Infected Area

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Revisão de 07h45min de 4 de fevereiro de 2024 por Edivaldo (discussão | contribs) (Criou página com '{{Infobox_Hunts|List={{{1|}}}|GetValue={{{GetValue|}}} | image = Dead Tree | city = Abrohos | location = Sul de Plains of Havoc | mapa = | premium = sim | dif = 4 | vocation = Druid, Knight, Paladin, Sorcerer | lvl = 120 | loot = 1 | exp = 1 | raros = Demon Legs, Rainbow Shield, Spellbook of Ancient Arcana, Thorn Spitter | info = Quest | implemented = }} {{TOC left}} Arquiv...')
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Dead Tree.gif Recomendações Exp Loot
Vocações Nível Star1.png Star1.png
Forbidden Fruit.gifRecomendado para druids Magic Longsword.gifRecomendado para knights Umbral Master Crossbow.gifRecomendado para paladins Spellbook of Ancient Arcana.gifRecomendado para sorcerers 120
Área Localização Premium Dificuldade
Abrohos Sul de Plains of Havoc Sim.png Difícil
Informações Adicionais Loots raros
Locker (Object).gifNão há Depot no local Golden Blessed Shield.gifNão há Protection Zones no local Adventurer's Stone.gifNão há Templo no local NPC.gifNão há NPCs no local Mailbox (Store).gifNão há Royal Mailbox no local Treasure Chest.gifHá Quests no local Colourful Balloons.gifNão há eventos no local
Golden Raid Token.gifNão há invasões no local Helmet of the Deep.gifHelmet of the Deep desnecessário Miniature House Geo.gifNão há casas no local Tibian Book.gifNão há bibliotecas, livros e/ou documentos no local Map to the Unknown.gifNão há ruas no local Youtube Favicon Grey.pngEssa hunt não contém um spoiler em vídeo!
Demon Legs.gif Rainbow Shield.gif Spellbook of Ancient Arcana.gif Thorn Spitter.gif
Infected Area

Sobre o Local

Área infectada com a "The Demon Oak".

A área infectada ou em inglês "Infected Area", está localizada ao sul de Plains of Havoc, bem próximo a Dark Ruins, à leste. Nela existe um pequena floresta de árvores mortas e ossos que cercam uma gigantesca árvore chamada "The Demon Oak". Se você se aproximar um pouco, você poderá ouvir os seus gritos.

À oeste dessa área existe um respawn de Giant Spider e um pouco ao sul está o único respawn de Vampire no continente. Pouco se sabe sobre o que houve nesta área e existem apenas rumores sobre o real motivos dela ter aparecido. Um dos mais prováveis, é que os membros da Ruthless Seven enviaram este poderoso demônio.

Como Chegar

Existe uma única forma de acessar esta área.



Durante Quest

Nome HP Exp Charm Dificuldade Loot
Plaguesmith Plaguesmith.gif Hearthp.png 8250 Xpbestiary.png 4500 -- Mediana
0-265 Gold Coins, Mouldy Cheese, Dirty Cape.
0-2 Platinum Coins, Great Health Potion, Piece of Iron, Two Handed Sword, Morning Star, Battle Hammer, Knight Legs, Steel Shield, Soul Orb, Demonic Essence, 0-4 Onyx Arrows, Slightly Rusted Armor.
Silver Brooch, 0-3 Small Amethysts, Axe Ring, Club Ring, War Hammer.
Hammer of Wrath, Steel Boots, Piece of Royal Steel, Piece of Hell Steel, Piece of Draconian Steel.
Muito raro:
War Horn, Emerald Bangle.
Defiler Defiler.gif Hearthp.png 3650 Xpbestiary.png 3700 -- Difícil
0-280 Gold Coins, 0-6 Platinum Coins.
0-3 Small Emeralds, Demonic Essence, Glob of Acid Slime, Glob of Tar, Soul Orb.
0-3 Small Diamonds, 0-2 Small Rubies, Death Ring, Red Gem, Talon, Yellow Gem.
Blue Gem, Green Gem.
Son of Verminor Son of Verminor.gif Hearthp.png 8500 Xpbestiary.png 5900 -- Difícil
Demon Demon.gif Hearthp.png 8200 Xpbestiary.png 6000 -- Difícil
0-100 Gold Coins, 0-6 Platinum Coins, 0-3 Great Mana Potions, 0-3 Great Spirit Potions.
0-10 Assassin Stars, Demon Horn, Demonic Essence, 0-6 Fire Mushrooms, 0-5 Small Amethysts, 0-5 Small Emeralds, 0-5 Small Rubies, 0-5 Small Topazes, 0-3 Ultimate Health Potions.
Devil Helmet, Fire Axe, Giant Sword, Gold Ring, Golden Sickle, Ice Rapier, Might Ring, Orb, Purple Tome, Red Gem, Ring of Healing, Stealth Ring, Talon.
Demon Shield, Mastermind Shield, Platinum Amulet.
Muito raro:
Demon Trophy, Demonrage Sword, Golden Legs, Magic Plate Armor.
Dragon Lord Dragon Lord.gif Hearthp.png 1900 Xpbestiary.png 2100 -- Mediana
0-350 Gold Coins, 0-5 Dragon Hams.
Gemmed Book, 0-7 Power Bolts, Green Mushroom, 0-3 Royal Spear.
Golden Mug, Small Sapphire, Energy Ring, Red Dragon Scale.
Strong Health Potion, Life Crystal, Red Dragon Leather.
Muito raro:
Strange Helmet, Fire Sword, Dragon Scale Mail, Tower Shield, Dragon Lord Trophy, Royal Helmet, Dragon Slayer.
Dragon Dragon.gif Hearthp.png 1000 Xpbestiary.png 700 -- Mediana
0-105 Gold Coins, 0-3 Dragon Hams.
Crossbow, Steel Shield, 0-12 Burst Arrows.
Longsword, Broadsword, Steel Helmet, Plate Legs.
Strong Health Potion, Wand of Inferno, Double Axe, Serpent Sword, Dragon Hammer, Green Dragon Leather, Green Dragon Scale.
Muito raro:
Small Diamond, Dragon Shield, Dragonbone Staff, Life Crystal.
Behemoth Behemoth.gif Hearthp.png 4000 Xpbestiary.png 2500 -- Mediana
0-199 Gold Coins, 0-5 Platinum Coins, 0-6 Meats.
0-5 Assassin Stars, 0-5 Small Amethysts, Battle Stone, Double Axe, Two Handed Sword.
Crystal Necklace, Dark Armor, Great Health Potion, Plate Armor.
Behemoth Claw, Big Bone, Giant Sword, Perfect Behemoth Fang, Pick, Strange Symbol.
Muito raro:
Amphora, Behemoth Trophy, Crowbar, Steel Boots, Titan Axe, War Axe.
Phantasm Phantasm.gif Hearthp.png 3950 Xpbestiary.png 4400 -- Difícil
0-2 Great Mana Potions, 0-233 Gold Coins, 0-4 Platinum Coins, 0-2 Blank Runes, Shadow Herb.
0-3 Small Rubies, 0-3 Small Emeralds, 0-3 Small Amethysts, Demonic Essence, Ultimate Health Potion, 0-3 Small Topazes.
Stealth Ring, Crown Armor, Death Ring, Shadow Sceptre.
Muito raro:
Abyss Hammer.
Grim Reaper Grim Reaper.gif Hearthp.png 3900 Xpbestiary.png 5500 -- Difícil
0-265 Gold Coins, Concentrated Demonic Blood.
0-1 Great Mana Potion, 0-1 Ultimate Health Potion, Scythe, Demonic Essence.
0-4 Platinum Coins, 0-4 Orichalcum Pearls, Dark Shield, Magic Light Wand, Mystical Hourglass, Slightly Rusted Armor.
Nightmare Blade, Underworld Rod.
Muito raro:
Death Ring, Glacier Kilt, Skullcracker Armor.
Nightmare Nightmare.gif Hearthp.png 2700 Xpbestiary.png 2150 -- Mediana
0-155 Gold Coins, 0-2 Ham.
Soul Orb, Demonic Essence, Essence of a Bad Dream, 0-2 Concentrated Demonic Bloods, Scythe Leg.
0-3 Platinum Coins, Death Ring.
Knight Legs, Ancient Shield, 0-4 Power Bolts.
Muito raro:
Boots of Haste, War Axe, Mysterious Voodoo Skull, Skeleton Decoration.
Giant Spider Giant Spider.gif Hearthp.png 1300 Xpbestiary.png 900 -- Mediana
0-195 Gold Coins.
0-12 Poison Arrows, Plate Armor, Plate Legs.
0-1 Strong Health Potion, Spider Silk, Steel Helmet, Two Handed Sword.
Knight Armor, Knight Legs, Time Ring.
Muito raro:
Lightning Headband, Platinum Amulet.
Grim Reaper Grim Reaper.gif Hearthp.png 3900 Xpbestiary.png 5500 -- Difícil
0-265 Gold Coins, Concentrated Demonic Blood.
0-1 Great Mana Potion, 0-1 Ultimate Health Potion, Scythe, Demonic Essence.
0-4 Platinum Coins, 0-4 Orichalcum Pearls, Dark Shield, Magic Light Wand, Mystical Hourglass, Slightly Rusted Armor.
Nightmare Blade, Underworld Rod.
Muito raro:
Death Ring, Glacier Kilt, Skullcracker Armor.
Hellfire Fighter Hellfire Fighter.gif Hearthp.png 3800 Xpbestiary.png 3900 -- Difícil
0-231 Gold Coins, Burnt Scroll, 0-2 Blank Runes.
Wand of Inferno, Soul Orb, Demonic Essence, Fiery Heart.
Emerald Bangle, Small Diamond, Fire Sword, Piece of Hellfire Armor.
Magma Legs, Magma Coat, Platinum Coin, Coal.
Muito raro:
Demonbone Amulet, Fire Axe.
Minishabaal Minishabaal.gif Hearthp.png 3500 Xpbestiary.png 4000 -- --
0-20 Gold Coins, Crown Legs, Demon Shield, Demonic Essence, Fire Axe, Guardian Shield, Pitchfork, Small Amethyst, Soul Orb, Demonbone Amulet (raro), Golden Legs (raro), Tempest Shield (muito raro).
Juggernaut Juggernaut.gif Hearthp.png 20000 Xpbestiary.png 14000 -- Difícil
0-445 Gold Coins, 0-15 Platinum Coins, 0-8 Hams, Demonic Essence.
0-3 Great Mana Potions, 0-3 Great Health Potions, 0-10 Assassin Stars, 0-4 Concentrated Demonic Bloods, 0-2 Gold Ingots, 0-15 Onyx Arrows, 0-5 Small Rubies, 0-5 Small Emeralds, Red Gem, Soul Orb.
Green Gem, War Axe, Knight Armor, Titan Axe, Spiked Squelcher.
Golden Armor, Golden Legs, Violet Gem.
Muito raro:
Demonbone Amulet, Skullcracker Armor, Heavy Mace, Mastermind Shield, Closed Trap.
Ferumbras Ferumbras.gif Hearthp.png 35000 Xpbestiary.png 12000 -- --
0-184 Gold Coins, 0-3 Small Emeralds, Great Axe, Magic Plate Armor, Platinum Amulet, Talon, Coconut, Mastermind Shield, Ferumbras' Hat.


Durante Quest

Nome Pode-se andar por cima Atributos Notas
The Demon Oak The Demon Oak.gif Não.jpg Nenhum. Faz sons como: "Release me and you will be rewarded greatefully!"; "What is that? Demon Legs lying here? Someone might have lost them."; "I'm trapped, come here and free me fast!!"; "I can bring your beloved back from the dead, just release me!"; "What a nice shiny golden armor. Come to me and you can have it!"; "Find a way in here and release me! Pleeeease hurry!"; "You can have my demon set, if you help me get out of here!".