demons preferem se alojar nas profundezas das cavernas onde ficam próximos ao inferno e, felizmente, raramente são vistos fora de suas moradas, já que eles costumam deixar um rastro de morte e ruínas quando isso acontece. Poucos são os aventureiros que conseguem sobreviver aos ataques dessas criaturas que são tão fortes fisicamente quanto possuem poderes mágicos capazes de criar feixes de pura energia destrutiva.

Demônios do Bestiário

Criatura HP Exp Charms Dificuldade Loot
Askarak Demon Askarak Demon.gif Hearthp.png 1500 Xpbestiary.png 900 ‐‐ Mediana
0-235 Gold Coins.
0-4 Small Emeralds.
Strong Health Potion, Strong Mana Potion, Brown Mushroom, 0-5 Assassin Stars.
Piggy Bank, Energy Ring, Mastermind Potion, Springsprout Rod.
Muito raro:
Terra Legs, Magic Sulphur.
Askarak Lord Askarak Lord.gif Hearthp.png 2100 Xpbestiary.png 1200 ‐‐ Mediana
0-188 Gold Coins, 0-2 Platinum Coins.
0-5 Small Emeralds, Strong Health Potion, Strong Mana Potion.
0-5 Brown Mushrooms.
Assassin Star, Energy Ring, Magic Sulphur, Mastermind Potion, Springsprout Rod.
Muito raro:
Dreaded Cleaver, Terra Mantle.
Askarak Prince Askarak Prince.gif Hearthp.png 2600 Xpbestiary.png 1700 ‐‐ Mediana
0-186 Gold Coins, 0-4 Platinum Coins.
0-4 Brown Mushrooms, 0-5 Small Emeralds, Strong Health Potion, Strong Mana Potion.
Stealth Ring, Mastermind Potion.
Demonic Finger, Magic Sulphur, Springsprout Rod, Terra Mantle.
Muito raro:
Giant Sword.
Brachiodemon Brachiodemon.gif Hearthp.png 25000 Xpbestiary.png 14080 ‐‐ Desafiador
0-? Crystal Coins, 0-? Platinum Coins, Ultimate Health Potions.
Hand (Brachiodemon).
Epee, Fire Axe, Crystal Mace, Head (Brachiodemon), Noble Axe, Skull Staff.
Spellbook of Mind Control, Ring of Green Plasma, Alloy Legs, Assassin Dagger, Butcher's Axe, Crystalline Sword, Diabolic Skull, Fire Axe, Jade Hammer, Mastermind Shield, Metal Bat, Royal Helmet.
Muito raro:
Bag You Desire, Crude Wood Planks.
Captain Dark Torturer Captain Dark Torturer.gif Hearthp.png 36750 Xpbestiary.png 14000 ‐‐ Difícil
0-199 Gold Coins, 0-8 Platinum Coins, 0-3 Cocentrated Demonic Blood, Hams.
0-2 Great Mana Potions, 0-? Great Health Potion, Soul Orb, Demonic Essence.
Saw, Steel Boots, 0-2 Orichalcum Pearls, Cat's Paw, Death Ring, 0-2 Assassin Stars, Gold Ingot.
Jewelled Backpack, Butcher's Axe.
Muito raro:
Golden Legs, Vile Axe.
Captain Demon Captain Demon.gif Hearthp.png 41000 Xpbestiary.png 24000 ‐‐ Difícil
0-100 Gold Coins, 0-6 Platinum Coins, 0-3 Great Mana Potions, 0-3 Great Spirit Potions.
0-10 Assassin Stars, Demon Horn, Demonic Essence, 0-6 Fire Mushrooms, 0-5 Small Amethysts, 0-5 Small Emeralds, 0-5 Small Rubies, 0-5 Small Topazes, 0-3 Ultimate Health Potions.
Devil Helmet, Fire Axe, Giant Sword, Gold Ring, Golden Sickle, Ice Rapier, Might Ring, Orb, Purple Tome, Red Gem, Ring of Healing, Stealth Ring, Talon.
Demon Shield, Mastermind Shield, Platinum Amulet.
Muito raro:
Demon Trophy, Demonrage Sword, Golden Legs, Magic Plate Armor.
Captain Hellfire Fighter Captain Hellfire Fighter.gif Hearthp.png 19000 Xpbestiary.png 15600 ‐‐ Difícil
0-231 Gold Coins, Burnt Scroll, 0-2 Blank Runes.
Wand of Inferno, Soul Orb, Demonic Essence, Fiery Heart.
Emerald Bangle, Small Diamond, Fire Sword, Piece of Hellfire Armor.
Magma Legs, Magma Coat, Platinum Coin, Coal.
Muito raro:
Demonbone Amulet, Fire Axe.
Captain Hellhound Captain Hellhound.gif Hearthp.png 37500 Xpbestiary.png 27200 ‐‐ Difícil
0-7 Platinum Coins, 0-3 Great Mana Potions, 0-10 Big Bones, 0-14 Ham.
0-3 Great Spirit Potions, 0-2 Ultimate Health Potions, 0-4 Black Pearls, Concentrated Demonic Blood, Demonic Essence, Bone, Knight Axe, Soul Orb, Heavily Rusted Armor, Throwing Knife.
Gold Ingot.
Big Bone, Giant Sword, Ruthless Axe.
Captain Juggernaut Captain Juggernaut.gif Hearthp.png 100000 Xpbestiary.png 34800 ‐‐ Difícil
0-194 Gold Coins, 0-15 Platinum Coins, 0-8 Hams, Demonic Essence.
0-3 Great Mana Potions, 0-3 Great Health Potions, 0-10 Assassin Stars, 0-4 Concentrated Demonic Bloods, 0-2 Gold Ingots, 0-15 Onyx Arrows, Heavily Rusted Armor, Soul Orb.
Skullcracker Armor, Titan Axe, Spiked Squelcher, Demonbone Amulet, Dragon Hammer.
Golden Armor, Violet Gem.
Muito raro:
Heavy Mace, Mastermind Shield.
Captain Plaguesmith Captain Plaguesmith.gif Hearthp.png 41250 Xpbestiary.png 18000 ‐‐ Mediana
0-265 Gold Coins, Mouldy Cheese, Dirty Cape.
0-2 Platinum Coins, Great Health Potion, Piece of Iron, Two Handed Sword, Morning Star, Battle Hammer, Knight Legs, Steel Shield, Soul Orb, Demonic Essence, 0-4 Onyx Arrows, Heavily Rusted Armor.
Silver Brooch, 0-3 Small Amethysts, Axe Ring, Club Ring, War Hammer.
Hammer of Wrath, Steel Boots, Piece of Royal Steel, Piece of Hell Steel, Piece of Draconian Steel.
Muito raro:
War Horn, Emerald Bangle.
Castle Demon Castle Demon.gif Hearthp.png 8200 Xpbestiary.png 7200 ‐‐ Difícil
0-100 Gold Coins, 0-6 Platinum Coins, 0-3 Great Mana Potions, 0-3 Great Spirit Potions.
0-10 Assassin Stars, Demon Horn, Demonic Essence, 0-6 Fire Mushrooms, 0-5 Small Amethysts, 0-5 Small Emeralds, 0-5 Small Rubies, 0-5 Small Topazes, 0-3 Ultimate Health Potions.
Devil Helmet, Fire Axe, Giant Sword, Gold Ring, Golden Sickle, Ice Rapier, Might Ring, Orb, Purple Tome, Red Gem, Ring of Healing, Stealth Ring, Talon.
Demon Shield, Mastermind Shield, Platinum Amulet.
Muito raro:
Demon Trophy, Demonrage Sword, Golden Legs, Magic Plate Armor.
Durante invasões:
Silver Raid Token.
Dark Torturer Dark Torturer.gif Hearthp.png 7350 Xpbestiary.png 4650 ‐‐ Difícil
0-199 Gold Coins, 0-8 Platinum Coins, 0-3 Cocentrated Demonic Blood, Hams.
0-2 Great Mana Potions, 0-? Great Health Potion, Soul Orb, Demonic Essence.
Saw, Steel Boots, 0-2 Orichalcum Pearls, Cat's Paw, Death Ring, 0-2 Assassin Stars, Gold Ingot.
Jewelled Backpack, Butcher's Axe.
Muito raro:
Golden Legs, Vile Axe.
Dawnfire Asura Dawnfire Asura.gif Hearthp.png 2900 Xpbestiary.png 4100 ‐‐ Difícil
0-242 Gold Coins, 06 Platinum Coins.
Great Mana Potions, 0-? Concentrated Demonic Bloods, 0-3 Small Rubbies, Demonic Essence, Golden Lotus Brooch, Peacock Feather Fan.
0-2 Small Diamonds, 0-2 Small Emeralds, 0-2 Small Amethysts, Soul Orb, Wand of Inferno, Mysterious Fetish, Mystic Turban, Red Piece of Cloth, 0-2 Small Topazes.
Magma Coat, Ruby Necklace, Blue Gem, Focus Cape.
Muito raro:
Death Ring, Spellbook of Mind Control, Oriental Shoes.
Demon Demon.gif Hearthp.png 8200 Xpbestiary.png 6000 ‐‐ Difícil
0-100 Gold Coins, 0-6 Platinum Coins, 0-3 Great Mana Potions, 0-3 Great Spirit Potions.
0-10 Assassin Stars, Demon Horn, Demonic Essence, 0-6 Fire Mushrooms, 0-5 Small Amethysts, 0-5 Small Emeralds, 0-5 Small Rubies, 0-5 Small Topazes, 0-3 Ultimate Health Potions.
Devil Helmet, Fire Axe, Giant Sword, Gold Ring, Golden Sickle, Ice Rapier, Might Ring, Orb, Purple Tome, Red Gem, Ring of Healing, Stealth Ring, Talon.
Demon Shield, Mastermind Shield, Platinum Amulet.
Muito raro:
Demon Trophy, Demonrage Sword, Golden Legs, Magic Plate Armor.
Demon Outcast Demon Outcast.gif Hearthp.png 6900 Xpbestiary.png 6200 ‐‐ Difícil
0-100 Gold Coins, 0-6 Platinum Coins.
0-2 Great Mana Potions, 0-5 Small Diamonds, 0-5 Small Sapphires, 0-5 Small Rubies, 0-5 Small Emeralds, 0-6 Fire Mushrooms, 0-10 Assassin Stars, 0-3 Ultimate Health Potions, 0-5 Small Topazes.
Stealth Ring, Ring of Healing, Giant Sword.
Might Ring, Platinum Amulet, Ice Rapier, Devil Helmet, Crusader Helmet, Crown Shield, Red Powder, Cluster of Solace.
Muito raro:
Crown Armor, Demon Shield, Demonrage Sword.
Destroyer Destroyer.gif Hearthp.png 3700 Xpbestiary.png 2500 ‐‐ Mediana
0-341 Gold Coins, 0-6 Meat.
0-2 Small Amethysts, Crowbar, Dark Armor, 0-12 Burst Arrows, Soul Orb, Demonic Essence, Metal Spike.
0-2 Platinum Coins, Giant Sword, Plate Armor, Pick.
Great Health Potion, Steel Boots, Dreaded Cleaver, Chaos Mace.
Muito raro:
Skull Helmet, Death Ring, Crystal Necklace, Mind Stone.
Diabolic Imp Diabolic Imp.gif Hearthp.png 2900 Xpbestiary.png 1950 ‐‐ Mediana
0-204 Gold Coins, 0-2 Concentrated Demonic Bloods, Pitchfork.
0-2 Blank Runes, Scimitar, Guardian Shield, Cleaver, Soul Orb, Demonic Essence.
0-7 Platinum Coins, 0-3 Small Amethysts, Double Axe, Stealth Ring.
Magma Monocle, Necrotic Rod.
Muito raro:
Magma Coat, Death Ring.
Elite Demon Elite Demon.gif Hearthp.png 41000 Xpbestiary.png 30000 ‐‐ Difícil
0-100 Gold Coins, 0-6 Platinum Coins, 0-3 Great Mana Potions, 0-3 Great Spirit Potions.
0-10 Assassin Stars, Demon Horn, Demonic Essence, 0-6 Fire Mushrooms, 0-5 Small Amethysts, 0-5 Small Emeralds, 0-5 Small Rubies, 0-5 Small Topazes, 0-3 Ultimate Health Potions.
Devil Helmet, Fire Axe, Giant Sword, Gold Ring, Golden Sickle, Ice Rapier, Might Ring, Orb, Purple Tome, Red Gem, Ring of Healing, Stealth Ring, Talon.
Demon Shield, Mastermind Shield, Platinum Amulet, Demon Trophy, Demonrage Sword, Golden Legs, Magic Plate Armor.
Muito raro:
Blood Crystal.
Elite Plaguesmith Elite Plaguesmith.gif Hearthp.png 41250 Xpbestiary.png 33750 ‐‐ Difícil
0-265 Gold Coins, Mouldy Cheese, Dirty Cape.
0-2 Platinum Coins, Great Health Potion, Piece of Iron, Two Handed Sword, Morning Star, Battle Hammer, Knight Legs, Steel Shield, Soul Orb, Demonic Essence, 0-4 Onyx Arrows, Slightly Rusted Armor.
Silver Brooch, 0-3 Small Amethysts, Axe Ring, Club Ring, War Hammer.
Hammer of Wrath, Steel Boots, Piece of Royal Steel, Piece of Hell Steel, Piece of Draconian Steel, War Horn, Emerald Bangle.
Muito raro:
Blood Crystal.
Fire Devil Fire Devil.gif Hearthp.png 200 Xpbestiary.png 145 ‐‐ Fácil
Blank Rune, Small Pitchfork.
0-2 Torches, Double Axe, Scimitar.
Necrotic Rod, Cleaver.
Muito raro:
Small Amethyst, Guardian Shield.
Frost Flower Asura Frost Flower Asura.gif Hearthp.png 3500 Xpbestiary.png 4200 ‐‐ Mediana
0-? Gold Coin, 0-? Platinum Coin.
0-? Great Health Potion, 0-? White Pearls, 0-? Small Diamonds, 0-? Small Sapphires, Soul Orb, Demonic Essence, Flask of Demonic Blood, 0-? Assassin Stars, Golden Lotus Brooch, Peacock Feather Fan.
Silver Brooch, 0-? Black Pearls, 0-? Small Emeralds, 0-? Small Rubies, Yellow Gem, Silver Necklace, Hailstorm Rod, Tribal Mask, Northwind Rod, 0-? Small Topazes.
Crystal Ring, Blue Robe, Assassin Dagger, Oriental Shoes.
Muito raro:
Blue Gem, Skullcracker Armor, Gold Ingot, Spellbook of Mind Control.
Fury Fury.gif Hearthp.png 4100 Xpbestiary.png 4500 ‐‐ Difícil
0-226+ Gold Coins, 0-3 Flask of Demonic Bloods, 0-4 Jalapeño Peppers.
Great Health Potion, 0-3 Small Amethysts, Terra Rod, Soul Orb, Demonic Essence, Slightly Rusted Legs.
0-3 Platinum Coins, 0-4 Orichalcum Pearls, Red Piece of Cloth, Noble Axe.
Crystal Ring, Steel Boots, Assassin Dagger.
Muito raro:
Golden Legs, Death Ring, Assassin Star.
Gozzler Gozzler.gif Hearthp.png 240 Xpbestiary.png 180 ‐‐ Fácil
0-70 Gold Coins.
Brown Flask, Sabre, Plate Shield.
Battle Axe, Morning Star.
Clerical Mace.
Muito raro:
Dwarven Ring, Serpent Sword, Small Sapphire.
Grimeleech Grimeleech.gif Hearthp.png 9500 Xpbestiary.png 7500 ‐‐ Difícil
0-197 Gold Coins, 0-8 Platinum Coins, 0-3 Great Mana Potions.
0-3 Flask of Demonic Bloods, 0-3 Great Health Potions, 0-3 Great Spirit Potions, 0-5 Fire Mushrooms, 0-5 Green Mushrooms, 0-5 Small Amethysts, 0-5 Small Diamonds, 0-5 Small Rubies, 0-5 Small Topazes, Demonic Essence, Some Grimeleech Wings, Underworld Rod.
Red Gem, Wand of Voodoo, Yellow Gem.
Blue Gem, Demon Shield, Devil Helmet, Magma Legs, Nightmare Blade, Rift Lance, Rift Bow, Rift Shield, Rift Crossbow.
Muito raro:
Abyss Hammer, Magic Plate Armor, Rift Bow, Rift Crossbow, Rift Shield, Steel Boots, Vile Axe.
Hellfire Fighter Hellfire Fighter.gif Hearthp.png 3800 Xpbestiary.png 3900 ‐‐ Difícil
0-231 Gold Coins, Burnt Scroll, 0-2 Blank Runes.
Wand of Inferno, Soul Orb, Demonic Essence, Fiery Heart.
Emerald Bangle, Small Diamond, Fire Sword, Piece of Hellfire Armor.
Magma Legs, Magma Coat, Platinum Coin, Coal.
Muito raro:
Demonbone Amulet, Fire Axe.
Hellflayer Hellflayer.gif Hearthp.png 14000 Xpbestiary.png 11000 ‐‐ Difícil
0-197 Gold Coins, 0-12 Platinum Coins.
0-3 Great Mana Potions, 0-3 Great Spirit Potions, 0-3 Ultimate Health Potions, 0-3 Concentrated Demonic Bloods, 0-2 Gold Ingots, 0-5 Small Amethysts, 0-5 Small Diamonds, 0-5 Small Emeralds, 0-5 Small Rubies, 0-5 Small Topazes, Demonic Essence, Pair of Hellflayer Horns.
Giant Shimmering Pearl, Red Gem, Violet Gem.
Magma Boots, Magma Legs, Green Gem, Titan Axe, Rift Lance.
Muito raro:
Demonbone Amulet, Magic Plate Armor, Mastermind Shield, Skull Helmet, Rift Shield, Rift Bow, Rift Crossbow, Golden Armor.
Hellhound Hellhound.gif Hearthp.png 7500 Xpbestiary.png 6800 ‐‐ Difícil
0-7 Platinum Coins, 0-3 Great Mana Potions, 0-10 Assassin Stars, 0-14 Ham.
0-3 Great Spirit Potions, 0-2 Ultimate Health Potions, 0-4 Black Pearls, 0-2 Concentrated Demonic Blood, 0-3 Small Emeralds, 0-3 Small Rubies, 0-3 Small Topazes, Blazing Bone, Demonic Essence, Fiery Heart, Fire Sword, Hardened Bone, Hellhound Slobber, Knight Axe, Soul Orb, Wand of Inferno, Yellow Piece of Cloth.
Amber Staff, Gold Ingot, Green Piece of Cloth, Magma Amulet, Magma Boots, Magma Legs, Red Gem, Red Piece of Cloth, Yellow Gem, Yellow Piece of Cloth.
Big Bone, Giant Sword, Green Gem, Magma Coat, Magma Monocle, Onyx Flail, Ruthless Axe.
Muito raro:
Explorer Brooch.
Hellspawn Hellspawn.gif Hearthp.png 3500 Xpbestiary.png 2550 ‐‐ Mediana
Great Health Potion, 0-236 Gold Coins.
Morning Star, Battle Shield, 0-2 Red Mushrooms, Demonic Essence, 0-2 Assassin Stars, Ultimate Health Potion, Hellspawn Tail.
0-3 Small Topazes, Warrior Helmet, Knight Legs, Rusted Armor.
Berserk Potion, Spiked Squelcher.
Muito raro:
Onyx Flail, Slightly Rusted Armor, Dracoyle Statue, Black Skull.
Herald of Gloom Herald of Gloom.gif Hearthp.png 450 Xpbestiary.png 450 ‐‐ Mediana
Midnight Shard.
Infernal Demon Infernal Demon.gif Hearthp.png 32000 Xpbestiary.png 15560 ‐‐ Desafiador
0-1 Crystal Coin, 0-50 Platinum Coin.
0-? Ultimate Health Potions, Blue Crystal Shard, Cyan Crystal Fragment, Gold Ingot, Red Crystal Fragment, Small Diamond.
Blue Gem, Giant Sword, Green Crystal Fragment, Magma Boots, Mercenary Sword, Onyx Chip, War Axe.
Muito raro:
Bag You Desire.
Juggernaut Juggernaut.gif Hearthp.png 20000 Xpbestiary.png 14000 ‐‐ Difícil
0-445 Gold Coins, 0-15 Platinum Coins, 0-8 Hams, Demonic Essence.
0-3 Great Mana Potions, 0-3 Great Health Potions, 0-10 Assassin Stars, 0-4 Concentrated Demonic Bloods, 0-2 Gold Ingots, 0-15 Onyx Arrows, 0-5 Small Rubies, 0-5 Small Emeralds, Red Gem, Soul Orb.
Green Gem, War Axe, Knight Armor, Titan Axe, Spiked Squelcher.
Golden Armor, Golden Legs, Violet Gem.
Muito raro:
Demonbone Amulet, Skullcracker Armor, Heavy Mace, Mastermind Shield, Closed Trap.
Many Faces Many Faces.gif Hearthp.png 30000 Xpbestiary.png 18870 ‐‐ Desafiador
0-? Crystal Coins, Platinum Coin.
0-? Ultimate Health Potions, Apron.
Glacier Robe, Glacier Shoes, Stone Skin Amulet, Ring of Red Plasma, Head (Many Faces), Violet Gem, Green Gem, Blue Gem, Northwind Rod, Sacred Tree Amulet.
Glacial Rod, Gruesome Fan.
Muito raro:
Bag You Desire.
Midnight Asura Midnight Asura.gif Hearthp.png 3100 Xpbestiary.png 4100 ‐‐ Mediana
0-242 Gold Coins, 0-6 Platinum Coins.
0-2 Great Health Potions, 0-2 White Pearls, 0-3 Small Diamonds, 0-2 Small Sapphires, Soul Orb, Demonic Essence, 0-5 Assassin Stars, 0-2 Concentrated Demonic Blood, Golden Lotus Brooch, Peacock Feather Fan.
Silver Brooch, 0-2 Black Pearls, 0-2 Small Rubies, 0-2 Small Emeralds, , Silver Amulet, Necrotic Rod, Tribal Mask, 0-2 Small Topazes.
Yellow Gem, Blue Robe, Underworld Rod.
Muito raro:
Crystal Ring, Blue Gem, Assassin Dagger, Skullcracker Armor, Spellbook of Mind Control, Gold Ingot, Oriental Shoes.
Plaguesmith Plaguesmith.gif Hearthp.png 8250 Xpbestiary.png 4500 ‐‐ Mediana
0-265 Gold Coins, Mouldy Cheese, Dirty Cape.
0-2 Platinum Coins, Great Health Potion, Piece of Iron, Two Handed Sword, Morning Star, Battle Hammer, Knight Legs, Steel Shield, Soul Orb, Demonic Essence, 0-4 Onyx Arrows, Slightly Rusted Armor.
Silver Brooch, 0-3 Small Amethysts, Axe Ring, Club Ring, War Hammer.
Hammer of Wrath, Steel Boots, Piece of Royal Steel, Piece of Hell Steel, Piece of Draconian Steel.
Muito raro:
War Horn, Emerald Bangle.
Shaburak Lord Shaburak Lord.gif Hearthp.png 2100 Xpbestiary.png 1200 ‐‐ Mediana
0-178 Gold Coins, 0-2 Platinum Coins
0-5 Small Rubies, Strong Health Potion, Strong Mana Potion
Energy Ring, Brown Mushroom,
Magic Sulphur, Wand of Inferno, Bullseye Potion,
Muito raro:
Magma Coat, Steel Boots.
Shaburak Prince Shaburak Prince.gif Hearthp.png 2600 Xpbestiary.png 1700 ‐‐ Mediana
0-173 Gold Coins, 0-4 Platinum Coins.
0-5 Small Rubies, Strong Health Potion, Strong Mana Potion, Brown Mushroom
Stealth Ring.
Bullseye Potion, Magma Coat, Wand of Inferno, Magic Sulphur.
Muito raro:
Butcher's Axe, Demonic Finger, Steel Boots.
Shaburak Demon Shaburak Demon.gif Hearthp.png 1500 Xpbestiary.png 900 ‐‐ Mediana
Gold Coin.
Royal Spear.
Strong Health Potion, Strong Mana Potion, Small Ruby, Brown Mushroom.
Piggy Bank, Energy Ring, Wand of Inferno, Bullseye Potion.
Muito raro:
Magma Legs, Magic Sulphur.
Shadow Hound Shadow Hound.gif Hearthp.png 555 Xpbestiary.png 600 ‐‐ Mediana
Midnight Shard.
True Dawnfire Asura True Dawnfire Asura.gif Hearthp.png 8500 Xpbestiary.png 7475 ‐‐ Difícil
0-242 Gold Coin, 0-? Platinum Coins, 0-? Concentrated Demonic Bloods.
0-? Great Mana Potions, 0-? Small Amethysts, 0-? Small Diamonds, 0-? Small Emeralds, 0-? Small Ruby, 0-? Small Sapphires, 0-? Small Topaz, Soul Orb, 0-? Demonic Essences, Golden Lotus Brooch, Peacock Feather Fan.
Magma Coat, Ruby Necklace, Blue Gem, Wand of Inferno, Mysterious Fetish, Mystic Turban, Red Piece of Cloth, Focus Cape, Spellbook of Mind Control, Oriental Shoes.
Death Ring.
True Frost Flower Asura True Frost Flower Asura.gif Hearthp.png 4000 Xpbestiary.png 7069 ‐‐ Difícil
0-? Platinum Coins.
0-? Crystal Coins, 0-? Great Health Potion, 0-? Small Amethyst, Silver Brooch, 0-? White Pearls, 0-? Black Pearls, 0-? Small Diamond, 0-? Small Emerald, 0-? Small Ruby, 0-? Small Sapphire, 0-? Small Topaz, Soul Orb, 0-? Demonic Essences, Concentrated Demonic Blood, 0-? Assassin Stars, Golden Lotus Brooch, Peacock Feather Fan.
Crystal Ring, Yellow Gem, Blue Gem, Silver Amulet, Hailstorm Rod, Tribal Mask, Blue Robe, Spellbook of Mind Control, Northwind Rod, Gold Ingot, 0-? Royal Stars.
Assassin Dagger, Skullcracker Armor, 0-2 Oriental Shoes.
True Midnight Asura True Midnight Asura.gif Hearthp.png 9000 Xpbestiary.png 7313 ‐‐ Difícil
0-? Platinum Coins, 0-242Gold Coins.
0-? Great Health Potion, 0-? Small Enchanted Amethyst, Silver Brooch, 0-? White Pearl, 0-? Black Pearl, 0-? Small Diamond, 0-? Small Sapphire, 0-? Small Ruby, 0-? Small Emerald, Soul Orb, Demonic Essence, Concetrated Demonic Blood, 0-? Assassin Star, 0-? Small Topaz, Golden Lotus Brooch, Peacock Feather Fan.
Violet Gem, Yellow Gem, Blue Gem, Silver Amulet, Necrotic Rod, Tribal Mask, Assassin Dagger, Underworld Rod, Gold Ingot, Oriental Shoes, 0-? Royal Stars.
Crystal Ring, Blue Robe, Skullcracker Armor, Spellbook of Mind Control.
Vexclaw Vexclaw.gif Hearthp.png 8500 Xpbestiary.png 6300 ‐‐ Difícil
0-200 Gold Coins, 0-8 Platinum Coins.
0-3 Great Mana Potions, 0-3 Great Spirit Potions, 0-3 Ultimate Health Potions, 0-6 Fire Mushrooms, 0-5 Small Amethysts, 0-5 Small Emeralds, 0-5 Small Rubies, 0-5 Small Topazes, Demonic Essence, Vexclaw Talon.
Energy Ring, Fire Axe, Giant Sword, Ice Rapier, Might Ring, Red Gem, Yellow Gem.
Devil Helmet, Ring of Healing, Rift Lance
Muito raro:
Platinum Amulet, Golden Legs, Magic Plate Armor, Mastermind Shield, Demonrage Sword, Rift Bow, Rift Crossbow, Rift Shield, Demon Shield.
Annihilon Annihilon.gif Hearthp.png 40000 Xpbestiary.png 10000 ‐‐ ‐‐
0-300 Gold Coins, Blue Gem, Demon Shield, Small Amethyst, Stealth Rig, Ring of Healing, Fire Axe, Silver Amulet.
Apocalypse Apocalypse.gif Hearthp.png 25000000? Xpbestiary.png 1000000? ‐‐ ‐‐
Acredita-se que itens muito raros.
Azazel Azazel.gif Hearthp.png 5000000? Xpbestiary.png 10000000? ‐‐ ‐‐
0-100 Crystal Coins, 0-20 Demonic Essence, 0-5 Iron Ore, 0-3 Flawless Ice Crystal, 0-15 Minor Crystalline Token, Boots of Haste, 0-3 Titanium Token, 0-3 Gold Token, 0-3 Silver Token.
Great Mana Potion, Necrotic Rod, Crystal Ball, Moonlight Rod, Great Health Potion, Golden Mug, Devil Helmet, Red Tome, Magic Plate Armor, Golden Legs, Demon Shield, Mastermind Shield, Skull Staff, Fire Axe, Magma Coat, Ultimate Health Potion, Great Spirit Potion, Strange Symbol, Magic Light Wand, Platinum Amulet, Ancient Amulet, Death Ring, Mind Stone, 0-100 Infernal Bolt, 0-13 Demon Horn, 0-10 Major Crystalline Token.
Royal Crossbow, Great Shield, Chain Bolter, Ironworker, Teddy Bear, Morgaroth's Heart, Wand of Dimensions, Wand of Everblazing, Glacial Rod, Koshei's Ancient Amulet, Ornate Mace, Elite Draken Mail, Ornate Shield, Spellbook of Vigilance, Obsidian Truncheon, Dark lord's Cape, Demonbone, Calamity, Stomper, Oceanborn Leviathan Armor.
Thunder Hammer, Fireborn Giant Armor, Thorn Spitter, Golden Boots, Wand of Dimensions, Wand of Defiance, Muck Rod, Sun Catcher, Starlight Vial, Moon Mirror.
Muito raro:
Dread Doll, Crystal Key, Decorative Ribbon, Bone Fiddle, Molten Plate, Devileye, Pure Energy, Windborn Colossus Armor, Earthborn titan Armor, Shadow Cowl, Final Judgement.
Bazir Bazir.gif Hearthp.png 110000? Xpbestiary.png 30000? ‐‐ ‐‐
Balghordan Balghordan.gif Hearthp.png 50000000? Xpbestiary.png 0? ‐‐ ‐‐
Boogey Boogey.gif Hearthp.png 930 Xpbestiary.png 475 ‐‐ ‐‐
Elite Energy Seeker Elite Energy Seeker.gif Hearthp.png ? Xpbestiary.png ? ‐‐ ‐‐
Elite Frost Nova Elite Frost Nova.gif Hearthp.png ? Xpbestiary.png ? ‐‐ ‐‐
Elite Heat Master Elite Heat Master.gif Hearthp.png ? Xpbestiary.png ? ‐‐ ‐‐
Freegoiz Freegoiz.gif Hearthp.png 80000 Xpbestiary.png 35000 ‐‐ ‐‐
Furyosa Furyosa.gif Hearthp.png 25000 Xpbestiary.png 11500 ‐‐ ‐‐
0-200 Gold Coins, 0-25 Platinum Coins, 5 Jalapeño Peppers (sempre), 0-5 Great Mana Potions, Crystal Ring, Concentrated Demonic Blood, Death Ring, Red Piece of Cloth, Steel Boots, Soul Orb, Demonic Essence, Silver Raid Token (semi-raro), Phoenix Shield (raro), Furious Frock (raro)?.
Gaz'Haragoth Gaz'Haragoth.gif Hearthp.png 1000000 Xpbestiary.png 2000000 ‐‐ ‐‐
0-20 Platinum Coin, 0-6 Crystal Coins, 0-100 Great Mana Potions, 0-100 Great Spirit Potions, 0-100 Ultimate Health Potions.
0-100 Assassin Stars, 0-15 Blue Crystal Splinters, 0-15 Green Crystal Shards, 0-15 Green Crystal Splinters, 0-100 Infernal Bolts, 0-15 Violet Crystal Shard, Blue Gem, Demon Horn, Demonic Essence, Giant Shimmering Pearl, Life Ring, Red Piece of Cloth, Yellow Piece of Cloth.
0-14 Cluster of Solace, 0-3 Dream Matter, 0-3 Unrealized Dream, Crude Umbral Axe, Crude Umbral Blade, Crude Umbral Bow, Crude Umbral Chopper, Crude Umbral Crossbow, Crude Umbral Hammer, Crude Umbral Mace, Crude Umbral Slayer, Crude Umbral Spellbook, Phoenix Charm, Solitude Charm, Spiritual Charm, Twin Sun Charm, Unity Charm.
Boots of Haste, Dream Warden Mask, Eye Pod, Magma Coat, Nightmare Beacon, Umbral Axe, Umbral Blade, Umbral Bow, Umbral Chopper, Umbral Crossbow, Umbral Hammer, Umbral Mace, Umbral Slayer, Umbral Spellbook.
Muito raro:
Demonic Tapestry, Nightmare Horn, Psychedelic Tapestry, Umbral Master Axe, Umbral Master Bow, Umbral Master Chopper, Umbral Master Crossbow, Umbral Master Hammer, Umbral Master Mace, Umbral Master Slayer, Umbral Master Spellbook, Umbral Masterblade.
Ghazbaran Ghazbaran.gif Hearthp.png 2000000 Xpbestiary.png 200000 ‐‐ ‐‐
0-10 Gold Coins, 0-47 Assassin Stars, 0-15 Black Pearls, 0-2 Demon Horns, 0-5 Demonic Essences, 0-1 Gold Ingot, 0-82 Onyx Arrows, 0-1 Orb, 0-11 Small Diamonds, 0-4 Small Emeralds, 0-13 Small Sapphires, 0-5 Talons, 0-5 White Pearls, Berserk Potion, Big Bone, Blue Gem, Blue Tome, Death Ring, Demon Shield, Energy Ring, Gold Ring, Golden Legs, Great Health Potion, Green Gem, Magic Light Wand, Mastermind Shield, Mind Stone, Mythril Axe, Protection Amulet, Ring of Healing, Silver Amulet, Skull Staff, Stealth Ring.
Spellbook of Lost Souls, Spellbook of Mind Control, Spellscroll of Prophecies, Spellbook of Warding, Crystalline Armor, Double Axe, 0-5 Great Spirit Potions, 0-5 Ultimate Health Potions, 0-3 Strong Health Potions.
Teddy Bear, Morgaroth's Heart, Ravenwing, Bonebreaker, Ruthless Axe, Big Bone, Demonbone, Havoc Blade, Glorious Axe, Twin Axe.
Golden Boots, Thunder Hammer, Spellbook of Dark Mysteries, Oceanborn Leviathan Armor.
Muito raro:
Bookworm Doll.
Golgordan Golgordan.gif Hearthp.png 40000 Xpbestiary.png 10000 ‐‐ ‐‐
0-300 Gold Coins, 0-3 Small Amethysts, Blue Gem, Boots of Haste, Demon Shield, Fire Axe, Silver Amulet, Stealth Ring, Ring of Healing.
Haunter Haunter.gif Hearthp.png 34000 Xpbestiary.png 4000 ‐‐ ‐‐
Hellgorak Hellgorak.gif Hearthp.png 40000 Xpbestiary.png 10000 ‐‐ ‐‐
0-300 Gold Coins, 0-25 Small Amethysts, Noble Axe, Silver Amulet, Solar Axe (muito raro), Mastermind Shield (muito raro), Demon Shield, Boots of Haste.
Horadron Horadron.gif Hearthp.png 30000 Xpbestiary.png 18000 ‐‐ ‐‐
0-200 Gold Coins, 0-50 Platinum Coins, 0-25 Small Amethysts, 0-25 Small Diamonds, 0-25 Small Sapphires, 0-25 Small Topazes, Beastslayer Axe, Blue Robe, Crown Armor, Crown Legs, Executioner, Golden Armor, Knight Legs, Lightning Legs, Noble Axe, Spellbook of Lost Souls, Spellbook of Mind Control, Spellbook of Warding, Steel Boots, Vile Axe, Dream Matter (raro), Dream Warden Mask (raro), Cluster of Solace (sempre), Demon Horn (sempre), Demonic Essence (sempre), Unrealized Dream (sempre).
Ice Arch Demon Ice Arch Demon.gif Hearthp.png 200000 Xpbestiary.png 200000 ‐‐ ‐‐
Infernatil Infernatil.gif Hearthp.png 270000 Xpbestiary.png 85000 ‐‐ ‐‐
Acredita-se que itens muito raros.
Latrivan Latrivan.gif Hearthp.png 40000 Xpbestiary.png 10000 ‐‐ ‐‐
60-273 Gold Coins, 0-3 Small Amethysts, Boots of Haste, Demon Shield, Fire Axe, Ring of Healing, Silver Amulet, Stealth Ring, Mastermind Shield.
Madareth Madareth.gif Hearthp.png 40000 Xpbestiary.png 10000 ‐‐ ‐‐
0-300 Gold Coins, Ring of Healing, 0-3 Small Amethyst, Fire Axe, Demon Shield, Boots of Haste, Mastermind Shield.
Massacre Massacre.gif Hearthp.png 30000 Xpbestiary.png 9800 ‐‐ ‐‐
Durante invasões:
Piece of Massacre's Shell (sempre).
Mazoran Mazoran.gif Hearthp.png 370000 Xpbestiary.png 60000 ‐‐ ‐‐
0-200 Gold Coins, 0-258 Platinum Coins, 0-54 Small Amethysts, 0-98 Small Sapphires, 0-87 Small Topazess, 0-10 Giant Shimmering Pearl, Glacier Kilt, Demonic Essence, Energy Ring, Fire Axe, Gold Ingot, Rift Bow, Rift Crossbow, Silver Token (sempre), Impaler of the Igniter (raro), Tempest Shield (muito raro).
Mephiles Mephiles.gif Hearthp.png 415 Xpbestiary.png 415 ‐‐ ‐‐
Monstor Monstor.gif Hearthp.png 960 Xpbestiary.png 575 ‐‐ ‐‐
Morgaroth Morgaroth.gif Hearthp.png 2000000 Xpbestiary.png 200000 ‐‐ ‐‐
0-10 Crystal Coins, 0-5 Demonic Essences, 0-4 Small Emeralds, 0-11 Small Diamonds, 0-13 White Pearls, 0-13 Small Sapphires, 0-13 Demon Horns, Blue Gem, Crystal Ring, Death Ring, Demonbone, Devil Helmet, Double Axe, Energy Ring, Magic Light Wand, Crystal Ball, Giant Sword, Golden Legs, Golden Mug, Great Health Potion, 0-5 Great Mana Potion, Great Shield, Great Spirit Potion, Green Gem, Magic Plate Armor, Magma Coat, Mind Stone, Orb, Red Tome, Strange Symbol, Stone Skin Amulet, Ultimate Health Potion.
Molten Plate, Platinum Amulet, The Stomper, Thunder Hammer, Chain Bolter, Dark Lord's Cape, Dragon Robe, Fireborn Giant Armor, Morgaroth's Heart, Obsidian Truncheon, Royal Crossbow, Teddy Bear, The Devileye.
Muito raro:
Phoenix Statue.
Mr. Punish Mr. Punish.gif Hearthp.png 12000 Xpbestiary.png 5500 ‐‐ ‐‐
Durante invasões:
Mr. Punish's Handcuffs (sempre).
Nergal Nergal.gif Hearthp.png 400000 Xpbestiary.png 100000 ‐‐ ‐‐
0-15 Crystal Coins.
Magic Plate Armor, Golden Legs, Mastermind Shield, Demonrage Sword.
Depth Scutum, Flawless Ice Crystal.
Shield of Corruption, Voltage Armor, Robe of the Underworld, Royal Draken Mail, Ornate Calcei, Depth Lorica, Ornate Chestplate, Frozen Plate, Molten Plate, Divine Plate, Oceanborn Leviathan Armor, Windborn Colossus Armor, Earthborn Titan Armor, Fireborn Giant Armor.
Odhan Odhan.gif Hearthp.png 100000 Xpbestiary.png 100000 ‐‐ ‐‐
0-100 Platinum Coins, Giant Sword, Golden Legs, Mastermind Shield, Magic Plate Armor.
Omrafir Omrafir.gif Hearthp.png 250000 Xpbestiary.png 50000? ‐‐ ‐‐
Durante invasões:
0-100 Gold Coins, 0-20 Platinum Coins, 0-4 Cluster of Solace, 0-2 Dream Matters, 0-8 Great Mana Potions, 0-5 Blue Crystal Shards, 0-5 Green Crystal Fragments, 0-7 Green Crystal Shards, 0-8 Ultimate Health Potions, 0-3 Unrealized Dreams, 0-5 Violet Crystal Shards, Demonic Essence, Green Gem, Demonic Tapestry, Giant Shimmering Pearl, Lightning Boots, Lightning Robe, Noble Axe, Ring of Healing, Eye Pod (semi-raro), Nightmare Hook (semi-raro), Skull Helmet (semi-raro), Dream Warden Mask, Nightmare Horn, Tibia Doll (muito raro).
Orshabaal Orshabaal.gif Hearthp.png 500000 Xpbestiary.png 750000 ‐‐ ‐‐
0-100 Platinum coins, Giant Sword, Golden Legs, Mastermind Shield, Magic Plate Armor.
Plagirath Plagirath.gif Hearthp.png 250000 Xpbestiary.png 58000 ‐‐ ‐‐
0-200 Gold Coins, 0-200 Platinum Coins, 0-54 Small Amethysts, Demonic Essence, 0-5 Giant Shimmering Pearl, Rift Bow, Rift Crossbow, Spellbook of Warding, Terra Amulet, Muck Rod (raro), Plague Bite (muito raro), Silver Token (sempre).
Prince Drazzak Prince Drazzak.gif Hearthp.png 300000 Xpbestiary.png 50000 ‐‐ ‐‐
0-50 Platinum Coins, Phoenix Charm, Unity Charm, Twin Sun Charm, Solitude Charm, Infernal Bolt, 0-6 Crystal Coins, 0-5 Blue Crystal Shards, 0-14 Cluster of Solace, 0-3 Demonic Essences, 0-100 Great Mana Potions, 0-100 Great Spirit Potions, 0-15 Green Crystal Fragments, 0-100 Ultimate Health Potion, 0-3 Unrealized Dreams, 0-5 Violet Crystal Shards, Giant Shimmering Pearl, Boots of Haste.
Demon Horn, Noble Axe, Skull Helmet.
Dream Warden Mask, Dream Warden Claw, Eye Pod,
Muito raro:
Demonic Tapestry, Nightmare Horn, Psychedelic Tapestry,
Ragiaz Ragiaz.gif Hearthp.png 400000? Xpbestiary.png 60000 ‐‐ ‐‐
0-200 Gold Coins, 0-200 Platinum Coins, 0-54 Small Amethysts, 0-98 Small Sapphires, 0-87 Small Topaz, Demonic Essence, Giant Shimmering Pearl, Red Gem, Yellow Gem, Amber Staff (semi-raro), Skull Staff (semi-raro), Rift Bow (raro), Reaper's Axe (muito raro), Death Gaze (muito raro), Silver Token (sempre)
Razzagorn Razzagorn.gif Hearthp.png 400000 Xpbestiary.png 65000 ‐‐ ‐‐
0-200 Gold Coins, 0-200 Platinum Coins, Giant Shimmering Pearl, 0-88 White Pearl, 0-54 small Amethyst, Berserk Potion, Blue Gem, Bullseye Potion, Demonic Essence, Devil Helmet, Gold Ingot, Green Gem, Mastermind Potion, Red Gem, Terra Rod, Violet Gem, Yellow Gem, Maimer (muito raro), Visage of the End Days (muito raro), Silver Token (sempre).
Shulgrax Shulgrax.gif Hearthp.png 220000? Xpbestiary.png 58000 ‐‐ ‐‐
0-200 Gold Coins, 0-200 Platinum Coins, 0-5 Small Emeralds, 0-5 Small Topazes, Bloody Edge, Chaos Mace, Demonbone Amulet, Demonic Essence, Dreaded Cleaver, Pair of Iron Fists, Red Gem, Shadow Sceptre, Yellow Gem, Rift Crossbow (raro), Rift Lance (raro), Rift Shield (raro), Treader of Torment (muito raro) , Maimer (muito raro) , Silver Token (sempre).
Tarbaz Tarbaz.gif Hearthp.png 180000 Xpbestiary.png 12000 ‐‐ ‐‐
0-200 Gold Coins, 0-35 Platinum Coins, 0-54 Small Amethysts, 0-5 Small Topazes, Giant Shimmering Pearl, Glacier Amulet, Glacier Kilt, Rift Crossbow (raro), Rift Lance (raro), Shroud of Despair (muito raro), Silver Token (sempre).
Terofar Terofar.gif Hearthp.png 50000 Xpbestiary.png 24000 ‐‐ ‐‐
0-200 Gold Coins, 0-50 Platinum Coins, 0-8 Blue Crystal Shards, 0-7 Great Mana Potions, 0-9 Great Spirit Potions, 0-10 Ultimate Health Potion, 0-8 Violet Crystal Shard, Blue Gem, Crown Shield, Demon Horns, Demon Shield, Giant Shimmering Pearl, Gold Ingot, 0-8 Green Crystal Shard, Green Gem, Guardian Shield, Paladin Armor, Cluster of Solace(sempre), Dream Matter (sempre).
Lavos Armor, Dream Warden Mask.
Mastermind Shield, Voltage Armor.
The Dreadorian The Dreadorian.gif Hearthp.png 39200 Xpbestiary.png 4000 ‐‐ ‐‐
The Handmaiden The Handmaiden.gif Hearthp.png 14500 Xpbestiary.png 3850 ‐‐ ‐‐
Durante invasões:
The Handmaiden's Protector (sempre).
The Imperor The Imperor.gif Hearthp.png 15000 Xpbestiary.png 8000 ‐‐ ‐‐
Durante invasões:
1-79 Gold Coins, Torch, Concentrated Demonic Blood, Blank Rune, Death Ring, 0-4 Small Amethyst, Demonic Essence, Brass Armor, Magma Coat, Magma Monocle, Magma Boots, Pitchfork, Stealth Ring, 0-5 Infernal Bolt, Soul Orb, Necrotic Rod, Chain Armor, The Imperor's Trident (sempre).
Ushuriel Ushuriel.gif Hearthp.png 31500 Xpbestiary.png 10000 ‐‐ ‐‐
0-300 Gold Coins, 0-3 Small Amethyst, Silver Amulet, Stealth Ring, Ring of Healing, Fire Axe, Blue Gem, Demon Shield, Boots of Haste, Mastermind Shield, Golden Legs, Runed Sword, Thaian Sword.
Verminor Verminor.gif Hearthp.png 110000 Xpbestiary.png 30000 ‐‐ ‐‐
0-100 Platinum Coins, Giant Sword, golden Legs, Mastermind Shield, Magic Plate Armor.
Muito raro:
Crystal Key.
Zamulosh Zamulosh.gif Hearthp.png 350000 Xpbestiary.png 55000 ‐‐ ‐‐
0-200 Gold Coins, 0-25 Platinum Coins, Royal Crossbow, Demonbone Amulet, Glacier Kilt, 0-5 Giant Shimmering Pearl, 0-5 Small Sapphires, Blue Gem, Demonic Essence, Ring of Healing, Stealth Ring, Time Ring, Yellow Gem, Book of Lies (muito raro), Maimer (muito raro), Silver Token (sempre).
Zavarash Zavarash.gif Hearthp.png 50000 Xpbestiary.png 21000 ‐‐ ‐‐
0-185 Gold Coins, 0-50 Platinum Coins, 0-8 Blue Crystal Shards, 0-1 Gold Ingots, 0-10 Great Mana Potions, 0-10 Great Spirit Potions, 0-8 Green Crystal Shards, 0-10 Ultimate Health Potions, 0-8 Violet Crystal Shards, Blue Gem, Bonebreaker, Demon Horn, Demon Shield, Diamond Sceptre, Giant Shimmering Pearl, Green Gem, Guardian Shield, Heavy Mace, Paladin Armor, Dream Warden Mask (raro), Cluster of Solace (sempre).
Zoralurk Zoralurk.gif Hearthp.png 55000 Xpbestiary.png 30000 ‐‐ ‐‐
01-190 Gold Coins, 0-5 White Pearl, Bright Sword, Worn Leather Boot, Patched Boots, Bright Sword, Giant Sword, Boots of Haste, Warlord Sword.
Zugurosh Zugurosh.gif Hearthp.png 40000 Xpbestiary.png 10000 ‐‐ ‐‐
01-200 Gold Coins, 0-3 Small Amethyst, Silver Amulet, Stealth Ring, Ring of Healing, Fire Axe, Demon Shield, Mastermind shield, Golden Legs, Blue Gem.
Final Zoralurk Final Zoralurk.gif Hearthp.png 1000000 Xpbestiary.png 400000 ‐‐ ‐‐
Champion Demon Champion Demon.gif Hearthp.png 82000 Xpbestiary.png 12000 ‐‐ Difícil
0-100 Gold Coins, 0-6 Platinum Coins, 0-3 Great Mana Potions, 0-3 Great Spirit Potions.
0-10 Assassin Stars, Demon Horn, Demonic Essence, 0-6 Fire Mushrooms, 0-5 Small Amethysts, 0-5 Small Emeralds, 0-5 Small Rubies, 0-5 Small Topazes, 0-3 Ultimate Health Potions.
Devil Helmet, Fire Axe, Giant Sword, Gold Ring, Golden Sickle, Ice Rapier, Might Ring, Orb, Purple Tome, Red Gem, Ring of Healing, Stealth Ring, Talon.
Demon Shield, Mastermind Shield, Platinum Amulet.
Muito raro:
Demon Trophy, Demonrage Sword, Golden Legs, Magic Plate Armor.
Champion Hellfire Fighter Champion Hellfire Fighter.gif Hearthp.png 76000 Xpbestiary.png 6800 ‐‐ Difícil
0-231 Gold Coins, Burnt Scroll, 0-2 Blank Runes.
Wand of Inferno, Soul Orb, Demonic Essence, Fiery Heart.
Emerald Bangle, Small Diamond, Fire Sword, Piece of Hellfire Armor.
Magma Legs, Magma Coat, Platinum Coin, Coal.
Muito raro:
Demonbone Amulet, Fire Axe.
Elite Fury Elite Fury.gif Hearthp.png 20500 Xpbestiary.png 30000 ‐‐ Mediana
0-226+ Gold Coins, 0-3 Concentrated Demonic Bloods.
Great Health Potion, 0-3 Small Amethysts, Terra Rod, Soul Orb, Demonic Essence, Slightly Rusted Legs, Slightly Rusted Armor, Slightly Rusted Helmet, Slightly Rusted Shield, Rusted Boots.
0-3 Platinum Coins, Red Piece of Cloth, Noble Axe.
Crystal Ring, Steel Boots, Assassin Dagger, Golden Legs, Death Ring, Assassin Star.
Muito raro:
Blood Crystal.
Energy Arch Demon Energy Arch Demon.gif Hearthp.png 200000 Xpbestiary.png 200000 ‐‐ ‐‐
Fire Arch Demon Fire Arch Demon.gif Hearthp.png 200000 Xpbestiary.png 200000 ‐‐ ‐‐
Death Arch Demon Death Arch Demon.gif Hearthp.png 200000 Xpbestiary.png 200000 ‐‐ ‐‐
Minishabaal Minishabaal.gif Hearthp.png 3500 Xpbestiary.png 4000 ‐‐ ‐‐
0-20 Gold Coins, Crown Legs, Demon Shield, Demonic Essence, Fire Axe, Guardian Shield, Pitchfork, Small Amethyst, Soul Orb, Demonbone Amulet (raro), Golden Legs (raro), Tempest Shield (muito raro).
Fluffy Fluffy.gif Hearthp.png 4500 Xpbestiary.png 3550 ‐‐ ‐‐
0-120 Gold Coins, 0-8 Hams, 0-4 Surprise Bag (Blue), Bone, Concentrated Demonic Blood, Demonic Essence, Knight Axe, Soul Orb, Spike Sword, Surprise Bag (Red).
Misguided Shadow Misguided Shadow.gif Hearthp.png 3000 Xpbestiary.png 1200 ‐‐ ‐‐
0-1 Strong Health Potion, Red Gem.


Bosses Demônios

Criatura HP Exp Charms Dificuldade Loot
Annihilon Annihilon.gif Hearthp.png 40000 Xpbestiary.png 10000 ‐‐ ‐‐
0-300 Gold Coins, Blue Gem, Demon Shield, Small Amethyst, Stealth Rig, Ring of Healing, Fire Axe, Silver Amulet.
Apocalypse Apocalypse.gif Hearthp.png 25000000? Xpbestiary.png 1000000? ‐‐ ‐‐
Acredita-se que itens muito raros.
Azazel Azazel.gif Hearthp.png 5000000? Xpbestiary.png 10000000? ‐‐ ‐‐
0-100 Crystal Coins, 0-20 Demonic Essence, 0-5 Iron Ore, 0-3 Flawless Ice Crystal, 0-15 Minor Crystalline Token, Boots of Haste, 0-3 Titanium Token, 0-3 Gold Token, 0-3 Silver Token.
Great Mana Potion, Necrotic Rod, Crystal Ball, Moonlight Rod, Great Health Potion, Golden Mug, Devil Helmet, Red Tome, Magic Plate Armor, Golden Legs, Demon Shield, Mastermind Shield, Skull Staff, Fire Axe, Magma Coat, Ultimate Health Potion, Great Spirit Potion, Strange Symbol, Magic Light Wand, Platinum Amulet, Ancient Amulet, Death Ring, Mind Stone, 0-100 Infernal Bolt, 0-13 Demon Horn, 0-10 Major Crystalline Token.
Royal Crossbow, Great Shield, Chain Bolter, Ironworker, Teddy Bear, Morgaroth's Heart, Wand of Dimensions, Wand of Everblazing, Glacial Rod, Koshei's Ancient Amulet, Ornate Mace, Elite Draken Mail, Ornate Shield, Spellbook of Vigilance, Obsidian Truncheon, Dark lord's Cape, Demonbone, Calamity, Stomper, Oceanborn Leviathan Armor.
Thunder Hammer, Fireborn Giant Armor, Thorn Spitter, Golden Boots, Wand of Dimensions, Wand of Defiance, Muck Rod, Sun Catcher, Starlight Vial, Moon Mirror.
Muito raro:
Dread Doll, Crystal Key, Decorative Ribbon, Bone Fiddle, Molten Plate, Devileye, Pure Energy, Windborn Colossus Armor, Earthborn titan Armor, Shadow Cowl, Final Judgement.
Bazir Bazir.gif Hearthp.png 110000? Xpbestiary.png 30000? ‐‐ ‐‐
Balghordan Balghordan.gif Hearthp.png 50000000? Xpbestiary.png 0? ‐‐ ‐‐
Boogey Boogey.gif Hearthp.png 930 Xpbestiary.png 475 ‐‐ ‐‐
Elite Energy Seeker Elite Energy Seeker.gif Hearthp.png ? Xpbestiary.png ? ‐‐ ‐‐
Elite Frost Nova Elite Frost Nova.gif Hearthp.png ? Xpbestiary.png ? ‐‐ ‐‐
Elite Heat Master Elite Heat Master.gif Hearthp.png ? Xpbestiary.png ? ‐‐ ‐‐
Freegoiz Freegoiz.gif Hearthp.png 80000 Xpbestiary.png 35000 ‐‐ ‐‐
Furyosa Furyosa.gif Hearthp.png 25000 Xpbestiary.png 11500 ‐‐ ‐‐
0-200 Gold Coins, 0-25 Platinum Coins, 5 Jalapeño Peppers (sempre), 0-5 Great Mana Potions, Crystal Ring, Concentrated Demonic Blood, Death Ring, Red Piece of Cloth, Steel Boots, Soul Orb, Demonic Essence, Silver Raid Token (semi-raro), Phoenix Shield (raro), Furious Frock (raro)?.
Gaz'Haragoth Gaz'Haragoth.gif Hearthp.png 1000000 Xpbestiary.png 2000000 ‐‐ ‐‐
0-20 Platinum Coin, 0-6 Crystal Coins, 0-100 Great Mana Potions, 0-100 Great Spirit Potions, 0-100 Ultimate Health Potions.
0-100 Assassin Stars, 0-15 Blue Crystal Splinters, 0-15 Green Crystal Shards, 0-15 Green Crystal Splinters, 0-100 Infernal Bolts, 0-15 Violet Crystal Shard, Blue Gem, Demon Horn, Demonic Essence, Giant Shimmering Pearl, Life Ring, Red Piece of Cloth, Yellow Piece of Cloth.
0-14 Cluster of Solace, 0-3 Dream Matter, 0-3 Unrealized Dream, Crude Umbral Axe, Crude Umbral Blade, Crude Umbral Bow, Crude Umbral Chopper, Crude Umbral Crossbow, Crude Umbral Hammer, Crude Umbral Mace, Crude Umbral Slayer, Crude Umbral Spellbook, Phoenix Charm, Solitude Charm, Spiritual Charm, Twin Sun Charm, Unity Charm.
Boots of Haste, Dream Warden Mask, Eye Pod, Magma Coat, Nightmare Beacon, Umbral Axe, Umbral Blade, Umbral Bow, Umbral Chopper, Umbral Crossbow, Umbral Hammer, Umbral Mace, Umbral Slayer, Umbral Spellbook.
Muito raro:
Demonic Tapestry, Nightmare Horn, Psychedelic Tapestry, Umbral Master Axe, Umbral Master Bow, Umbral Master Chopper, Umbral Master Crossbow, Umbral Master Hammer, Umbral Master Mace, Umbral Master Slayer, Umbral Master Spellbook, Umbral Masterblade.
Ghazbaran Ghazbaran.gif Hearthp.png 2000000 Xpbestiary.png 200000 ‐‐ ‐‐
0-10 Gold Coins, 0-47 Assassin Stars, 0-15 Black Pearls, 0-2 Demon Horns, 0-5 Demonic Essences, 0-1 Gold Ingot, 0-82 Onyx Arrows, 0-1 Orb, 0-11 Small Diamonds, 0-4 Small Emeralds, 0-13 Small Sapphires, 0-5 Talons, 0-5 White Pearls, Berserk Potion, Big Bone, Blue Gem, Blue Tome, Death Ring, Demon Shield, Energy Ring, Gold Ring, Golden Legs, Great Health Potion, Green Gem, Magic Light Wand, Mastermind Shield, Mind Stone, Mythril Axe, Protection Amulet, Ring of Healing, Silver Amulet, Skull Staff, Stealth Ring.
Spellbook of Lost Souls, Spellbook of Mind Control, Spellscroll of Prophecies, Spellbook of Warding, Crystalline Armor, Double Axe, 0-5 Great Spirit Potions, 0-5 Ultimate Health Potions, 0-3 Strong Health Potions.
Teddy Bear, Morgaroth's Heart, Ravenwing, Bonebreaker, Ruthless Axe, Big Bone, Demonbone, Havoc Blade, Glorious Axe, Twin Axe.
Golden Boots, Thunder Hammer, Spellbook of Dark Mysteries, Oceanborn Leviathan Armor.
Muito raro:
Bookworm Doll.
Golgordan Golgordan.gif Hearthp.png 40000 Xpbestiary.png 10000 ‐‐ ‐‐
0-300 Gold Coins, 0-3 Small Amethysts, Blue Gem, Boots of Haste, Demon Shield, Fire Axe, Silver Amulet, Stealth Ring, Ring of Healing.
Haunter Haunter.gif Hearthp.png 34000 Xpbestiary.png 4000 ‐‐ ‐‐
Hellgorak Hellgorak.gif Hearthp.png 40000 Xpbestiary.png 10000 ‐‐ ‐‐
0-300 Gold Coins, 0-25 Small Amethysts, Noble Axe, Silver Amulet, Solar Axe (muito raro), Mastermind Shield (muito raro), Demon Shield, Boots of Haste.
Horadron Horadron.gif Hearthp.png 30000 Xpbestiary.png 18000 ‐‐ ‐‐
0-200 Gold Coins, 0-50 Platinum Coins, 0-25 Small Amethysts, 0-25 Small Diamonds, 0-25 Small Sapphires, 0-25 Small Topazes, Beastslayer Axe, Blue Robe, Crown Armor, Crown Legs, Executioner, Golden Armor, Knight Legs, Lightning Legs, Noble Axe, Spellbook of Lost Souls, Spellbook of Mind Control, Spellbook of Warding, Steel Boots, Vile Axe, Dream Matter (raro), Dream Warden Mask (raro), Cluster of Solace (sempre), Demon Horn (sempre), Demonic Essence (sempre), Unrealized Dream (sempre).
Ice Arch Demon Ice Arch Demon.gif Hearthp.png 200000 Xpbestiary.png 200000 ‐‐ ‐‐
Infernatil Infernatil.gif Hearthp.png 270000 Xpbestiary.png 85000 ‐‐ ‐‐
Acredita-se que itens muito raros.
Latrivan Latrivan.gif Hearthp.png 40000 Xpbestiary.png 10000 ‐‐ ‐‐
60-273 Gold Coins, 0-3 Small Amethysts, Boots of Haste, Demon Shield, Fire Axe, Ring of Healing, Silver Amulet, Stealth Ring, Mastermind Shield.
Madareth Madareth.gif Hearthp.png 40000 Xpbestiary.png 10000 ‐‐ ‐‐
0-300 Gold Coins, Ring of Healing, 0-3 Small Amethyst, Fire Axe, Demon Shield, Boots of Haste, Mastermind Shield.
Massacre Massacre.gif Hearthp.png 30000 Xpbestiary.png 9800 ‐‐ ‐‐
Durante invasões:
Piece of Massacre's Shell (sempre).
Mazoran Mazoran.gif Hearthp.png 370000 Xpbestiary.png 60000 ‐‐ ‐‐
0-200 Gold Coins, 0-258 Platinum Coins, 0-54 Small Amethysts, 0-98 Small Sapphires, 0-87 Small Topazess, 0-10 Giant Shimmering Pearl, Glacier Kilt, Demonic Essence, Energy Ring, Fire Axe, Gold Ingot, Rift Bow, Rift Crossbow, Silver Token (sempre), Impaler of the Igniter (raro), Tempest Shield (muito raro).
Mephiles Mephiles.gif Hearthp.png 415 Xpbestiary.png 415 ‐‐ ‐‐
Monstor Monstor.gif Hearthp.png 960 Xpbestiary.png 575 ‐‐ ‐‐
Morgaroth Morgaroth.gif Hearthp.png 2000000 Xpbestiary.png 200000 ‐‐ ‐‐
0-10 Crystal Coins, 0-5 Demonic Essences, 0-4 Small Emeralds, 0-11 Small Diamonds, 0-13 White Pearls, 0-13 Small Sapphires, 0-13 Demon Horns, Blue Gem, Crystal Ring, Death Ring, Demonbone, Devil Helmet, Double Axe, Energy Ring, Magic Light Wand, Crystal Ball, Giant Sword, Golden Legs, Golden Mug, Great Health Potion, 0-5 Great Mana Potion, Great Shield, Great Spirit Potion, Green Gem, Magic Plate Armor, Magma Coat, Mind Stone, Orb, Red Tome, Strange Symbol, Stone Skin Amulet, Ultimate Health Potion.
Molten Plate, Platinum Amulet, The Stomper, Thunder Hammer, Chain Bolter, Dark Lord's Cape, Dragon Robe, Fireborn Giant Armor, Morgaroth's Heart, Obsidian Truncheon, Royal Crossbow, Teddy Bear, The Devileye.
Muito raro:
Phoenix Statue.
Mr. Punish Mr. Punish.gif Hearthp.png 12000 Xpbestiary.png 5500 ‐‐ ‐‐
Durante invasões:
Mr. Punish's Handcuffs (sempre).
Nergal Nergal.gif Hearthp.png 400000 Xpbestiary.png 100000 ‐‐ ‐‐
0-15 Crystal Coins.
Magic Plate Armor, Golden Legs, Mastermind Shield, Demonrage Sword.
Depth Scutum, Flawless Ice Crystal.
Shield of Corruption, Voltage Armor, Robe of the Underworld, Royal Draken Mail, Ornate Calcei, Depth Lorica, Ornate Chestplate, Frozen Plate, Molten Plate, Divine Plate, Oceanborn Leviathan Armor, Windborn Colossus Armor, Earthborn Titan Armor, Fireborn Giant Armor.
Odhan Odhan.gif Hearthp.png 100000 Xpbestiary.png 100000 ‐‐ ‐‐
0-100 Platinum Coins, Giant Sword, Golden Legs, Mastermind Shield, Magic Plate Armor.
Omrafir Omrafir.gif Hearthp.png 250000 Xpbestiary.png 50000? ‐‐ ‐‐
Durante invasões:
0-100 Gold Coins, 0-20 Platinum Coins, 0-4 Cluster of Solace, 0-2 Dream Matters, 0-8 Great Mana Potions, 0-5 Blue Crystal Shards, 0-5 Green Crystal Fragments, 0-7 Green Crystal Shards, 0-8 Ultimate Health Potions, 0-3 Unrealized Dreams, 0-5 Violet Crystal Shards, Demonic Essence, Green Gem, Demonic Tapestry, Giant Shimmering Pearl, Lightning Boots, Lightning Robe, Noble Axe, Ring of Healing, Eye Pod (semi-raro), Nightmare Hook (semi-raro), Skull Helmet (semi-raro), Dream Warden Mask, Nightmare Horn, Tibia Doll (muito raro).
Orshabaal Orshabaal.gif Hearthp.png 500000 Xpbestiary.png 750000 ‐‐ ‐‐
0-100 Platinum coins, Giant Sword, Golden Legs, Mastermind Shield, Magic Plate Armor.
Plagirath Plagirath.gif Hearthp.png 250000 Xpbestiary.png 58000 ‐‐ ‐‐
0-200 Gold Coins, 0-200 Platinum Coins, 0-54 Small Amethysts, Demonic Essence, 0-5 Giant Shimmering Pearl, Rift Bow, Rift Crossbow, Spellbook of Warding, Terra Amulet, Muck Rod (raro), Plague Bite (muito raro), Silver Token (sempre).
Prince Drazzak Prince Drazzak.gif Hearthp.png 300000 Xpbestiary.png 50000 ‐‐ ‐‐
0-50 Platinum Coins, Phoenix Charm, Unity Charm, Twin Sun Charm, Solitude Charm, Infernal Bolt, 0-6 Crystal Coins, 0-5 Blue Crystal Shards, 0-14 Cluster of Solace, 0-3 Demonic Essences, 0-100 Great Mana Potions, 0-100 Great Spirit Potions, 0-15 Green Crystal Fragments, 0-100 Ultimate Health Potion, 0-3 Unrealized Dreams, 0-5 Violet Crystal Shards, Giant Shimmering Pearl, Boots of Haste.
Demon Horn, Noble Axe, Skull Helmet.
Dream Warden Mask, Dream Warden Claw, Eye Pod,
Muito raro:
Demonic Tapestry, Nightmare Horn, Psychedelic Tapestry,
Ragiaz Ragiaz.gif Hearthp.png 400000? Xpbestiary.png 60000 ‐‐ ‐‐
0-200 Gold Coins, 0-200 Platinum Coins, 0-54 Small Amethysts, 0-98 Small Sapphires, 0-87 Small Topaz, Demonic Essence, Giant Shimmering Pearl, Red Gem, Yellow Gem, Amber Staff (semi-raro), Skull Staff (semi-raro), Rift Bow (raro), Reaper's Axe (muito raro), Death Gaze (muito raro), Silver Token (sempre)
Razzagorn Razzagorn.gif Hearthp.png 400000 Xpbestiary.png 65000 ‐‐ ‐‐
0-200 Gold Coins, 0-200 Platinum Coins, Giant Shimmering Pearl, 0-88 White Pearl, 0-54 small Amethyst, Berserk Potion, Blue Gem, Bullseye Potion, Demonic Essence, Devil Helmet, Gold Ingot, Green Gem, Mastermind Potion, Red Gem, Terra Rod, Violet Gem, Yellow Gem, Maimer (muito raro), Visage of the End Days (muito raro), Silver Token (sempre).
Shulgrax Shulgrax.gif Hearthp.png 220000? Xpbestiary.png 58000 ‐‐ ‐‐
0-200 Gold Coins, 0-200 Platinum Coins, 0-5 Small Emeralds, 0-5 Small Topazes, Bloody Edge, Chaos Mace, Demonbone Amulet, Demonic Essence, Dreaded Cleaver, Pair of Iron Fists, Red Gem, Shadow Sceptre, Yellow Gem, Rift Crossbow (raro), Rift Lance (raro), Rift Shield (raro), Treader of Torment (muito raro) , Maimer (muito raro) , Silver Token (sempre).
Tarbaz Tarbaz.gif Hearthp.png 180000 Xpbestiary.png 12000 ‐‐ ‐‐
0-200 Gold Coins, 0-35 Platinum Coins, 0-54 Small Amethysts, 0-5 Small Topazes, Giant Shimmering Pearl, Glacier Amulet, Glacier Kilt, Rift Crossbow (raro), Rift Lance (raro), Shroud of Despair (muito raro), Silver Token (sempre).
Terofar Terofar.gif Hearthp.png 50000 Xpbestiary.png 24000 ‐‐ ‐‐
0-200 Gold Coins, 0-50 Platinum Coins, 0-8 Blue Crystal Shards, 0-7 Great Mana Potions, 0-9 Great Spirit Potions, 0-10 Ultimate Health Potion, 0-8 Violet Crystal Shard, Blue Gem, Crown Shield, Demon Horns, Demon Shield, Giant Shimmering Pearl, Gold Ingot, 0-8 Green Crystal Shard, Green Gem, Guardian Shield, Paladin Armor, Cluster of Solace(sempre), Dream Matter (sempre).
Lavos Armor, Dream Warden Mask.
Mastermind Shield, Voltage Armor.
The Handmaiden The Handmaiden.gif Hearthp.png 14500 Xpbestiary.png 3850 ‐‐ ‐‐
Durante invasões:
The Handmaiden's Protector (sempre).
The Imperor The Imperor.gif Hearthp.png 15000 Xpbestiary.png 8000 ‐‐ ‐‐
Durante invasões:
1-79 Gold Coins, Torch, Concentrated Demonic Blood, Blank Rune, Death Ring, 0-4 Small Amethyst, Demonic Essence, Brass Armor, Magma Coat, Magma Monocle, Magma Boots, Pitchfork, Stealth Ring, 0-5 Infernal Bolt, Soul Orb, Necrotic Rod, Chain Armor, The Imperor's Trident (sempre).
Ushuriel Ushuriel.gif Hearthp.png 31500 Xpbestiary.png 10000 ‐‐ ‐‐
0-300 Gold Coins, 0-3 Small Amethyst, Silver Amulet, Stealth Ring, Ring of Healing, Fire Axe, Blue Gem, Demon Shield, Boots of Haste, Mastermind Shield, Golden Legs, Runed Sword, Thaian Sword.
Verminor Verminor.gif Hearthp.png 110000 Xpbestiary.png 30000 ‐‐ ‐‐
0-100 Platinum Coins, Giant Sword, golden Legs, Mastermind Shield, Magic Plate Armor.
Muito raro:
Crystal Key.
Zamulosh Zamulosh.gif Hearthp.png 350000 Xpbestiary.png 55000 ‐‐ ‐‐
0-200 Gold Coins, 0-25 Platinum Coins, Royal Crossbow, Demonbone Amulet, Glacier Kilt, 0-5 Giant Shimmering Pearl, 0-5 Small Sapphires, Blue Gem, Demonic Essence, Ring of Healing, Stealth Ring, Time Ring, Yellow Gem, Book of Lies (muito raro), Maimer (muito raro), Silver Token (sempre).
Zavarash Zavarash.gif Hearthp.png 50000 Xpbestiary.png 21000 ‐‐ ‐‐
0-185 Gold Coins, 0-50 Platinum Coins, 0-8 Blue Crystal Shards, 0-1 Gold Ingots, 0-10 Great Mana Potions, 0-10 Great Spirit Potions, 0-8 Green Crystal Shards, 0-10 Ultimate Health Potions, 0-8 Violet Crystal Shards, Blue Gem, Bonebreaker, Demon Horn, Demon Shield, Diamond Sceptre, Giant Shimmering Pearl, Green Gem, Guardian Shield, Heavy Mace, Paladin Armor, Dream Warden Mask (raro), Cluster of Solace (sempre).
Zoralurk Zoralurk.gif Hearthp.png 55000 Xpbestiary.png 30000 ‐‐ ‐‐
01-190 Gold Coins, 0-5 White Pearl, Bright Sword, Worn Leather Boot, Patched Boots, Bright Sword, Giant Sword, Boots of Haste, Warlord Sword.
Zugurosh Zugurosh.gif Hearthp.png 40000 Xpbestiary.png 10000 ‐‐ ‐‐
01-200 Gold Coins, 0-3 Small Amethyst, Silver Amulet, Stealth Ring, Ring of Healing, Fire Axe, Demon Shield, Mastermind shield, Golden Legs, Blue Gem.
Final Zoralurk Final Zoralurk.gif Hearthp.png 1000000 Xpbestiary.png 400000 ‐‐ ‐‐
Energy Arch Demon Energy Arch Demon.gif Hearthp.png 200000 Xpbestiary.png 200000 ‐‐ ‐‐
Fire Arch Demon Fire Arch Demon.gif Hearthp.png 200000 Xpbestiary.png 200000 ‐‐ ‐‐
Death Arch Demon Death Arch Demon.gif Hearthp.png 200000 Xpbestiary.png 200000 ‐‐ ‐‐
Minishabaal Minishabaal.gif Hearthp.png 3500 Xpbestiary.png 4000 ‐‐ ‐‐
0-20 Gold Coins, Crown Legs, Demon Shield, Demonic Essence, Fire Axe, Guardian Shield, Pitchfork, Small Amethyst, Soul Orb, Demonbone Amulet (raro), Golden Legs (raro), Tempest Shield (muito raro).

Demônios de Quests

Criatura HP Exp Charms Dificuldade Loot
Misguided Shadow Misguided Shadow.gif Hearthp.png 3000 Xpbestiary.png 1200 ‐‐ ‐‐
0-1 Strong Health Potion, Red Gem.


Guardian Of Tales.gif Tipos de Criaturas Guardian Of Tales.gif
Anfíbios.png Aquáticos.png Aves.png Bosses.png Constructos.png Criaturas Mágicas.png
Anfíbios Aquáticos Aves Bosses Constructos Criaturas Mágicas
Demônios.png Dragões.png Elementais.png Extra Dimensionais.png Fadas.png Gigantes.png
Demônios Dragões Elementais Extra Dimensionais Fadas Gigantes
Humanos.png Humanóides.png Imortais.png Licantropos.png Mamíferos.png Mortos-Vivos.png
Humanos Humanóides Imortais Licantropos Mamíferos Mortos-Vivos
Plantas (Criatura).png Répteis.png Slimes.png The Ruthless Seven.png Triangle of Terror.png Vermes.png
Plantas Répteis Slimes The Ruthless Seven Triangle of Terror Vermes