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{{warning|Esta página pode conter spoiler, o que pode estragar parte da diversão do jogo. Se você não quiser ver, sugerimos que [[Home|saia desta página]].}}
| name        = Adventures of Galthen Quest
| reward      = [[Arquivo:Outfit Ancient Aucar Male.gif]][[Arquivo:Outfit Ancient Aucar Female.gif]][[Arquivo:Outfit Royal Bounacean Advisor Male.gif]][[Arquivo:Outfit Royal Bounacean Advisor Female.gif]]<br>[[Ancient Aucar Outfits]], [[Royal Bounacean Advisor Outfits]], [[Addons]], possibilidade de enfrentar bosses diários, [[Galthen's Satchel]], [[Artefact Box]], acesso à [[Bounacean Lion]], [[Forest of Life]] e [[Iksupan]], possibilidade de criar uma [[Megasylvan Plant]], [[The Living Idol of Tukh]], habilidade de negociar com [[John The Carpenter]], [[Achievements]] e [[Titles|Título]].
| location    = [[Bounac]], [[Bounacean Lion]], [[Deathling Menace]], [[Edron]], [[Forest of Life]], [[Iksupan]], [[Port Hope]] e [[Roshamuul]].
| questloc    = Mainland
| lvl        = 250
| lvlreq      = 300+
| duration    = Longa
| team        = 5
| teamnote    =
| dif        = 3
| imgleg      = Tibian Shield
| premium    = sim
| implemented = 12.70
| expanded1  = 13.10
| dangers    = [[Carnisylvan Sapling]]s, [[Crypt Warrior]]s, [[Cursed Ape]]s, [[Dark Carnisylvan]]s, [[Execowtioner]]s, [[Hulking Carnisylvan]]s, [[Iks Ahpututu]]s, [[Iks Aucar]]s, [[Iks Chuka]]s, [[Iks Pututu]]s, [[Minotaur Amazon]]s, [[Minotaur Hunter]]s, [[Mooh'Tah Warrior]]s, [[Moohtant]]s, [[Poisonous Carnisylvan]]s, [[Worm Priestess]]s.
| mini        = Nenhum.
| bosses      = [[Ahau]], [[Megasylvan Yselda]].
| legend      = Siga os passos de Galthen na busca pelos artefatos primordiais enquanto desvanda os mistérios do mundo tibiano.
| spoiler    =
{{TOC left}}
= Requerimentos =
* Suprimentos
'''Missão: Galthen and the Lost Queen'''
* Ter completado a [[The Order of the Lion Quest]].
* 02 [[Human Teeth]] [[Arquivo:Human Teeth.gif|link=]].
* 10 [[Carnisylvan Bark]]s [[Arquivo:Carnisylvan Bark.gif|link=]].
* 20 [[Carnisylvan Finger]]s [[Arquivo:Carnisylvan Finger.gif|link=]].

'''Missão: Galthen and the City of Gold'''
* 05 [[Nail]]s [[Arquivo:Nail.gif|link=]].
* 01 [[Pick]]
= Método =
Para iniciar esta quest você precisará ir até [[Bounac]], vá para a cidade de [[Edron]] e atravesse as montanhas ao norte para chegar até ({{mapa|33181,31753,7:2|aqui}}). Você verá um pequeno barco. Basta dar ''use'' nele e você será transportado para a área externa de Bounac ({{mapa|32424,32447,7:2|aqui}}).

== [[Arquivo:Old Royal Diary.gif|34px|link=]] Galthen and the Lost Queen I [[Arquivo:Old Royal Diary.gif|34px|link=]] ==
{{DASH|'''Nota:''' Esta missão deverá ser iniciada durante o '''dia''' no horário do jogo, você pode ver o tempo do Tibia ao lado do seu minimap.}}
<table class="infobox">
            <td colspan="12" width="100%" align="center" style="line-height:2.5em; height:30px; background:#990000; border-radius:10px; color:#FFF; padding: .4em .8em .5em;">

Sua primeira tarefa é se encontrar com [[Kesar The Younger]], durante o '''dia''' no jogo (xx:15 até xx:45 no mundo real). Vá até o castelo de [[Bounac]], ({{mapa|32365,32478,2:2|aqui}}). Diga '''Hi - Yselda - Mission'''. Kesar irá te contar sobre sua amada esposa '''Yselda''' que desapareceu misteriosamente e menciona que o vidente [[Lesh The Seer]] mostrou-lhe visões perturbadoras. Agora caberá a nós a investigação sobre o que aconteceu com ela.  
            <td colspan="12">'''Recompensa:'''<br />{{{reward|Desconhecida.}}}</td>
            <td colspan="12">'''Localização:'''<br />{{{location|Desconhecida.}}}</td>
                <table style="width:100%;">
                        <td colspan="2" width="{{#if:{{{dif|}}}|16%|16%}}" align="center" class="infobox-header">'''Level:'''</td>
                        <td colspan="2" width="{{#if:{{{dif|}}}|16%|16%}}" align="center" class="infobox-header">'''Premium:'''</td>
                        <td colspan="6" width="{{#if:{{{dif|}}}|10%|20%}}" align="center" class="infobox-header">'''Frequência:'''</td>
                        <td colspan="2" style="text-align:center; vertical-align:middle; width:16%; font-size:100%; max-height:50px;">{{{lvl|}}}{{#if:{{{lvlreq|}}}|<br /><small>(Recomendado: {{{lvlreq|}}})</small>}}{{#if:{{{lvlMax|}}}|<br /><small>(Máximo para fazer: {{{lvlMax|}}})</small>}}</td>
                        <td colspan="2" style="text-align:center; vertical-align:middle; width:16%; font-size:100%; max-height:50px;">[[Arquivo:{{{premium}}}.png|link=]]</td>
                        <td colspan="6" style="text-align:center; vertical-align:top; width:20%; font-size:100%; max-height:50px;">{{{freq}}}</td>
<!---------------------------------------------- COMEÇO CAIXA DA LEGENDA ---------------------------------------------->
            <td style="width:100%;">
                <table style="width:100%;">
                        <td colspan="12" style="width:100%; text-align:center;" class="infobox-header">'''Legenda:'''</td>
                        <td colspan="1" style="width:8%; height:64px; padding:10px; text-align:center; font-size:100%;">{{#if:{{{imgleg|}}}|[[Arquivo:{{{imgleg|}}}.gif|link=]]}}</td>
                        <td colspan="11" style="width:92%; height:64px; padding:10px 10px 10px 0px; text-align:justify; font-size:100%; vertical-align:center;">''{{{legend|...}}}''</td>
<!---------------------------------------------- FIM CAIXA DA LEGENDA ---------------------------------------------->

'''Falando com Kesar'''
{{#if:{{{spoiler|}}}|{{{spoiler|}}}|<br /><center>'''Não há detalhes sobre esse evento.'''</center>}}
<!--Categorias -->
{{Transcrições|npc=Kesar The Younger|texto=
''Jogador:'' '''Hi'''<br>
[[Kesar The Younger]]: Hail, what can I do for the hero of Bounac? The siege is finally under control, thanks to you.<br>
[[Categoria:Spoilers de Events]]
''Jogador:'' '''Yselda'''<br>
{{#switch:{{{type|}}}|arena=[[Categoria:Eventos de Arena]]|gerais=[[Categoria:Eventos Gerais]]|anual=[[Categoria:Eventos Anuais]]}}
[[Kesar The Younger]]: Yselda... my Yselda. What do you know about her, hero of Bounac?<br>
''Jogador:'' '''Mission'''<br>
[[Kesar The Younger]]: Wait, before you say anything - you truly have earned my trust and the goodwill of all the people of Bounac. However, this matter is of the most delicate nature. ...<br>
[[Kesar The Younger]]: Her name is merely a whisper across these lands and I dare not summon the cruel ghosts of our cursed past. ...<br>
[[Kesar The Younger]]: Yselda, my beloved wife has been taken from me. I am sure of it. Dark forces far beyond my control took a part in this malicious play. ...<br>
[[Kesar The Younger]]: Someone, or something... took her. Away from me, away from Bounac I fear and into the depths of a dark misery not even the foulest of creatures could have conjured up. ...<br>
[[Kesar The Younger]]: I've seen it. I have seen her. Standing there, just standing. Trying to talk to me. Shrouded in a black mass ...<br>
[[Kesar The Younger]]: I visited a seer, '''Lesh''', he showed me her dark fate. To this day I battle the dreams I paid this unsettling knowledge with. ...<br>
[[Kesar The Younger]]: She is not dead, nor is she alive. She just stands there, waiting. Breathing, watching. Excuse me, I cannot bear these thoughts much longer.}}
Nosso próximo passo é ir até o NPC [[Lesh The Seer]], ele vive em uma cabana na montanha, ({{mapa|32406,32471,6:2|aqui}}).
A forma mais segura de chegar à ele é atravessando uma das portas seladas ao norte da ilha, mais especificamente esta ({{mapa|32400,32457,7:2|aqui}}).
Ao chegar lá, fale '''Hi - Yselda'''. [[Lesh The Seer|O Vidente]] explica que Kesar pediu a ele que o ajudasse a encontrar Yselda, mas que ele não conseguiu realizar a tarefa.  Ele também afirma que ela está viva, porém, presa em algum lugar maligno. Ele ainda conta que gerações atrás, o cavaleiro Galthen também estava em busca de respostas para este mesmo problema e que  deixou [[Bounac]] para procurar respostas em [[Edron]].
'''Falando com Lesh The Seer'''
{{Transcrições|npc=Lesh The Seer|texto=
''Jogador:'' '''Hi'''<br>
''Durante o dia''<br>
[[Lesh The Seer]]: A good day I wish, wanderer. Are you here because of the curse? I know you're here because of it... I know it. But am I right?<br>
''Durante a noite''<br>
[[Lesh The Seer]]: A horrible night for a curse in Bounac, isn't it? Or aren't you here because of... Kesar? No, I know - it's Yselda occupies your mind.<br>
''Jogador:'' '''Yselda'''<br>
[[Lesh The Seer]]: Yselda, yes... poor, dammed Yselda. Kesar is all but in distress since her disappearance. Unfortunately, I inherited the gift of sight. ...<br>
[[Lesh The Seer]]: And Kesar, our king sent after this very seer you are talking to right now, for me to find her... Yselda. ...<br>
[[Lesh The Seer]]: Yet I couldn't please the king, nor could I soothe his soul. ...<br>
[[Lesh The Seer]]: What is the true curse? The curse itself or to witness a curse as the most powerful man in the lands yet unable to step in and make a change? ...<br>
[[Lesh The Seer]]: I showed Kesar what happened to his beloved. A curse, terrible and dark. She left to find answers to questions she didn't know the past planted in her. ...<br>
[[Lesh The Seer]]: She lives, yet sits in the dark, still, without motion. Waiting, ever waiting and watching. I gave the king this vision, for he asked for it. ...<br>
[[Lesh The Seer]]: He was never the same since. But... there is still hope. I saw a knight. No, not you, hero. An old, weary knight - yet did flames of zeal burn strong in him. ...<br>
[[Lesh The Seer]]: He was on a path to find a lost one, much the same as you. But it is not that path which now crosses your own. ...<br>
[[Lesh The Seer]]: He was here, generations ago, investigating events much similar to what currently unfolds. Find the trace of the knight Galthen. ...<br>
[[Lesh The Seer]]: He left Bounac for Edron to council the mages, follow him.}}
Agora, devemos ir até a [[Noodles Academy of Modern Magic|academia de magia de Edron]] e subir até o último andar da torre central, onde encontraremos [[Spectulus]], ({{Mapa|33268,31833,1:2|aqui}}). Fale '''Hi - Yselda - Yes'''. Ele nos contará que Galthen veio a Edron para estudar criaturas exóticas conhecidas como ''Carnisylvans'' e que elas estão associadas a uma maldição biológica que afetou as mulheres de Bounac, forçando-as a fugir para lugares escuros e isolados. Com isto em mente, ele sugere que nós devemos, então, investigar as profundezas de Bounac.
'''Falando com Spectulus'''
''Jogador:'' '''Hi'''<br>
[[Spectulus]]: Ah hello again ''Jogador''! I still have one or two other missions for you. There are also some tasks someone needs to attend to and I heard rumours in need of investigation. ...<br>
[[Spectulus]]: All this among some other interesting stories I would like to look into - there's simply never enough time!<Br>
''Jogador:'' '''Yselda'''<br>
[[Spectulus]]: That name... it means something to you, yes? Do you want to tell me about it?<br>
''Jogador:'' '''Yes'''<br>
[[Spectulus]]: I see, so the king of Bounac, Kesar the Younger has lost his betrothed. Hmm, by what you described to me, her disappearance seems to be connected to a curse. ...<br>
[[Spectulus]]: I have an idea! You see, some time ago I was conducting experiments with plants regarding their abilities to root, most notably a young oak tree. ...<br>
[[Spectulus]]: Trees have a remarkable way of... ah yes, your impatient eyes tell me that you're not here for botanical studies. So, where was I? ...<br>
[[Spectulus]]: Ah yes, so I was looking for academic publications on the subject and between 'Two Ferns', an abridged version of a popular book on forest flora, and 'Tree out of Four', I remembered it. ...<br>
[[Spectulus]]: Carnisylvans', a collection of notes from an investigation of an island enclave by the name of Bounac. Conducted by elder mages from the Edron academy as well as the honourable knight and former Edron citizen Galthen. ...<br>
[[Spectulus]]: A large portion of this work is dedicated to trees, you know. However, much of it has been hastily written down without much research. ...<br>
[[Spectulus]]: As you may already have guessed, it didn't prove very useful for my current endeavour - yet, while consistently disturbing, I found its contents... ...<br>
[[Spectulus]]: ...remarkably memorable. A great curse seems to transform people into a form of... wooden facsimile of a human being. ...<br>
[[Spectulus]]: Look, I know this sounds strange but a lot of the crude conclusions from the older mages rang true. ...<br>
[[Spectulus]]: A form of biological curse forced females to transform after giving birth, conduct a strange ritual on their children and... ...<br>
[[Spectulus]]: Wander out into the dark, leaving everything behind. Never to return and ultimately to carry out a complete metamorphosis. ...<br>
[[Spectulus]]: If that's what happened to Kesar's Yselda, she might have gone to find a place to fully metamorph. ...<br>
[[Spectulus]]: If my own conclusions at this point are any indication, we should try to look for a large cave or tunnel underground. ...<br>
[[Spectulus]]: Bounac is an island, not many ships have left from there during the siege as far as I know so chances are slim that she ever left it that way. ...<br>
[[Spectulus]]: Since people didn't see her leave and no body was found, I assume she took a path known to the royal court of Bounac exclusively. ...<br>
[[Spectulus]]: At first you should try to find out what Galthen discovered. Maybe he left some traces in Bounac. You should go there and look for secret areas, cellars, places off-limits to everyone but the king himself. ...<br>
[[Spectulus]]: Convince the king to give you every key to every secret of the enclave, it will be your only hope to find out what happened to Yselda.}}
== [[Arquivo:Old Royal Diary.gif|34px|link=]] Death Under Bounac [[Arquivo:Old Royal Diary.gif|34px|link=]] ==
Nosso próximo passo é voltar a [[Bounac]]. Ao falar com [[Spectulus]] descobrimos que Galthen explorava a ameaça de uma maldição que afetava mulheres e que deveríamos investigar as profundezas da ilha. Para isto, precisamos convencer [[Kesar The Younger]] a nos dar acesso aos segredos de seu reino.
Começaremos explorando a casa ao sul da ilha aqui ({{mapa|32398,32509,7:2|aqui}}), lá encontramos o NPC [[An Idol]], dê ''use'' no SQM em frente ao NPC para receber a seguinte mensagem:
'''Staring at the writing you begin to decipher a letter. Then another and another. The symbols seem to wriggle and move: VBOX'''
Fale '''Hi''' - '''VBOX''' para o NPC [[An Idol]] e você será teleportado para uma área submersa conhecida como [[Deathling Menace]]. Ao norte você irá ver muitos [[Deathling Scout]]s em um área inacessível, caminhe para o sul até encontrar uma árvore morta e dê ''use'' nela, você irá receber: 01 [[Galthen's Satchel]] [[Arquivo:Galthen's Satchel.gif|link=]], dentro dela você encontrará 01 [[Artefact Box]] [[Arquivo:Artefact Box.gif|link=]] e as [[Ancient Notes From The Knight Galthen]] [[Arquivo:Ancient Notes From The Knight Galthen.gif|link=]].
'''Falando com An Idol'''
{{Transcrições|npc=An Idol|texto=
''Jogador:'' '''VBOX'''<br>
[[An Idol]]: <nowiki>J-T B^C J^BXT°</nowiki>}}
Após alguns segundos, você será teleportado para a praia próxima ao NPC [[An Idol]]. Agora devemos ir até [[Innkeeper Alphonse]], ele pode ser encontrado na estalagem da ilha, ({{mapa|32416,32501,7:2|aqui}}). Diga '''Hi - Yselda - Yes - Yes - Yes''', ele contará que no passado, o knight Galthen esteve em Bounac explorando rituais estranhos e a relação deles com o desaparecimento de mulheres da nobreza.<br>
Alphonse te entregará algumas notas [[Arquivo:Ritual Notes.gif|link=]] escritas por Galthen. Ao dar ''look'' nas notas, descobriremos três palavras: '''DEMIHBOULDR SOMMBHA WITHER''', estas palavras serão importantes mais adiante, portanto, anote-as em uma única '''hotkey'''.
'''Falando com Innkeeper Alphonse'''
{{Transcrições|npc=Innkeeper Alphonse|texto=
''Jogador:'' '''Hi'''<br>
[[Innkeeper Alphonse]]: Welcome, customer! Enjoy a hot meal, fine cheese or a glass of wine!<br>
''Jogador:'' '''Yselda'''<br>
[[Innkeeper Alphonse]]: I know why you're asking this. Is it because of the tragedy of her life? The burden, our beloved Kesar has to carry still?<br>
''Jogador:'' '''Yes'''<br>
[[Innkeeper Alphonse]]: There was a knight, Galthen, I assume the name already rings a bell since you're interested in the story of poor Yselda. ...<br>
[[Innkeeper Alphonse]]: My Father told me of him, I remember the story very well for he was most disturbed by its implications. You know, my father was not an easy man to frighten... ...<br>
[[Innkeeper Alphonse]]: But this tale? Well, let's just say he wasn't about to forget what Galthen had to say for he visited the Lionheart back in the day when my father was still young. ...<br>
[[Innkeeper Alphonse]]: After a long and delightful evening in the inn, the old knight loosened up a bit. He told my old man that he was on an investigation of a strange cult. ...<br>
[[Innkeeper Alphonse]]: I do not know if all this is related to a cult that actually existed or if it was a cult at all, I'm only telling you what I was told. ...<br>
[[Innkeeper Alphonse]]: He told my father of strange occult rituals and that noblewoman, princesses were disappearing to follow an unknown path, never to be seen again. ...<br>
[[Innkeeper Alphonse]]: A young woman with no relation to Kesar, the father of Kesar the Younger was about to be married to a knight from the original order of knights who founded this enclave. ...<br>
[[Innkeeper Alphonse]]: The woman was already pregnant, which was quite a problem for the young couple but the fact was not known to anyone yet but the couple themselves - and the old knight Galthen as it turned out. ...<br>
[[Innkeeper Alphonse]]: Give me a second, I have to take care of the most unnerving customer over at the second to last table in the back. Tell me if you want to continue, alright?<br>
''Jogador:'' '''Yes'''<br>
[[Innkeeper Alphonse]]: Yes. So, sorry for that but the customer is king in Bounac, especially if the king himself refuses to bask in these honours himself. ...<br>
[[Innkeeper Alphonse]]: Where was I? Ah yes, the young couple. So it turns out Galthen helped the couple cover their secret and get married in the end, however... ...<br>
[[Innkeeper Alphonse]]: The woman fell victim to a cruel ritual or part of a cult tradition for she disappeared not long after giving birth to her daughter. ...<br>
[[Innkeeper Alphonse]]: Just as she was about to recover, she left Bounac, never to be seen again, not a word to the young father or anyone in the enclave. ...<br>
[[Innkeeper Alphonse]]: Galthen could not bring her back, but he could explain some of the events behind her disappearance. Apparently she had to go to a secret place, to die. ...<br>
[[Innkeeper Alphonse]]: She also conducted a strange ritual the night her daughter was born. When her husband was alerted by noises in the middle of the night, he first assumed that his wife was sleepwalking, due to the stress and pain of being in labour and giving birth. ...<br>
[[Innkeeper Alphonse]]: However, she was mumbling in a strange tongue, seemingly dreaming while fully awake. As he shook her and took the child, she woke up furiously and violently grabbed his throat before she recognized him and came to her senses. ...<br>
[[Innkeeper Alphonse]]: Fears for the life and well-being of the child arose and local healers where called to look after the child. Galthen seemed to recognize the ritual and immediately performed a blessing to counter it. ...<br>
[[Innkeeper Alphonse]]: When the woman disappeared not long after the events, he told the father to focus on his daughter and take good care of the child. ...<br>
[[Innkeeper Alphonse]]: For once she came of age there would still be a slight chance for her to take the same dreadful path as her mother. Galthen ultimately left to investigate her disappearance and for other, even more pressing matters. ...<br>
[[Innkeeper Alphonse]]: And my father went on with his life to witness this weird course of events a second time, when the daughter came of age - just as the old knight had predicted. ...<br>
[[Innkeeper Alphonse]]: Her father died at the hands of thieves when she was but 15 years old. Neither did he witness her marriage with a young and handsome nobleman, nor did he have to suffer through the loss of hear disappearance after giving birth to his grand-daughter. ...<br>
[[Innkeeper Alphonse]]: This grand-daughter was Yselda herself. I was born not long after her and I knew her as a fair and honourable woman with a kind heart. ...<br>
[[Innkeeper Alphonse]]: She fell in love with Kesar the Younger and undoubtedly the king told you the rest of the story himself, am I right?<br>
''Jogador:'' '''Yes'''<br>
[[Innkeeper Alphonse]]: In any case, I know the story sounds strange, however, neither me nor my father are madmen - there is a truth to this, I assure you. ...<br>
[[Innkeeper Alphonse]]: The old knight left some of his notes while he stayed in the inn. My father kept them as a memento. You can have them if you want, here. ...<br>
[[Innkeeper Alphonse]]: Maybe you can solve the puzzle once and for all. I doubt there is hope for Yselda but to me it seems the circle has been broken, for she had no child and may have gone of her own free will.}}
Agora devemos retornar até o rei [[Kesar The Younger]] e falar '''Hi - Yselda'''.
'''Falando com Kesar The Younger'''
{{Transcrições|npc=Kesar The Younger|texto=
''Jogador:'' '''Hi'''<br>
[[Kesar The Younger]]: Hail, what can I do for the hero of Bounac? The siege is finally under control, thanks to you.<br>
''Jogador:'' '''Yselda'''<br>
[[Kesar The Younger]]: You found what? What are you trying to imply...? I see you reluctant to tell me the full story. Remind me, hero, why should I give you access to anything at all if that is the case? ...<br>
[[Kesar The Younger]]: You want access to what...? There are no such places. Why is this connected to my poor Yselda? You must tell me everything you know! ...<br>
[[Kesar The Younger]]: Investigate? Hm. To what ends? She is gone for so long. Yet my heart is still full of hope. Hmmh... ...<br>
[[Kesar The Younger]]: Alas, hero of Bounac, have it your way then. You have proven your worth many a time. So let me tell you of one place that has been kept sealed for a long time. ...<br>
[[Kesar The Younger]]: Under these very halls, deep within the mountain, there is a massive cove, carved into the rock. ...<br>
[[Kesar The Younger]]: A long time ago when my father discovered the island, he lead a whole unit into the caves beneath. They came to a large opening in pitch black darkness. ...<br>
[[Kesar The Younger]]: One of the knights climbed the rocky walls in search for a higher position to illuminate the area with his torch. ...<br>
[[Kesar The Younger]]: He saw a gigantic lion, embedded into the stone floor. Shedding more lights from more torches into the place showed them something far more terrifying, however. ...<br>
[[Kesar The Younger]]: Bones lay scattered across the whole site. And they moved. ...<br>
[[Kesar The Younger]]: The knights saw the lion and the bones as a sign and fled. The area was sealed, never to be opened and the key was hidden. I myself have not yet laid eyes on the chamber. ...<br>
[[Kesar The Younger]]: I will grant you access to the Bounacean Lion but promise me, for the safety of Bounac, never to let anything out of there.}}
== [[Arquivo:Old Royal Diary.gif|34px|link=]] Galthen and the Lost Queen II [[Arquivo:Old Royal Diary.gif|34px|link=]] ==
{{DASH|'''Cuidado:''' A partir daqui você enfrentará criaturas fortes, como [[Crypt Warrior]]s e as Carnisylvans.}}
Agora vá em direção a parte sudeste da ilha, passando pelo túnel subterrâneo você encontrará uma porta selada, ({{mapa|32466,32494,8:2|aqui}}), atravesse-a e desça as escadas para acessar o [[Bounacean Lion]]. Caminhe até as escadas ({{mapa|32434,32525,9:2|aqui}}) e desça novamente. Ande para a direita, em seguida ao norte e depois para a esquerda até chegar a uma área de '''Tar''' ({{mapa|32423,32501,10:2|aqui}}). Você "cairá" em uma área chamada [[Forest of Life]], habitada por todos os tipos de Carnisylvans.
Ao explorar a área das Carnisylvans e descermos para o andar mais profundo encontraremos um caldeirão [[Arquivo:Soup Kettle.gif|link=]] ({{mapa|32591,32484,13:2|aqui}}), ao nos aproximarmos dele receberemos a seguinte mensagem:<br>
'''A strange creature looks into your eyes. While it is clearly sentient, its mind seems to hide far away from this place.'''
Nosso próximo passo é coletar os ingredientes para o ritual, '''TODOS''' ingredientes são loot das Carnisylvans:
* 20 [[Carnisylvan Finger]]s [[Arquivo:Carnisylvan Finger.gif|link=]]
* 10 [[Carnisylvan Bark]]s [[Arquivo:Carnisylvan Bark.gif|link=]]
* 02 [[Human Teeth]] [[Arquivo:Human Teeth.gif|link=]]
Em posse de todos os itens, use-os '''um a um''' no caldeirão. Ao terminar de usá-los, dê '''''USE''''' no caldeirão, você verá a seguinte mensagem:<br>
<span style="color:#D14703; font-family: Arial; font-weight: bold;">
'''Excellet. It is done. Now to pour it all over... everything... everyone... yes, just like that.'''
A partir de agora você terá acesso a sala da boss [[Megasylvan Yselda]]. Para acessar a sala da alavanca vá até ({{mapa|32581,32482,12:2|aqui}}) e ande próximo as Carnysilvans petrificadas.
<gallery mode="nolines">
Arquivo:Adventures of Galthen Caldeirao.png|Mensagem após usar todos itens com sucesso
Arquivo:Adventures of Galthen Entrada Sala Final.png|Entrada para a sala da alavanca.
<span class="titulo-quest">'''Megasylvan Yselda'''</span> [[Arquivo:Megasylvan Yselda.gif|link=]]</br>
Ao entrar na sala você e seu time, encontrarão a boss [[Megasylvan Yselda]] e a NPC [[Yselda]]. Note que neste ponto a boss é praticamente imune, dentro da sala iremos encontrar também quatro [[Megasylvan Sapling (Criatura)|Megasylvan Saplings]] [[Arquivo:Megasylvan Sapling.gif|link=]], as quais estão posicionadas uma em cada extremo.<br>
Um dos membros do time, preferencialmente um [[Knight]], deverá se aproximar da boss/npc e dizer as palavras '''DEMIHBOULDR SOMMBHA WITHER''' (as mesmas palavras que aprendemos anteriormente na quest), deste modo a NPC [[Yselda]] irá responder '''AAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!!''' e a partir deste ponto a boss Megasylvan Yselda ficará vulnerável à ataques. Porém, as saplings começarão a tomar dano de aproximadamente 200 a cada turno de ataque. É importante que cada sapling seja curada por um membro do time usando [[Exura Gran Mas Res]] ou [[Ultimate Healing Rune]] [[Arquivo:Ultimate Healing Rune.gif|link=]]. E ao mesmo tempo será necessário atacar a Megasylva Yselda até que ela seja derrotada.<br>
A mecânica de cura das Saplings é necessária pois somente mantendo elas vivas você receberá a [[Violet Tulip]] [[Arquivo:Violet Tulip.gif|link=]] do NPC Kesar.
{{DASH|[[Arquivo:Achievement.gif|link=]] Após derrotar a Megasylvan Yselda, você receberá o Achievement '''"{{Achievement|Woodcarver}}"'''.}}
Assim que derrotar a boss fale '''Hi''' para [[Yselda]], ela irá lhe agradecer por liberta-la, porém avisa que a ameça das Carnisylvans está apenas começando.
'''Falando com Yselda'''
''Jogador:'' '''Hi'''<br>
''Deixando as Megasylvan Sapling morrerem''<br>
[[Yselda]]: You freed me... yet my children had to die. It may have been for the better, brave warrior. All around me, I can see them awake. Brothers, sisters, generations. We will not rest, we cannot be stopped. ...<br>
[[Yselda]]: Our will is of iron and stone. Our souls ever dreaming, powerful beyond this world and never to falter. ...<br>
[[Yselda]]: You have to go now, warrior... heed my warning: it's about to begin, this world may yet tremble under the crushing force of other sylvans like me. ...<br>
[[Yselda]]: I found a way to connect, for I was not pure but they merged, I became them, they became... me. You have to go, I will... try to keep, a stand...<br>
''Mantendo as Megasylvan Sapling vivas''<br>
[[Yselda]]: You freed me, brave warrior... and you even saved my... children. ...<br>
[[Yselda]]: I always wanted children in my life, I never... had... I never was able... to...ach! ...<br>
[[Yselda]]: No... no - do not worry about me. This pain is for me to bear. I cherish the light of life that is once again visible to my eyes. ...<br>
[[Yselda]]: Yet I also see what happened around me. What exists... around me. I will have to stay here, for my former self is no more. My heart... is with my husband, Kesar. Always. ...<br>
[[Yselda]]: Tell him... I will keep watch, I will not let the elder sylvans wake. Bounac... this world, will be safe. ...<br>
[[Yselda]]: Now go! Leave this place, warrior... and be my herold. Let this warning be known to all the people of Bounac and beyond: ...<br>
[[Yselda]]: Do not come here and leave us dream, for we are the sleep and siblings to death.}}
Volte até Kesar para reportar sua missão, a partir de agora você poderá usar um atalho para a superfície de Bounac (ele tem aparência de uma raiz de árvore e ao usá-la você estará próximo ao barco de entrada) [[Arquivo:Deep Root.gif|50px|link=]]. Fale '''Hi - Yselda''', e caso você tenha matado a Boss sem deixar as quatro [[Megasylvan Sapling (Criatura)|Megasylvan Saplings]] morrerem, Kesar irá lhe agradecer por trazer paz para sua amada e lhe pedirá um último favor. O favor é entregar uma [[Violet Tulip]] [[Arquivo:Violet Tulip.gif|link=]] para Yselda.
<gallery mode="nolines">
Arquivo:Adventures of Galthen Atalho.gif|Usando o atalho no térreo ({{mapa|32419,32458,7:2|aqui}}), você sairá ({{mapa|32527,32487,11:2|aqui}}) e vice-versa.
'''Reportando a missão'''
{{Transcrições|npc=Kesar The Younger|texto=
''Jogador:'' '''Hi'''<br>
[[Kesar The Younger]]: Hail, what can I do for the hero of Bounac? The siege is finally under control, thanks to you.<br>
''Jogador'' '''Yselda'''<br>
[[Kesar The Younger]]: Tell me... everything.<br>
[[Kesar The Younger]]: I see... so you did what I could not. While I sat here, lazy, ignorant... yes, yes, it was probably for the better.<br>
[[Kesar The Younger]]: I would not have been able to do what you have done. It was not for me to finish what that terrible curse has started who knows how many generations ago. ...<br>
[[Kesar The Younger]]: You did good in leaving me out of your own investigations. My ability to take decisions would have been clouded, tarnished would have been my vision and with hands all but paralyzed. ...<br>
[[Kesar The Younger]]: So, Yselda lives, albeit in a most dire state. I will mount an expedition post-haste. ...<br>
[[Kesar The Younger]]: As a token of my gratitude, you are now joining the circle of my royal advisors, ceremonial garb and all. Please also visit John, the Carpenter afterwards and tell him I sent you. ...<br>
[[Kesar The Younger]]: But, there is one other thing. ...<br>
[[Kesar The Younger]]: Hero of Bounac, I would like to ask for a most delicate favour. Please, take this tulip and bring it to my beloved Yselda while I muster my men. There is no time to lose. ...<br>
[[Kesar The Younger]]: And if this is the last thing her old self recognizes of me, so be it. Hurry, please.}}
<span class="titulo-quest">'''Royal Bounacean Advisor Outfits'''</span></br>
Ao reportar sua missão para Kesar, ele irá lhe presentear com o [[Royal Bounacean Advisor Outfits|Royal Bounacean Advisor Outfit]].
[[Arquivo:Outfit Royal Bounacean Advisor Male.gif|link=]] [[Arquivo:Outfit Royal Bounacean Advisor Female.gif|link=]]<br>
== [[Arquivo:Old Royal Diary.gif|34px|link=]] Galthen and the Lost Queen III [[Arquivo:Old Royal Diary.gif|34px|link=]] ==
Com a missão de entregar uma [[Violet Tulip]] [[Arquivo:Violet Tulip.gif|link=]] para Yselda, você e seu time devem enfrentar a boss [[Megasylvan Yselda]] mais uma vez, seguindo a mesma mecânica de cura das [[Megasylvan Sapling (Criatura)|Megasylvan Saplings]] da primeira luta. Após derrotar a boss pela segunda vez, fale '''Hi''' para Yselda e dê ''use'' na [[Violet Tulip]] para receber o Achievement.
{{DASH|[[Arquivo:Achievement.gif|link=]] Após dar ''use'' na Violet Tulip, você receberá o Achievement '''"{{Achievement|Bounacean Chivalry}}"'''.}}
'''Falando com Yselda'''
''Jogador:'' '''Hi'''<br>
[[Yselda]]: You freed me, brave warrior... and you even saved my... children. ...<br>
[[Yselda]]: I always wanted children in my life, I never... had... I never was able... to...ach! ...<br>
[[Yselda]]: No... no - do not worry about me. This pain is for me to bear. I cherish the light of life that is once again visible to my eyes. ...<br>
[[Yselda]]: Yet I also see what happened around me. What exists... around me. I will have to stay here, for my former self is no more. My heart... is with my husband, Kesar. Always. ...<br>
[[Yselda]]: Tell him... I will keep watch, I will not let the elder sylvans wake. Bounac... this world, will be safe. ...<br>
[[Yselda]]: Now go! Leave this place, warrior... and be my herold. Let this warning be known to all the people of Bounac and beyond: ...<br>
[[Yselda]]: Do not come here and leave us dream, for we are the sleep and siblings to death.}}
Retorne até Kesar e reporte a missão mais uma vez falando '''Hi - Yselda'''.
'''Reportando a missão'''
{{Transcrições|npc=Kesar The Younger|texto=
''Jogador:'' '''Hi'''<br>
[[Kesar The Younger]]: Hail, what can I do for the hero of Bounac? The siege is finally under control, thanks to you.<br>
''Jogador:'' '''Yselda'''<br>
[[Kesar The Younger]]: You have my eternal gratitude ''Jogador'', hero of Bounac.<br>
''Jogador:'' '''Bye'''<br>
[[Kesar The Younger]]: Farewell then, traveller.}}
== [[Arquivo:Iksupan Statue.gif|50px|link=]] Galthen and the City of Gold I [[Arquivo:Iksupan Statue.gif|50px|link=]] ==
Para iniciar está missão, vá para [[Roshamuul]], a única maneira de acessar a ilha é viajando com o [[Captain Bluebear]] em [[Thais]], chegando em [[Roshamuul]], encontre o NPC [[Sandomo]] em sua barraca ({{mapa|33505,32551,7:2|aqui}}). Fale '''Hi - Tiquanda - Yes - Grandfather - Key - Diary''', ele vai contar que já esteve em Tiquanda investigando ruínas de uma civilização perdida, que construiu um império de ouro embaixo da terra, mas após tentarem entrar nas ruínas, foram atacados por bestas selvagens e desistiram.
<gallery mode="nolines">
Arquivo:Roshamuul (Lower) 1.png
Arquivo:Roshamuul (Lower) 2.png
'''Falando com Sandomo'''
''Jogador:'' '''Hi'''</br>
[[Sandomo]]: Hm. Greetings.</br>
''Jogador:'' '''Tiquanda'''</br>
[[Sandomo]]: Where did you find that writ? In the jungle? So you've been to Tiquanda?</br>
''Jogador:'' '''Yes'''</br>
[[Sandomo]]: Ah, Tiquanda, yes. I've been stationed there and now my own heart is longing for a glorious return to the jungles of my great grandfather.</br>
''Jogador:'' '''Grandfather'''</br>
[[Sandomo]]: My old man was not much of an explorer but Santini Sandomo, my great grandfather, was one of the first people to chart Tiquanda's exotic lands. ...</br>
[[Sandomo]]: I remember my father telling me about the high tales my great grandfather would bring home from the seas. ...</br>
[[Sandomo]]: Those tales were what made me want to join the Inquisition and explore the world in the first place! ...</br>
[[Sandomo]]: One such tale was that of a lost city deep in the earth under the veil of vines and jungle roots. ...</br>
[[Sandomo]]: Built to escape the wrath of a gold and fortified to be a stronghold against the invaders from yore - for it was also... ...</br>
[[Sandomo]]: A city of gold. Heaps of acursed treasure, ancient riches and leagues of gold-brocaded fabric - just ripe for the taking. ...</br>
[[Sandomo]]: However, many an explorer searched for the city but found his demise in its fiendish depths. Iksupan, my father recalled, was its name. ...</br>
[[Sandomo]]: Feared by even the natives and not recorded on any map. As my father's story goes, Santini Sandomo found an entrance - or so he thought. ...</br>
[[Sandomo]]: When my great grandfather was out in the jungle one rainy day, right before nightfall, he heard unnatural noises not far from his camp. ...</br>
[[Sandomo]]: Fearing for the life of him and his men, he scouted the area, commanding his unit to stay behind and give up the location in case he's surprised by wild apes. ...</br>
[[Sandomo]]: He stepped into the darkness of the jungle, quite far from the camp, following the strange noises which grew more faint the further he want ...</br>
[[Sandomo]]: After a while only the voices of the jungle remained, birds, insects and the last drops of rain. There was nothing. ...</br>
[[Sandomo]]: The moment he turned around to head back to the camp he saw something, however. A strangely shaped object, almost completely hidden under leaves and mud. ...</br>
[[Sandomo]]: It was man-made and crested with a few intricate symbols. A small hole in the shape of a disc on one side. ...</br>
[[Sandomo]]: Well, my old man told me my great grandfather's stories over and over. This one in particular. Including detailed descriptions of the place. ...</br>
[[Sandomo]]: The location was given from Santini Sandomo to my grandfather, and from him to my father - who reveiled the location to me on the day of my departure to Tiquanda. ...</br>
[[Sandomo]]: I found the place alright but we also found a horde of apes there who almost bit and scratched the life out of my whole unit. ...</br>
[[Sandomo]]: After we cleared the area and established a secure perimeter around the site, I personally inspected the alleged entrance. ...</br>
[[Sandomo]]: Well, me and my men spent days, trying to figure it out but it wouldn't open. When we were finally trying to open it with brute force... ...</br>
[[Sandomo]]: ...well, I lost a soldier... a friend that day. Apes appeared from all sides of the clearing. Larger, stronger than the ones we fought before. ....</br>
[[Sandomo]]: With glowing eyes full of wrath and grossly deformed faces and their hair... it was like dead algae hanging from their pale skin. ...</br>
[[Sandomo]]: That battle was lost before we even killed a single brute. 'Retreat!' I called and we ran into the jungle, towards the first forward camp and the landing. ...</br>
[[Sandomo]]: One of us didn't make it, my dear friend Argento. The others scattered in the jungle until we all met up later at the camp. ...</br>
[[Sandomo]]: A few weeks later I returned with a larger unit to recover the body of Argento - and to seal the entrance. If it is an entrance anyway. ...</br>
[[Sandomo]]: We never found a way to open it, nor will I ever try again. Even if I had a key. ...</br>
''Jogador:'' '''Key'''</br>
[[Sandomo]]: Ah nonsense. My father found a few pages from an old diary. Said the stuff in there would prove my great grandfather to be right. ...</br>
[[Sandomo]]: There was writing of a round key shaped like a disc. A key like this could fit the hole in the stone at the clearing. ...</br>
[[Sandomo]]: The name Iksupan, along with a long lost civilisation was mentioned as well. But to me it read like the confused ramblings of a madmen. ...</br>
[[Sandomo]]: The old Santini probably wrote it himself. Also there weren't enough pages to decipher if this was an actual reference to the city. ...</br>
[[Sandomo]]: Following this guide would be madness. And going back to this place again, I wouldn't dare - and you'd be well-advised if you'd heed my warning. ...</br>
[[Sandomo]]: If you want to know just how dangerous an expedition into the jungle can be, ask Spectulus in the Edron Academy who was a guide on one of my trips down there.</br>
''Jogador:'' '''Diary'''</br>
[[Sandomo]]: You aren't likely to give up on this, are you? Well, I carry the pages with me on a journey such as this, who knows why. Maybe because they remember me of why I ended up here. ...</br>
[[Sandomo]]: However, believing in those weird tales almost cost me my life. I am facing real, actual problems here at the shores of these untamed lands. ...</br>
[[Sandomo]]: If you want to kill yourself by going even further down this road, you can have them.}}
Sandomo irá te entregar a [[Piece of an Ancient Disc|primeira parte do disco]] [[Arquivo:Piece of an Ancient Disc.gif|link=]], que serve de chave para entrar na cidade perdida de '''Iksupan''' e uma página de um diário velho, com as últimas localizações conhecidas das outras duas partes do disco. Uma das partes está em '''Oramond''' e a outra em uma das ilhas geladas ao noroeste de '''Carlin''', que só pode ser acessada através de '''Folda'''.
<span class="titulo-quest">Folda - Nordic Conqueror</span></br>
Para pegar esta parte do disco, vá para '''Folda''' e desça ({{mapa|31998,31570,7:2|aqui}}) e siga para o norte e leste até chegar a uma área com um lago e alguns Frost Trolls, vá para o sul desta área ({{mapa|32124,31593,8:2|aqui}}) e você verá dois SQMs cinzas com símbolos, use uma Pick ou canivete para abrir uma buraco escondido, desça e você estará em uma tumba congelada, clique no esqueleto em cima do caixão para obter a [[Fragment of an Ancient Disc|parte do disco]] [[Arquivo:Fragment of an Ancient Disc.gif|link=]].
<gallery mode="nolines">
Arquivo:Adventures of Galthen Quest Nordic Conqueror 1-1.png|Desça aqui.
Arquivo:Adventures of Galthen Quest Nordic Conqueror 1-2.png|Fragment of an Ancient Disc.
<span class="titulo-quest">Oramond - Fallen Dragon</span></br>
Para pegar esta parte do disco, vá para '''Oramond''', '''tenha 05 [[Nail]]s [[Arquivo:Nail.gif|link=]]''' em sua backpack e em seguida saia da cidade pela saída leste em direção ao acampamento de minotauros ({{mapa|33682,31942,7:2|aqui}}), siga para leste até chegar a uma escada ({{mapa|33707,31936,7:2|aqui}}), suba e vá para sudeste e desça as escadas ({{mapa|33717,31966,5:2|aqui}}), dentro da estrutura de madeira no local, você encontrará uma caixa de madeira, dê "Use" nela para obter [[Wet Boards|alguns pedaços de madeira molhada]] [[Arquivo:Wet Boards.gif|link=]]. Em seguida, com madeira e os pregos em sua backpack, clique nas '''Wet Boards'''. Uma "jangada" (madeira flutuante) irá aparecer, dê use novamente na bollard e você irá para uma ilha remota de Oramond aonde só existe o esqueleto de um dragão. Clique no corpo da criatura, especificamente no SQM da coluna vertebral, para obter a [[Part of an Ancient Disc|parte do disco]] [[Arquivo:Part of an Ancient Disc.gif|link=]]. Para retornar, clique na madeira flutuante novamente.
<gallery mode="nolines">
Arquivo:Adventures of Galthen Quest Fallen Dragon 1-1.png|Wet Boards
Arquivo:Adventures of Galthen Quest Fallen Dragon 1-2.gif|Animação Ilustrativa, Wet Boards e Nails devem estar dentro da sua backpack.
Arquivo:Adventures of Galthen Quest Fallen Dragon 1-3.gif|Sendo transportado para a ilha remota.
Arquivo:Adventures of Galthen Quest Fallen Dragon 1-4.png|Clique no SQM em destaque para obter a parte do disco.
Arquivo:Adventures of Galthen Quest Fallen Dragon 1-5.png|Part of an Ancient Disc.
Com as três partes em sua backpack, use qualquer uma das partes em outra e você irá obter a [[Key Intihuatac]] [[Arquivo:Key Intihuatac.gif|link=]]. Com a chave completa, vá para Port Hope e saia da cidade em direção ao sul e caminhe até chegar em uma formação rochosa ({{mapa|32728,32874,7:2|aqui}}), você encontrará uma [[Writ|escritura]] [[Arquivo:Writ.gif|link=]] que menciona Sandomo, use o disco nela para acessar Iksupan.
{{DASH|'''Obs:''' Toda vez que quiser entrar em Iksupan, você deverár ter a [[Key Intihuatac]] [[Arquivo:Key Intihuatac.gif|link=]] com você.}}
<span class="titulo-quest">Daedal Chisels e Broken Iks Set</span></br>
Antes de prosseguir para o boss, será preciso coletar 03 [[Daedal Chisel]]s [[Arquivo:Daedal Chisel.gif|link=]] que dropam apenas de [[Iks Ahpututu]]s, porém eles não possuem respawn fixo no local, então é preciso realizar uma determinada mecânica que consiste em matar criaturas de Iksupan próximo a fogueiras que se acessendem em intervalos de tempo específicos, o melhor local é ({{mapa|34000,31855,8:2|aqui}}) e ({{mapa|34029,31855,8:2|aqui}}) por serem duas fogueiras próximas uma da outra. Conforme você mate uma quantidade suficiente de criaturas, 05 [[Iks Churrascan]] irão aparecer estacados e irão se espalhar para ficar em volta de você, mate eles antes que a fogueira se apague para que então, um único [[Iks Ahpututu]] apareça, mate ele e repita essa mecânica até conseguir pelo menos '''três chisels'''.
<table style="float:right; margin-left:5px; padding:0px 5px 5px 5px; border-radius:10px; box-shadow:0 0 4px #999;"><tr>
<td colspan="2" style="text-align:center;"><span style="font-size:20px;">'''Broken Iks Set'''</span></br>O set consiste das seguintes partes:</td></tr><tr>
| head      = Broken Iks Headpiece
| torso    = Broken Iks Cuirass
| legs      = Broken Iks Faulds
| feet      = Broken Iks Sandals
* [[Broken Iks Cuirass]] [[Arquivo:Broken Iks Cuirass.gif|link=]]
* [[Broken Iks Faulds]] [[Arquivo:Broken Iks Faulds.gif|link=]]
* [[Broken Iks Headpiece]] [[Arquivo:Broken Iks Headpiece.gif|link=]]
* [[Broken Iks Sandals]] [[Arquivo:Broken Iks Sandals.gif|link=]]
<!--* [[Broken Iks Spear]] [[Arquivo:Broken Iks Spear.gif|link=]]
* [[Broken Macuahuitl]] [[Arquivo:Broken Macuahuitl.gif|link=]]-->
Para garantir o '''Addon 1 do Ancient Aucar Outfits''' também será preciso dropar as partes do Broken Iks Set e estar equipado com ele durante a luta contra o boss. As partes do set dropam de diferentes criaturas (com exceção dos Cursed Apes e Iks Churrascan), portanto mate todas as criaturas que encontrar pelo caminho.
Para chegar ao boss você precisa desçer até o último andar de Iksupan. Depois que entrar na cidade, vá e desça ({{mapa|34015,31817,8:2|aqui}}), vá um pouco para norte e vira a direita e em seguida ande para sudeste até encontrar um buraco ({{mapa|34044,31810,9:2|aqui}}). Desça e agora vá para a esquerda e siga sempre para o norte, você irá chegar a uma área com lava, passe por ela até chegar a uma sala com duas chamas azuis [[Arquivo:Mystic Flame.gif|link=]] ({{mapa|34036,31726,10:2|aqui}}). O acesso a sala da alavanca fica na chama ao norte e o atalho de saída que leva a entrada da cidade fica no SQM [[Arquivo:Slab With a Skull.gif|link=]] a direita.
<gallery mode="nolines" perrow="4">
Arquivo:Adventures of Galthen Quest Iksupan 1-1.png|Entrada
Arquivo:Adventures of Galthen Quest Iksupan 1-2.png|Local de chegada.
Arquivo:Adventures of Galthen Quest Iksupan 1-3.png|Iks Churrascan.
Arquivo:Adventures of Galthen Quest Iksupan 1-4.png|Iks Ahpututu.
Arquivo:Adventures of Galthen Quest Iksupan 1-5.gif|Acessando sala da alavanca para o boss.
Arquivo:Adventures of Galthen Quest Iksupan 1-6.gif|Atalho que leva para a entrada de Iksupan.
<span class="titulo-quest">'''Ahau'''</span> [[Arquivo:Ahau.gif|link=]]</br>
'''Com Chisels'''</br>
A entrar na sala, Ahau irá aparecer junto com 01 [[Cobra]] e 02 [[Cursed Ape]]s, ataque o boss e as criaturas e assim que matar os dois Cursed Apes, '''eles não irão renascer''' portanto continue focando os ataques no boss. Caso tenha trazido os 03 [[Daedal Chisel]]s [[Arquivo:Daedal Chisel.gif|link=]], você deverá usá-los em 03 [[Amphora]]s [[Arquivo:Amphora.gif|link=]] espalhadas pela sala, cada ânfora representa uma vida do boss, portanto se destruí-las rápido o suficiente, você só precisará matar o boss uma vez.
'''Sem Chisels'''</br>
A entrar na sala, Ahau irá aparecer junto com 01 [[Cobra]] e 02 [[Cursed Ape]]s, ataque o boss e as criaturas e assim que matar os dois Cursed Apes, eles irão renascer apenas quando você finalizar uma das vidas do boss. A partir da 2º vez que matar Ahau, a lava dos dois lados da sala começará a "vazar" em direção ao sul ou seja mais SQMs de lava irão aparecer portanto preste atenção aonde está pisando, pois o dano do chão é aproximadamente 1/3 da sua vida. Continue atacando o boss até derrotá-lo.
<span class="titulo-quest">'''Ancient Aucar Outfits'''</span></br>
Caso seja a primeira vez matando o boss, ao terminar a luta, você irá dropar um [[The Living Idol of Tukh|Living Idol of Tukh]] [[Arquivo:The Living Idol of Tukh.gif|link=]], ao dar "Use" nele, você irá ganhar o [[Ancient Aucar Outfits|Ancient Aucar Outfit]] e se estiver lutando com o '''Broken Iks Set''' equipado, você também irá obter o '''Addon 1''', no entando o set irá desaparecer então esteja preparado para equipar o set que usa regularmente.
[[Arquivo:Outfit Ancient Aucar Male.gif|link=]] [[Arquivo:Outfit Ancient Aucar Female.gif|link=]]<br>
= Extras =
<span class="titulo-quest">'''Galthen's Satchel e Artefact Box'''</span></br>
Após concluir a quest, será possível obter 01 [[Galthen's Satchel]] [[Arquivo:Galthen's Satchel.gif|link=]] com 01 [[Artefact Box]] [[Arquivo:Artefact Box.gif|link=]] dentro dela a cada '''30 dias''', na mesma árvore submersa. Fale '''Hi - VBOX''' para o NPC [[An Idol]] para ser teleportado.
<span class="titulo-quest">'''Megasylvan Plant'''</span></br>
Ao usar o item [[Megasylvan Sapling]] [[Arquivo:Megasylvan Sapling.gif|link=]] em um [[Empty Flower Pot]] [[Arquivo:Empty Flower Pot.gif|link=]] você irá obter um [[Pot with Sylvan Earth]] [[Arquivo:Pot with Sylvan Earth.gif|link=]] e ao dar ''"use"'' nele dentro da sua casa você obtém uma [[Megasylvan Plant]] [[Arquivo:Megasylvan Plant.gif|link=]]
<span class="titulo-quest">'''Parabéns, você concluiu a quest!'''</span></br>
Para addons do outfit, confira outros spoilers:
* Addons 1 & 2: [[Ancient Aucar Outfits Quest]].
* Addons 1 & 2: [[Royal Bounacean Advisor Outfits Quest]].

Edição atual tal como às 00h34min de 16 de julho de 2023

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[[Arquivo:{{{premium}}}.png|link=]] {{{freq}}}

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