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Revisão de 20h03min de 15 de novembro de 2023 por Edivaldo (discussão | contribs)
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Eruaran.gif NPC Eruaran
Este NPC é Comerciante de Armas, Comerciante de Itens Especiais
Jogador: hi

Jogador: trade
Eruaran: Ashari <jogador>, so we meet again! What brings you here this time. General information, transform, improve, create, outfit or talk?
Jogador: again
Eruaran: We met occasionally in your dreams. Don't mind, it's rare that such incidents are remembered at all.
Jogador: information
Eruaran: So you are here for the creation of a dream matter item. I guess you are familiar with the general process.
Jogador: process
Eruaran: I can refine some of the raw essences like dream matter you may find here and refine them with lesser dream substances like clusters of solace to shape them with help of the dreamcatcher. I can try to shape them into several forms of your liking. ...
Eruaran: Yet when shaping the essence it becomes closer to a dream once more for a short time. It might be that I loose the grasp onto that matter and everything dissolves into nothingness and will be lost. ...
Eruaran: If we created a basic version of the object you desired we could use more material to refine it even further, making it stronger by making it more real and defining it more. ...
Eruaran: This though comes with an extreme risk since the dream matter of the item is very likely to shatter. ...
Eruaran: Even that stronger item might be further refined at even greater risk. I'm not even sure I could do it at all without harm to myself but I might try.
Jogador: matter
Eruaran: True dream matter are something like an idea in the process of becoming solid. It's quite rare and many creatures covet it because even possessing it gives them some sort of comfort. ...
Eruaran: So it's likely that you will have to fight for it. But dream matter is a such power without a form it might be worth it. Combined with clusters of solace the idea gets substance and form.
Jogador: solace
Eruaran: Clusters of solace are full of raw options but they are powerless on their own. Combined with true potential they can be used to create something powerful or refine it even more by giving the idea of the item more reality.
Jogador: transform
Eruaran: From time to time fate smiles upon those who take great risks and have strong dreams! If you have the ingredients we can try give the ultimate refinement to swords, axes, clubs, bows, crossbows and spellbooks.
Jogador: ingredients
Eruaran: For the creation we'd need dream matter and some clusters of solace. For any process of refinement we'd also need a lesser version of the item you want to refine of course.
Jogador: sword
Eruaran: One handed or two handed?
Jogador: one handed
Eruaran: Do you want to spend your dream matter with those xy clusters of solace and give it a shot. Yes or no?
Jogador: yes
Eruaran: Ah it looks like you forgot to bring enough materials!
Jogador: create
Eruaran: Know this: the creation is an unsecure and dubios procedure. You can try to obtain swords, axes, clubs, bows, crossbows and spellbooks.
Jogador: outfit
Eruaran: For your noble deeds I can offer you to make some of your dreams come true! I send the potential of an unique outfit in your mind. You can make it real! ...
Eruaran: Are you interested?
Jogador: yes
Eruaran: The dream warden outfit! Let's see if you are worthy. Tell me: base, claw or mask?
Jogador: base
Eruaran: In order to get the dream warden outfit, you have to prove yourself worthy, <jogador>.
Jogador: claw
Eruaran: You have to find a dream warden claw in order to wear it!
Jogador: mask
Eruaran: You have to find a dream warden mask in order to wear it!
Jogador: talk
Eruaran: So I guess you are curious what I'm doing here.
Jogador: doing
Eruaran: I came here not by choice but due to circumstance. I was drawn into this place by the power the dreams. Imagine it like swimming in a lake and suddenly getting into a vortex. ...
Eruaran: I could still have avoided it but curiosity did not allow such a phenomenon to be ignored.
Jogador: phenomenon
Eruaran: This a place unlike any other on this world. There are other places where dream and reality might mix up but this here is unique in a frightening way.
Jogador: frightening
Eruaran: Whoever created this place was accustomed in handling the substance of dreams. No, not only to handle it, but to master it. ...
Eruaran: But whoever did that, they did only mettle with the most disturbing dreams, bordering to madness. Not only that, this place seems to draw those very dreams here somehow. ...
Eruaran: I can still feel it. The pull is there, it might be weak, compared to what it once must have been, but it is still here, like a magnet of some kind.
Jogador: place
Eruaran: Much of what you can see here is made from the substance of dreams. It might look like stone and structures but in it's core it's the stuff dreams are made of. It's dreams that became solid and remain that way. ...
Eruaran: The matter is still subject to change though. I can feel the change, the malleable form of things, but they are stable and not threatened to become the insubstantial dream matter that they were made of. It is just amazing.
Jogador: stuff
Eruaran: There are many objects completely made of dreams and imagination that have become solid. Some of them might be useful to be transformed or refined into something else. Look out for clusters of solace or dream matter.
Jogador: amazing
Eruaran: It is one thing to have a certain amount of control over ones dreams, it is another thing to shape them. ...
Eruaran: It is incredibly difficult even for the most skilled the manipulate reality via the dreams and even more so, to manifest something of a dream into the awaken world. ...
Eruaran: Still the latter is something that have been done almost casually here everywhere. You can't understand what frightening power that is. Even more considering that apparatus that I found here.
Jogador: apparatus
Eruaran: Not only that those who once dwelled here were able to seemingly handle dream matter with ease, They also created this construct that works in a way that should not be possible at all. ...
Eruaran: In truth it is a potent dream in itself, that is probably why it can interact with dream matter at all. ...
Eruaran: For now it only sees to create a vortex of some sort in the realm of dreams, still dragging dreams here and turning them into ... something. However it is so much more. It seems it works like a musical instrument of some sort. ...
Eruaran: That is, if you use it to create the right 'tune' you can use it to shape the dreams it draws upon.
Jogador: shape
Eruaran: I can certainly do some minor transformations of dream matter, using the apparatus. It still needs some extremely raw dream matter as a basis and a number of clusters of solace to refine it. ...
Eruaran: Still it would be a very unreliable process since I'm not familiar with that apparatus and due to it's damaged state. Chances are that it will yield nothing and the material only dissipates into the realm of dreams again. ...
Eruaran: If I'm successful though I could draw upon the dreams of countless warriors and magicians to shape them into something wonderful.
Jogador: job
Eruaran: I came here not by choice but due to circumstance. I was drawn into this place by the power the dreams. Imagine it like swimming in a lake and suddenly getting into a vortex. ...
Eruaran: I could still have avoided it but curiosity did not allow such a phenomenon to be ignored.
Jogador: elf
Eruaran: Maybe I was once an elf, perhaps that was only a dream though. Does it really matter after all? I think not. Dream, reality, human or elf, that all is of no consequence at all. ...
Eruaran: We are what we do, we are what we decide. To limit yourself to be an elf or whatever is to abandon the potential of what you COLUD be. I'm sorry I'm not here to preach or teach though and I'm terrible in such things.
Jogador: Ab'Dendriel
Eruaran: What once was a dream became true. I acknowledge that at least.
Jogador: human
Eruaran: Humans have impressively big dreams. Yet they are strangely insubstantial, very different to those of others.
Jogador: dreams
Eruaran: Don't ask others to explain you dreams. Experience them. Dreams are your friend, your mentor, your private fortress and they could be so much more if you just listen to them.
Jogador: Nightmare Knights
Eruaran: We were intrigued by the way, they handled their dreams. We taught them what we thought would help. Then we walked with them for a while to learn on our own, but we couldn't. ...
Eruaran: Our ways were too different. In the end their noble goals fell prey to treachery as far as I know.
Jogador: ruthless seven
Eruaran: I heard about them in some dreams. Gladly they can't and never will be able to enter the realm of dreams. ...
Eruaran: Only a few demons with a special affinity are able to truly enter the dream realms, others can only send you vague nightmares at best ...
Eruaran: Even the nightmares of their enemies did not give the seven enough foothold to enter the dreams and as far as I can tell they never even bothered ...
Eruaran: It's almost as if they are afraid of dreams for some strange reason.
Jogador: demons
Eruaran: Some demons sleep and some demons even dream, but strangely enough they usually walk in another world of dreams, totally separate from that of our own and it's a gap that can only be bridged by brute force. ...
Eruaran: Something that is acomplished by only a few, special breeds of demons.
Jogador: special breeds of demons
Eruaran: Some demons sleep and some demons even dream, but strangely enough they usually walk in another world of dreams, totally separate from that of our own and it's a gap that can only be bridged by brute force. ...
Eruaran: Something that is acomplished by only a few, special breeds of demons.
Jogador: dwarfs
Eruaran: I've walked with them in their dreams. A bit single minded and repetitive in imagination but if it's that what they like and care for, it's good for them and not for me to judge.
Jogador: dreamcatcher
Eruaran: I have no better word for this apparatus. Exactly it's not even of this world. What you see is only it's representation to our minds. It even looks different for you and me but we both see at least some kind of machine. ...
Eruaran: Other creatures might see totally different things. It's original purpose is hard to tell. By its very nature it's existence alone is like a connection between the world of dreams an this one. But it's far more. ...
Eruaran: It's obviously also a dream matter dispenser and dream shaper. I assume in the past it was used to alter the shape of the city at the leisure of it's creators. I was most certainly used to crate items of craftsmanship only limited by imagination. ...
Eruaran: It's both impressive and frightening that some race accomplished so much. Yet by all possibility in this design I feel something is ... lacking. I can't put my finger on it yet but everything we see here seems to be flawed in a strange way. ...
Eruaran: I can't yet tell the nature of that flaw but I'm sure that set some severe limitation to the power of the creatures that once lived here. Perhaps when I find out what the flaw is, I might be able to do even more with our findings here.
Jogador: city
Eruaran: That place is made of dreams, but not good dreams, that's for sure. Still dreams are dreams and might be adjusted or even reshaped.
Jogador: Teshial
Eruaran: That's only a word. Words are rough and imprecise. If you'd walk the dreams for a while things would become far more clear because they are lost in obscurity. ...
Eruaran: I'm a living dream, rider of nightmares, wanderer in paradises and hells. I have seen wonders beyond compare. I experienced things a untrained mind could not only grasp. I am what I am.
Jogador: bye

Eruaran: Yes yes. Goodbye <jogador>.
Eruaran.gif NPC Eruaran
Este NPC é Comerciante de Armas, Comerciante de Itens Especiais
Localização: Upper Roshamuul (aquiImage.png).
Notas: Esse NPC só irá desaparecer se o boss Gaz'Haragoth invadir a área. Ele pode contar muitas coisas sobre sonhos e a criação umbral.
(Ver as transcrições desse NPC)
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Compra: Nada.