Rosa Magalhaes: mudanças entre as edições

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Linha 42: Linha 42:
| Green Demon Slippers
| Green Demon Slippers
| Phantasmal Axe  
| Phantasmal Axe  
| 50 Magic essence
| 50 Magic Essence
| 10 Rare essence
| 10 Rare Essence
| 3 Legendary essence
| 3 Legendary Essence
| Balloon Box
| Balloon Box
| Special Balloon Box
| Special Balloon Box

Edição atual tal como às 18h50min de 14 de fevereiro de 2025

Rosa Magalhaes.gif NPC Rosa Magalhaes
Este NPC é Comerciante
Rosa Magalhaes.gif NPC Rosa Magalhaes
Este NPC é Comerciante
Localização: Enigma.
Notas: Durante o evento de Carnaval, procure pela misteriosa Rosa Magalhaes, que está esperando por você em Enigma. Ela aceita seus Common Carnival Tokens e Rare Carnival Tokens como troca por itens, decorativos e buffs exclusivos que podem ajudar na sua jornada ou na diversão do evento!
Itens negociáveis:


Item Valor
Buff Forte Melee Buff Forte Melee.gif5 Common Carnival Token
Buff Forte Distance Buff Forte Distance.gif5 Common Carnival Token
Buff Forte Critical Buff Forte Critical.gif5 Common Carnival Token
Buff Forte ManaLeech Buff Forte ManaLeech.gif5 Common Carnival Token
Buff Forte LifeLeech Buff Forte LifeLeech.gif5 Common Carnival Token
Buff Forte Life Buff Forte Life.gif5 Common Carnival Token
Buff Forte Magic Buff Forte Magic.gif5 Common Carnival Token
Buff Super Forte Melee Buff Super Forte Melee.gif5 Common Carnival Token
5 Rare Carnival Token
Buff Super Forte Distance Buff Super Forte Distance.gif5 Common Carnival Token
5 Rare Carnival Token
Buff Super Forte Critical Buff Super Forte Critical.gif5 Common Carnival Token
5 Rare Carnival Token
Buff Super Forte ManaLeech Buff Super Forte ManaLeech.gif5 Common Carnival Token
5 Rare Carnival Token
Buff Super Forte LifeLeech Buff Super Forte LifeLeech.gif5 Common Carnival Token
5 Rare Carnival Token
Buff Super Forte Life Buff Super Forte Life.gif5 Common Carnival Token
5 Rare Carnival Token
Buff Super Forte Magic Buff Super Forte Magic.gif5 Common Carnival Token
5 Rare Carnival Token


Item Valor
Gnome Helmet Gnome Helmet.gif45 Common Carnival Token
20 Rare Carnival Token
Gnome Armor Gnome Armor.gif45 Common Carnival Token
20 Rare Carnival Token
Gnome Sword Gnome Sword.gif45 Common Carnival Token
20 Rare Carnival Token
Gnome Shield Gnome Shield.gif45 Common Carnival Token
20 Rare Carnival Token
Gnome Legs Gnome Legs.gif45 Common Carnival Token
20 Rare Carnival Token
Green Demon Helmet Green Demon Helmet.gif30 Common Carnival Token
15 Rare Carnival Token
Green Demon Armor Green Demon Armor.gif30 Common Carnival Token
15 Rare Carnival Token
Green Demon Legs Green Demon Legs.gif30 Common Carnival Token
15 Rare Carnival Token
Green Demon Slippers Green Demon Slippers.gif30 Common Carnival Token
15 Rare Carnival Token
Phantasmal Axe Phantasmal Axe.gif90 Common Carnival Token
45 Rare Carnival Token
50 Magic Essence 50 Magic Essence.gif15 Common Carnival Token
7 Rare Carnival Token
10 Rare Essence 10 Rare Essence.gif30 Common Carnival Token
15 Rare Carnival Token
3 Legendary Essence 3 Legendary Essence.gif60 Common Carnival Token
30 Rare Carnival Token
Balloon Box Balloon Box.gif10 Common Carnival Token
5 Rare Carnival Token
Special Balloon Box Special Balloon Box.gif15 Common Carnival Token
7 Rare Carnival Token
Box Full of Balloons Box Full of Balloons.gif20 Common Carnival Token
10 Rare Carnival Token

Compra: Nada.
